
20 August 2024

Free For All Tuesday - No. 707

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment. 

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.

If you are commenting below, please include your first name at the end of the comment. Thank you. 


  1. The following observation harks back to recent posts about using different diary views to cover near, mid & far planning (e.g. Do2P for a month, Wo1P for 3 months, Yo6P, etc).

    For various reasons, I still use my old Psion 3mx (though not for planning). But I managed to let its batteries die, so I had to restore it. This proved tedious (XP machine, broken data cable, etc). In the process of debugging, I also restored my Psion 5mx and Revo. So now I have three working Psions. And that got me playing with the Agenda program on them, which reminded me how much I liked it, and still much prefer it to Android's Calendar.

    Now Agenda has three views; Day view, Week view and Year view. The entries automatically 'transfer' between each of these views (the year view only shows Anniversaries), since they use the same database. So this is essentially the same concept as using multiple Diary type pages for near, mid & far. Only it requires no transferring of information.

    A bit heretical to mention an electronic organiser here, perhaps, but it shows that the same concept of diary use applies to both paper & electronic diaries. And the Agenda program on all three presents a view with pages, rings & even the spine mechanism & tabs... Oh, and the Psion 3 is almost exactly the same size as a Personal Filofax...

    Another way to think about the diary space presented is that events in the next week are very close, and appear large. Events in the distant future are far away, so are small. "Now Dougal, these cows are small; those cows are far away. Small... far away..."


  2. Hello Kevin! You describe the great advantage of electronic planners. Different perspectives can be displayed with just one entry for an appointment. I try to combine different inserts in my filofax but there is always the risk that an appointment will not be transferred and gets lost. Now at least that's my concern...

  3. Of course, Steve has been here before...


    1. Oh yes... been there, done that, got the T-shirt!!

      Another bit of electronics you might want to hunt down is Lotus Organizer (Sorry US spelling!) that too has an agenda/diary that looks like a Filofax! I doubt if it syncs with many things these days. But I did manage to install it on Windows 11 and it runs! I've not tried any sync operations with it though.
      Version 6.1 I think was the last version available unlike early versions it does go beyond 2000 without issues.
      As usual my curiosity for these things takes over before there is a valid reason for doing it!
