
26 July 2024

Free for All Friday No. 820 by Nan

 When you're busy, do you use your organizer more or less? Usually, I use my organizer more when I have more to organize...up to a point. When, for example, I have a big work deadline or an urgent all-consuming project, I put all of my focus on that project and stop writing. 

Then, in the aftermath, I try to write a summary in my organizer, which is an A5 Filofax. It's an interesting pattern. Do you do this?

Of course, since it's Friday, feel free to discuss anything else related to your favorite ring-bound organizer! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do this at times. To counter this tendency, I try to do a lot of “pre-planning” and list making before my busiest times and try to refer to my planner at the start and end of my day at minimum. I’ll also go back and recap after the project or event is complete. I am responsible for a number of recurring annual events/projects - my future self appreciates when I update project and task lists that I can then use as a springboard in future years.
