
07 April 2023

Free for All Friday No. 752 by Nan

Does a change of season inspire you? It may inspire you to set new goals, review old notes, or, as in my case, change the color scheme of your organizer! Warmer, sunnier weather makes me want to see brighter colors and an optimistic spirit in my organizer. What's new in your organizer this season? As always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything related to ring-bound organizers!


  1. Maybe it depends where you live, as seasonal weather doesn’t change radically here in the North of England! Like most, my main organiser review is always leading up to the start of the new calendar year. However, the start of the academic year (September here) has always seen a ‘mini review’. The only change in spring, for me, is always a desire for a lighter, slimmer, more portable set-up, as I try to free myself from my desk and get out to enjoy the (slightly) better weather!

    1. I agree Tim. New calendar year and new academic year, plus, in my case, May half term. We always used to have that week as holiday with my parents, my (then) children's grandparents, which was a great week to do a mini-review

  2. I do a monthly clean out because my planner is a dumping ground for everything in my brain.

  3. Flowers! I add flower stickers and motifs to my planners when the weather is warming up. Yes, the seasons definitely have an effect on me and the vibe I want in my planners.
