
18 January 2024

Changing Your Set Up?

As we approach the end of the first month of the New Year, I'm sure a lot of you are either using the same set up that you did last year.... why change something that works. 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' as the famous saying goes....

I'm sure there are quite a few readers that have tried out a variation on last years set up or a completely new set up compared to last year.

My own set up is largely unchanged, but I'm always looking to improve it, a small tweak here or there to improve various aspects of it.

It goes without saying that there is no universal set up that will work for everyone. We all lead different lives and we all put different demands on our organisers on a daily basis. What suits one person will not suit some one else.

So I'm not going to attempt convince you to go big rings or go small rings, or A5, Personal or Pocket. There are so many variations to this common problem.....

So if your set up is working well... leave it... don't change it just on a whim. But in the case of someone who is new to paper planning or their circumstances have changed and whilst you thought it was the perfect set up it might not be working quite as you expected.

By all means change your set up in what ever way you need to to make it work..... but a word of caution.... don't make too many changes at once.

Only change one thing at a time and give it may be two weeks before you decide if that change (what ever it was) is going to make your organiser work for you.

By making your changes one step at a time you will understand the problems better and the set up will stand the test of time unless your circumstances change of course.....


  1. Excellent advice Steve! I love that my Filofax gives me the opportunity to experiment with pages (especially when I can print and punch pages to try in my Filofax immediately). It saves me from spending time (and money) setting up a whole new planner/ notebook, only to find it doesn't work for me. In my Filofax I can change just one element at a time. And when my life changes (as it frequently does) I can change my Filofax pages as needed! The free Philofaxy printables are so helpful for this as well. Thank you for all your excellent work making these available to everyone!

  2. Great call about setup, Steve.

    I'm interested to reflect some more on a 'Weekly Objectives' page I keep to capture both recurring, daily activities and one-off items, which don't need to clutter up my daily lists, or where the specific tasks become clear as a week progresses.

    I suspect, more than anything, it just feels a little 'stale' as I've been using it for a number of years now. So, I'll give some thought I how I can make some tweaks rather than wholesale change, so I can review it every couple of weeks. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Caroline Pintar20 January, 2024 08:28

    Your blog is invaluable for filo inspo! My mini, personal and A5 Malden set ups will remain as is - no tweaks necessary. The pocket is used for finances but I’ve struggled to get the full potential out of it so it’s a work in progress. Any advice from commenters on Filofax finance planning set ups would be gratefully received!

    In the meantime my four Filofax lifestyle will be expanding to five - I’ve got my eye on a nice Malden zip on eBay. This is a great time of year to buy leather Filofaxes because all those unwanted Crimbo pressies get listed. I’ve recently started learning about the philosophy of stoicism and journaling plays a big part and I thought a zipped Filofax will keep all my thoughts and secrets secure! I’m looking forward to experimenting with layouts for this one :)

  4. Just bought a Holborn personal, transferring across from my personal which was a mess. Thought I'd tidy it up but can't find a tidy setup. I've got the standard 6 numbered dividers and the section dividers with notes, diary etc. So I've put year pull put then monthly tabs and day to a page 3 months after that. Then notes followed by projects with the 6 numbered dividers. Then info, financial and one more.

    All in all it's a mess! Does anyone have main and secondary sections? I wonder if you can get top tabs? If you can I'd go for diary, notes, projects, information and contacts at the top with months, numbers, etc subdivisions on the side within the top divisions.

    Does anyone else have two levels of divisions and how do you cope with it?

    Imho a new year, new job / work change or new filofax are all good times for a review of setup.
