
05 May 2023

Free for All Friday No. 756 by Nan

Writing letters on paper used to be the primary form of personal communication. You can still find books and movies that feature handwritten letters even now when most people communicate by video, text, or voice chat. A letter is in essence a message written on paper that's folded into an envelope and delivered to the recipient. What does this have to do with Filofaxes? Not all letters have to be delivered or sent--you can write letters to yourself to read later. And what better place to keep them than your Filofax, where can you file them by date or subject? Do you write letters to yourself? And as usual, all discussion related to ring-bound organizers is welcome!


  1. I don't so much keep my letters in my Filofax as keep my headed paper ready for a chance to pen a letter. My A5 sheets of Fabriano paper are run through my printer and tucked away between my wedding script and funeral notes. Like all of us, one pen or another is always to hand.

  2. This is a fantastic idea! I'm constantly impressed by group member imagination, and willingness to share with the group. Now what am I going to say to my older self....

  3. Yes, I have written letters to myself in the past, but I have instead written them in my journal in a notebook & set a reminder to read them later.
    Great idea, thanks!
