
16 June 2023

Free For All Friday - No. 762 by Anita

When we had some family to visit the other day, one of them noticed my Filofax sitting on my desk, alongside my smartphone, laptop and external monitor. As they know that I'm fairly IT savvy, they expressed surprise that I'm still also using a paper planner. It was quite an interesting conversation as they then realised that, whilst they also use lots of digital, they still both use paper for some things and could see the benefits of a loose-leaf organiser which is more portable. I'm not sure that either of them will convert to Filofax, but I enjoyed the discussion and it sounds like lots of people in their IT department still use paper on a regular basis. 

Have you had a discussion like this recently, and/or managed to interest someone in using a paper planner?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend. 


  1. I'm old enough to remember the exciting innovation of 100% knit polyester bedding, which promised rapid drying times and no more ironing! Felt like sleeping on sandpaper. These days we're mostly back to embracing quality natural fabrics, and even fussing about thread counts. And that's the least touchy/controversial modern innovation which was hot for 5 minutes, then erased from existence! I have no doubt that paper will find its place again over time, not least because a well-managed forest is perfectly compatible with long-term sustainability (arguably far more so than the manufacture of the current trend of short-lived smartphones).

  2. If our company IT department had taken my Cavendish, dissected it's sections, methods, processes and developed these into an online platform accessible via an ipad we would have a world beating job logging and project management system. They didn't, and I still have to carry my Cav AND a glorified email screen...

  3. I feel the same way. I'm a schoolteacher, so while I love having online software for a full featured lesson plan, there's nothing like a ring bound system for managing everything else. I keep trying to give apps like TickTick and Reminders a try, but capture and storage tends to be a hot mess, aside from the "to-read" list.
