
17 May 2024

Free For All Friday - No. 810 by Anita

When I went to visit a relative last weekend, she mentioned that the recent changeable weather in the UK had left her feeling a bit unsettled and out of sorts. For some reason, this got me thinking about how I think I can go through different seasons or phases with my Filofax, and how that can affect me. I admit that sometimes I can pick my Kensington up and have a kinda 'urgh' feeling! I then take some time to figure out why, as sometimes it might just mean that I need to do a mini review, maybe something needs tweaking, or it's nothing to do with planning at all, and I might just need to have a couple of days off work. 

From time to time, I have short periods where I don't use a Filofax at all (shocking, I know), and will instead use a pocket Raydori that Ray kindly gifted to me. When I do return to a ringbound organiser, I tend to find that the change has helped renew my enthusiasm and given me maybe a different idea of how to make it work better for me right now.

Most of the time, I'm just using my Kensington and feeling quite content, but recently I've had this growing feeling, kinda like I'm restless and feel like I want a change. For me personally, that's more unusual as I'm definitely a creature of habit and I rarely change my set up. So, I'm considering adding something new, and/or also possibly putting together a different set up in a second binder to try out (posts to come).

Do you find that you have different seasons or phases with your organiser like this, and if so, how are you getting on currently? 

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. Whilst I don't use a Filofax as an organiser, I do have a history of using an organiser; a Psion 3A/MX. And, whilst browsing eBay for vintage Filofaxes (yes, it's got to that point...), I realised that many of them looked like the lovely leather case I have for my venerable Psion 3A/MX.

    So I took a tape measure to my Psion cover. 171mm x 95mm. Yes; exactly the size of Personal paper...

    Coincidence...? I think not.

    I still use my Psion as an air-gapped, secure password repository. It still mostly works, apart from a few lines at the bottom of the screen, and the button bar. There's no name on the case, but it's high quality, and now has the lovely patina of well-used leather. I can't remember where I got it; either given to me, or when purchasing a secondhand Psion.

  2. Not really a seasonal thing, but now that I'm in the hospital, my Filo is an incredibly loyal helper. With my medication list, my health insurance card, notes on diagnoses, addresses and so much more in it... that makes me grow fonder of my Filo even more. So for me it's "yes" to other Filofax models (at the moment I'm in my "Finsbury"), but "no" to non-ring-bound planner solutions ;-)

  3. When I experience anxiety or feel blah about my Filofax I do few things: 1) review the past & current months for items that may have fallen through the cracks. 2) archive pages, swap out binders, charm(s), pen(s). 3) sporadically, decorate with eye-candy: stickers/thin washi tape. Just to get me to look at the beautiful pages to frequently review the goal(s)/appt(s).
