
22 March 2024

Free For All Friday - No. 802 by Anita

Whilst making a cuppa the other day, I started thinking about all of the things that I need to do and consequently started to feel a little overwhelmed... Rather than getting straight back to work, I decided to get a snack and give myself a little Filofax break, which never fails to help. 

If I feel a bit overwhelmed, this is my current go-to mini review:

  • Grab a lined insert and do a brain dump (also called a mind sweep).
  • Go to the projects section of my Filofax, and have a look through to check if all projects have a clear action that I am able to do. Choose one to do and break this into smaller tasks, if needed.
  • Check my calendar to remind myself of any upcoming events that might need preparation.
  • Quickly scan through the brain dump to identify either the most important tasks, or ones that might help the most with my current overwhelmed feeling.
  • Choose five as a maximum and pop them onto a post-it note on one of my larger page markers.  

On that particular day, this took me less than 10 minutes and I was feeling much better once it was completed. 

Do you do mini reviews like this, and if so, would you like to share them with us? 

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. I take breaks to look ahead in my works outlook calendar and make sure my two working filofaxes match it. These mini reviews reassure me to some degree. I also write notes on ways forward with tasks I've got at work.

    1. I realised a good number of years back that I could only function with one calendar (and one planner). Hopefully one day I won't have to keep reminding myself!

  2. I do this sort of thing at least once a week. I like my organiser to be the focal point of my daily/weekly organisation. So all my appointments and all my tasks, no matter where they have come from, they all go in to the organiser.

  3. Same here. Lately I've tried to cut down on my mini reviews by cultivating a habit of adding things to my planner as soon as they occur to me, even if it's just to my 'planner inbox' section. Even incoming emails, if they need an action, get noted in my inbox and the email marked as read. That way I'm not using my inboxes as in trays or to do lists, and I maintain inbox zero - or at leat inbox all read!

  4. Late question having seen the Sunday Post. How would you compare other 6 ring folders against filofax ones? Are they more basic or complex? Do some have the similar number of pockets or just a plain folder like the filofax heritage? Which brands are equivalent and similar n prices n new /- used? Which are overpriced luxury fashion brands? Which are workhorses? I've never really looked at them except perhaps VDS or galen. They seem a lot more expensive than filofax to me.
