
04 August 2023

Free For All Friday - No 769 by Steve

I'm sure I've mentioned this before. 

"Does owning an organiser, make you an organised person?"

In my opinion if you use your organiser correctly or any means of task reminder/diary even a digital one you will be a lot more organised than most. With a small amount of extra attention to detail the system will come together and you will no longer miss things during a busy week. 

I know a few very disorganised people and I shake my head in disbelief as to how they manage to get through a week! 

Of course it is Friday, finish off the working week in an orderly fashion and feel free to discuss anything Filofax related. 

Have a good weekend. 


  1. I disagree. As a person with suspected ADHD I can say that even using the bullet journal method as described by Ryder Carroll the inventer with ADHD correctly doesn't make me organised. I am not likely the only one like this. I think it helps a little when I write things down but the brain dump alone doesn't organise me. Systems and organisers aren't the complete solution for all.

    For me I have bullet journal, filofax, outlook, Google calendar and a TN or more. All used for parts of my life and attempt at getting organised.

  2. Absolutely, Not! Steve, I’ve suffered all my life with the mimicking of undiagnosed ADHD. I have to try and apply 1000% more effort than family members, classmates, friends, colleagues, etc. It still is a severe struggle for me to be organized. -Jessie

  3. I have OCD and as a woman in my early 40s I have now been told after a recent test I am also probably Autistic but I have declined to progress with the assessment. My Filofax has supported me since my lates teens staying organised and help to ease and control my OCD.
