
25 January 2024

Are the numbers of Filofax users increasing?

Before I go any further I have no hard data to prove my thoughts either way!!

Filofax themselves will not doubt have data based on their own product sales. However, they aren't the only source of organisers or planner products these days, it's a much larger market than it was say 10 years ago, but may be not as big as 40 years ago (that would be the 1980's!) 

Mobile phones are mainly sold on the performance of their cameras or battery life and to a point the market has plateaued with new phones being not that much of an improvement over the previous years model. 

We don't see phone manufacturers boasting about how their new gizmo will improve your productivity! Apple recently added a Journal app to their iPhone operating system, but not the iPad operating system which I think is a mistake. I've not even attempted to use it though. I much prefer my untidy writing in my paper journal with my fountain pen!

Yes I'm sure we all use digital calendars and reminder apps, I do, but I rarely have them open on the screen for very long! My A5 though is always open on my desk next to me, so I can quickly glance at it to see what I am supposed to be doing etc. 

I personally think that the number of users might be increasing, not massively. Looking at the responses to questions on Facebook Groups from new member applications to join the groups, I see a lot of people stating how they used one xx years ago and they are returning to using one this year or last year and have then discovered the internet community. 

Welcome to all our new Filofax and returning users. 


  1. Yep, sounds about right. Lets hope Filofax might bring back some of the smaller ones back to the market, but from what I can see, bigger ring mechanism equals better. On the other hand, I do see quite a lot of new e-ink devices which are very tempting and many Filofax-Paper based people are turning into these (at least among my friends) . Those are not the iPhone iPad competitors, but offer rather eye pleasing and writing experience devices which are pleasure to use. The e-ink devices made quite a big leap in terms of easy of use and speed. Time will tell.

  2. I hope Filofax doesn't lose sight of the male part of the market. But a look at their homepage makes me feel the opposite.

    1. Couldn't agree more. But all the time YouTube is awash with Plan With Me videos toting brightly coloured sticker-plastered binders the odds are lengthening.

      I'm minded to start a counter-offensive and get together some male planner users (plus ladies not addicted yo the lure of washing tape) and put some proper planning blog posts and videos out there. Any takers?

    2. Would love that. It is now to the point that I have quit trying to find any useful content on YT. It's filled with, well, contents that do not reflect the way I want to use my planner ;)

    3. Same here, I'm a lady who finds the emphasis on form over function a real snoozefest. Shoes, handbags, that's a different story! But I like my planning to be streamlined and functional, and more method- than product-oriented.

      Gentlemen seem to default more to this style, but they can be difficult to find in an increasing ocean of washi tape, stickers, and haul/destashing cycles, so yes please for more of that. :)

    4. Yes please! I like a brightly coloured binder but the purpose of my planner is to plan. I'd really appreciate some ideas on how to actually make my planner useful, rather than decorative.

    5. Hi Wendy. This sounds like a cue for a series on general planning strategies. Steve, would this be of interest or does it not really fall within the remit of Philofaxy?

    6. Definitely fits in with our remit! We include plenty of general planning posts in Web Finds most weeks.

      It's not just about organisers, but getting the most from them too.

  3. I entered the fold of being a Filofax user last year, after being overwhelmed using digital solutions. Have an A5 "Dashboard" in front of me at work every day has been brilliant. I use the Franklin method in a A5 Finsbury that has worked well for me. Become an addiction though - I have 10 Filofaxes of various sizes now. Harder to keep finding different ones though living in Australia - currency and shipping costs make the ones popping up in England and the US too expensive. I think there are a few people (especially in my Gen X bracket) that have started to wind back digital life into analogue again. Will be interesting to see the usage amongst younger age groups.

  4. The New York Times had an article last November about a recent uptick in bound-planner usage. "Liberty...has seen a 22 percent increase in sales of [planners] in the past 18 months" according to a buyer. Also, luxury companies find their offerings are a nice gateway drug for people who can't afford an entire couture dress. They get a notebook instead.

    The buyer continues, "Gen Zers in their 20s and young Millennials are now the big buyers of bound datebooks, using them...'much more as a lifestyle tracker' or self-care journal than as places to record appointments."

    The article briefly mentions Filofax, as well as Leathersmith, Aspinal, Smythson, and has a good quote from Simon Burstein, owner of Charfleet: “When I write things down, I remember them better than when I do it on the computer.”

    And if bound datebooks are seeing a renaissance, can ring planners really be far behind?
