
15 December 2023

Free for All Friday No. 788 by Nan

 How do you punch? I'm not talking about fighting! How do you use your hole punch? 

For example, I like to punch ring holes in a pretty greeting card or postcard that I've received and keep it in my organizer as a nice reminder. 

When I get my new printer for Christmas, I plan to print some photos that are currently hidden deep within my smartphone and use them the same way. What good is a picture if you never see it?

As always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything related to your ring-bound organizer! 


  1. That sounds like a Wonderful idea! Do you laminate your cards or protect them in some manner? I carry pictures of my niece and a newspaper clipping of her in dance school. I use the A5 FF envelope. Brings me so much joy!! -Jessie

    1. Hi, I usually don't laminate them. But I would do so if I intended to use it as a cover or divider.

  2. Hi I got my raspberry A4 Finsbury out of storage this weekend and found that I have a one inch long blue biro mark on the front cover....disaster! It's a thin line but visible and I feel pained each time I see it. Does anyone have any advice on how to gently remove it without causing more damage? Thanks in advance. Lucy

    1. Surgical spirit on a cotton bud might get it out, but there is certainly a risk of affecting the original leather finish. Older marks tend to be harder if not impossible to get rid of unfortunately.

  3. My husband always gives me lovely cards, so I keep the best ones to use as a dashboard for my Filofax, or to use as a bookmark. I also have some postcards that belonged to my Mum, so I'm considering how to use those as well.
