
23 February 2023

How Steve Gets Things Done (SGTD!)

I'm frequently asked how I use my A5 organiser. A picture saves 1000 words! It approximates to something like this: 

At the start of the week I find some quiet time to sit with a notebook/pocket organiser or any post-it notes I have hanging around from last week. 

I write out my notes in no particular order I just want to get them on paper whilst away from any distractions. 

From this list I add any new appointments to my Apple calendar to keep others informed of my movements! 

I also transfer the appointments and tasks from the 'Brain Dump' list to my A5 organiser. I put the tasks in the appropriate day if they have a deadline attached to them.

I copy any future reminders from Apple Reminders in to the Tasks part of my A5 organiser. This makes my organiser the centre of all activities and then I don't have to look in there and in various apps for what I should be doing, it's all in one place. I'm using the Enhanced Time Management Philofaxy insert shown in the picture. 

I journal most days about what I actually did each day, not too detailed, but enough detail to recall what I was doing, what I was reading or watching etc. 

I journal in a Quo Vadis Daily 21 bound planner, as shown in the picture above. The Daily 21 has very good paper which takes fountain pen perfectly and I archive each of these books at the end of the year.  

At the end of the week I review the week and carry forward any missed or unfinished tasks. 

During the week I will of course write in anything that pops up as needing to be done that week or in coming weeks, I don't wait until the Monday, my memory isn't that good these days. 

I realise my method and work flow might not work for everyone, thankfully it is working for me! 


  1. Is the journaling on the same page, or a different spot? Seems like an efficient way to integrate apps and paper.

    1. Journaling is done in a bound planner, a Quo Vadis Daily 21, as shown in the picture. All my planning is done in an A5 Filofax using the insert shown.

  2. Nice simple system :) but what is your fountain pen of choice?

    1. Currently that's a Parker IM with a fine nib, I got this pen late last year, I've used it every day since then.

  3. Thanks for sharing your system with images, Steve. Nice and simple approach.....usually the best way to do things...

  4. Best explanation of a system ever....
