
09 July 2024

Free For All Tuesday - No. 701

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment. 

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.

If you are commenting below, please include your first name at the end of the comment. Thank you. 


  1. Do you guys get a feeling of ennui with your filofax system? How do you get past it? Take a break or just redesign the system?

  2. Yes, I get that feeling of ennui! For me, it’s at least in part down to using electronic collaborative task management for work projects, which has only accelerated with hybrid working. This takes me away from the David Allen idea of operating a single trusted system, with the result that maintaining a Filofax can begin to feel like extra work. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, I have just ordered a new binder, which I hope will revive my interest and provide an impetus to refresh my system and reengage with it more actively. I have already begun weeding out and rejigging, so it will be work-in-progress whenever the new piece arrives from Japan. I don’t know if anyone here has experience with the Ashford brand (I don’t), but that is what I’ve ordered.

    1. I don’t think Ashford will disappoint you Gerard

    2. Thanks, Max - I have high hopes!

  3. I did a reedesign of my setup in both A5 and personal. The bigger ringed A5 it kind of works but the personal just feels cluttered and without much valued content. Basically I have gone all logical. Diary, Notes, Information (contacts and passwords mostly) and projects. All in all it just cluttered and doesn't really work.

    Those sections I use bottom tabs to separate. Then the projects use side tabs to separate. I then use page ruler markers with the bottom tab part cut off to mark today in the diary section and the last general notes page (first blank one) to access quick notes. It is simple and can work just looks cluttered and a mess. Doesn't work for me hence ennui.

    1. My setup had also become stale, so for me it’s a case of clearing out the accumulated low-value content and reintroducing a weekly review time slot to keep everything fresh.
