
11 August 2023

Free For All Friday - No. 770 by Anita

Whilst clearing out some old emails the other day, I found my order confirmation for the purchase of my very first Filofax, which was bought in August 2009! I have no idea why I still had such an old email, so it got deleted straight away, but I'm glad though as it was inspiration for this Free For All Friday post.

Back in 2009, I'd never heard of Philofaxy (shocking, I know) and started looking at Filofaxes as I'd recently read David Allen's Getting Things Done book, so was looking for something suitable to house my GTD set up.

So, towards the end of August 2009, I was the proud owner of a cherry personal Classic. If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, this is what I'd say:
  • Please don't buy the Classic as it will never lie flat, and will also suffer with the known issue of bubbling/cracking of the leather coating after 10 months of gentle use. 
  • Don't buy your first one until you've spent some time on Philofaxy as it's a wonderful resource.
  • Don't sell your Kensington! I've bought and sold many binders over the years, but I've only experienced real seller's regret with the Kensington. However, thanks to Deb's kindness it made its way back to its forever home with me in 2020.
What advice would you give yourself, if you could go back in time before you purchased your first Filofax?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. Great question - I would tell my 1989 self to start collecting Filofaxs ( the year I bought my Winchester), like one a month, even though I was only a junior Graphic designer! And definitely the Winchester Crocs 😉

  2. My parents bought me my first one as a teenager many moons ago! I'd tell them personal size not pocket and definitely not zipper one.

    I bought my second, a metropol personal. Still the filofax that I'm using 4 years later. I'd go back and say, read philofaxy and ask which personal to get based on my budget. I'd also say go all in and don't buy cheap "to see whether it works for me", but buy a bid, leather, personal as your one and only filofax purchase. I had more disposable income back then so could afford better. Not so now.

  3. I don't have an advice for myself but I want to give my old self a pat on the back for choosing Kensington as my first filofax haha xd

    1. I agree with you, as the Kensington is my favourite too!
