
05 September 2024

Guest post series - 'Filohax' No. 13 - Paul

Thanks very much again to Paul for this thirteenth instalment of his wonderful guest post series.
You can find all of the 'Filohax' posts here.  

Argyll C2CLF 7/8

This was a snap eBay purchase, after seeing it in an auction but with a very reasonable 'or buy now' price, which I quickly secured. I always try to find out my new purchases' history and this one was purchased in probably 1995 as a present for the then deputy headmaster of a secondary school. It arrived with me with Filofax printer paper (but no software) as the owner used to print off a shared diary. 

The binder had sat in a drawer since the mid 2000s, so my first impression on unpacking it was that it was a bit dowdy and quite dry looking. After addressing this, I realised that the down at heel looking two pocketed Filofax was in fact a very attractive patinaed Argyll (according to Filowiki an Argyll is a two pocket Filofax made of Calf leather). The first C of the C2CLF 7/8 designation apparently stands for 'custom', although I'm not sure in what way it was customised? 

The binder had obviously been well used as it has perfect flatability, and as this model doesn't have ring protectors their impressions are clearly visible on the front cover. I never thought I would say this, but I prefer my new Argyll even more than my trusty Winchesters - specifically due to this feature. There's something very attractive to me in being able to see the impressions of the rings through the leather, I think it's a 'form following function' thing. 

One thing that nearly made me pass on the purchase was its burgundy colour. I've never liked the look of burgundy binders in photographs, but there was something about this binder's patina that made me take a chance (that and it was going for a 'bobby' - cockney slang), but after its clean, feed and polish its well worn and darkened from use leather has really opened my mind to this colour, it's very 'vintage'! Also, it has the advantage of having its fastener popper missing - my personal preference, as it contributes to the lived in look I like. 

It's only a very minor criticism of this model, but at 9mm taller than the Winchester model, its profile is slightly too 'upright' looking for my liking! This is made up for however in spades by its fabulously textured calf leather, accentuated by the prominent ring impressions which imbue it with a well loved character. 

The limit of just two pockets would limit its use to me as an EDC (I need pockets with ring protectors, or better still zips to contain the random items I carry in mine, but as I will be putting it to work housing one of the four chapters in my 'whole life in a Filofax' project, this won't matter). 

All in all this is a quintessential English made Filofax which exudes vintage charm.




  1. That does look nice. Seems to be similar age to the 3CL I found recently, and suffering some of the same spine cracking. The inner also seems to use the same 'leathercloth' stuff, although hasn't yet fractured around the spine/mechanism. Let's hope it never does.


  2. Great find for an apple (core)!

  3. Thanks for the post Paul. I’m also a fan of this style.
    The first “C” in the model designation remains a puzzle though.
    I’ve seen quite a few examples now, with no obvious distinguishing feature vs. those saying just 2CLF, so “custom” seems rather implausible.

  4. I have the same kind—also missing its snap-button cover. I was so sad when it fell off. Glad I wasn’t the only one it happened to!
