
08 March 2024

Free for All Friday No, 800 by Nan

There are so many factors that go into deciding which organizer to choose. Some of the big ones are:

1) Portability. Do you need to carry your organizer everywhere? How important is the size of what you carry? 

2) Number. Do you need to keep everything in one book to prevent information or tasks from getting lost? (This is me!)

3) Durability. Does your organizer take a beating? How sturdy do you need it to be? 

4) Volume. Do you take a lot of notes and need a large page size? Do you need your organizer to have a lot of room for expansion?

You can use the questions above to inspire your comments, or discuss anything and everything ring-bound organizer related!


  1. B6 is my preferred size. It fits in 90% of the bags I own. It's not only my planner, but notebook as well. I do have other B6 size notebooks around my house so I can jot stuff down if I don't feel like getting my planner. Then I just transfer the pages into my planner. I like my planner covers to be durable since they go everywhere with me and need to take a beating. I do take a lot of notes. Depending on what I'm working on, sometimes I will size up to a full size sheet of paper, but that can always be folded and added to my planner.

    1. B6 size. Is that a size from another make? I thought only A5 and A4 DIN /ISO sizes are sold in filofax range.

  2. It's qualitative for me - does the form of it make me WANT to use it, over many other options?..

  3. Franklin covey compact or a6

    Filofax themselves are rubbish quality these days, I live just near the factory and my partner used to work there, they are treated like slaves. Products are just thrown about and the staff sack people just for being ill. Terrible company to work for, dunno if things have changed now Gordon has left.

  4. I recently discovered FC pocket (a6) and I am finally using my planner on a regular basis. It's portable, big enough to write meaningful notes, and had the rings I've loved for years; I struggle with bound notebooks now. FC pocket papers are cruelly hard to purchase in Australia (I have to pay exorbitant international post to get them), but it's worth the effort.
    Portability and page size are the big ones for me. At work I keep a Slimline A5 on my desk, and it slips in my bag fairly well if I need it in the run.
