
21 June 2024

Free For All Friday No 815 by Laurie

Do you use a particular time management system in your Filofax such as GTD, Franklin Planner, etc.? 

I've read about and tried so many systems over the years, but none of them work for me as they are. However I have incorporated aspects of many into my own system. 

If you look at a lot of time management systems, many have similar aspects: prioritisation of tasks, scheduling events while leaving yourself enough time to accomplish tasks, batching similar tasks, and more.

What time management systems or components do you use?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/ or discuss anything ring binder organiser related!


  1. Hi Kevin
    Mulberry made some like your idea, see this post:

  2. Aha! I thought someone would _surely_ have got there before me... In my prototype, the halves overlap much more; those Mulberry ones have a distinct 'step' between each half that I don't like, for a reason I cannot justify rationally at the moment; just 'looks wrong'...

  3. Hi, 2 days ago I got my first Filofax, A5 Meadow.... the first title page with foil had a code sticker on it which I could not remove easily....not nice rests of sticker stayed on the foil...☹️ how to clean it without demaging the foil? Why was the sticker placed there when it is not possible to remove it??...the titel page is so important, nobody wants stupid rests of sticker on the first page of a new expensive diary...thanks Marcela

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. WD40 but be careful!

  6. I've tried Getting Things Done, Flylady, and Franklin Planner, but simple prioritization of tasks is what I always come back to. I've also borrowed the Franklin concept for using 2 pages per day and keeping notes on the day I took them, then indexing the notes at the end of the month. I currently print my own diaries.
