
28 June 2024

Free for All Friday No. 816 by Nan

 As the saying goes, you learn something new every day! Recently I learned a new way to define how people prefer to handle information: high context and low context

For example, I happen to be very high context. I retain information better when I can put it in a greater context. Hence, I tend to write more surrounding details in my organizer. For example, I forget what "Lunch with Gary" means after a few weeks or even days. So, I write the name of the restaurant and a few words about what Gary and I talked about, maybe even what we ate, which helps me meaningfully recall the event later. 

For low-context people, these details might be distracting and confusing. All they need is simple, clear facts. 

Is your organizer full of context, or as succinct as possible? 

As always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything else related to your ring-bound organizer!

1 comment:

  1. I would say mine is fairly low-context, but now that you mention it, it should probably be higher. Especially as I age. Hmmm...
