
25 August 2023

Free for All Friday No. 772 by Nan

Do you have a summer reading list? Or (like me) a list of books that you'd love to read, but never seem to have the time?

I've been thinking of some ways I can use my Filofax to help me read books rather than just list them...
- Keep a reading log behind its own tab
- Track pages read on each daily page
- Set reading goals for each week or month 
- Take notes on what I read

Any other ideas? Of course, as always on Friday, feel free to share anything related to your ring-bound organizer!


  1. In recent years I've been reading my way through the BBCs The Big Read list. It's 100-200 of the best novels of all time. It's now slightly out of date and biased towards particular authors, but has introduced me to many good quality authors and books.
    I keep a list of wanted books for when I visit charity or 2nd hand book shops, or the library. I also write a short review of each book finished.

  2. I have a stack of books that I might get around to reading one day. I tend to find it easier to read on my Kindle these days, less eye strain!

  3. There is also a Jubillee list of books. 10 I think for each decade of the Queens reign.

  4. I've been visiting here and owning a filofax for some time but I've never thought so much about what one is best for me. I'm about to make a big change in my life as I move to a new job in a big company from a long time working in only small companies. Different culture and more demand on my organisational skills are expected. I think I need a change in my planner to match my needs. I'm sure there's people on here with more knowledge and experience that could recommend better options. Any assistance gratefully received.

    I'm currently using an A5 bound notebook for work and a filofax metropol in personal size as an important information store plus on n and off diary. I've never felt comfortable at my current workplace to have anything other than a bound notebook due to the culture at the place.

    I'm thinking going full bore with a decent filofax or other ring based planner possibly in another size might be a good option. It means business I think even now. I will be carrying it probably in a waterproof rucksack so I think A5 not A4. However I don't find writing on the wrong side of the rings easy with the personal size.

    Any advice on size, make and model? Also, what inserts would you recommend?

    PS I believe I have ADHD combined and am awaiting a diagnosis. So I need something ti help with being organised. My old job things are less demanding in this way than I expect my new role to be. Can't mess things up due to poor organisation.

  5. I've also printed out The Big Read List before & had a copy in my Filofax. I go through stages of keeping a reading list as well, but more often I just put the books together, so I don't need a list as the books themselves remind me. I also like taking notes from some non-fiction that I read sometimes.
