
01 December 2023

Free For All Friday - No. 786 by Anita

When I visited my Mum-in-law the other weekend, I saw a planner in the wild, which was a nice surprise. Due to an unexpected visit from a neighbour, I ended up sitting in the kitchen with their daughter and when she reached into her bag, I was expecting her to retrieve her phone. I was quite delighted when she instead retrieved a well-worn Louis Vutton agenda! 

We had a lovely chat about planners and she said that it used to belong to her Mum, and she asked if she could have it as it had been abandoned in the back of a cupboard years ago. It was only afterwards that I thought that I could've asked to take some photos, but it was very similar to the one shown in this post by Janet. 

 Have you seen any planners in the wild recently? 

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Started a new job a month ago and going from a small to a big company had been a culture shock in many ways. Not least that I'm in a place that has people who use filofaxes.

    I was in a training session with another new team member being shown what one team is about and their part of system. The guy presenting had what looked like a personal sized filofax. It kind of looked bigger than my metropol in personal size.

    Then last week I was on a training course with a fanatical filofax user / stationery fan.

    Coming from a company that issued A4 day to a page diaries for planning without anyone using proper planning systems. Well I was kind of beginning to think actual users were limited to the very few on social media blogs and vlogs. Good ti be starting to see them in the wild!
