
16 January 2025

Finding a lost Filofax?

No I've not lost one, sorry for the 'click-bait' title!!

I recently came across an advert for a 'gadget' that would help with finding a lost organiser or wallet. 

A credit card size tag that works with Apple Find My. Once linked to your Apple account, the tag appears in the app along with your other Apple AirTags which I have on my keys, bags etc.

 The advantage of this credit card size one  is that it is much thinner (2.5mm) than an Apple AirTag (8mm) and this one is rechargeable, compared to other similar credit card tags are not rechargeable. 

I saw the card advertised on Instagram and available via Action, a budget chain of shops here in France. A quick visit to my local store and I was able to pick up a couple of them for €11.95 each (About £10) 

Once charged and linked to my account I've tucked it in to one of the pockets on my current in use organiser. 

Yes this one has changed colour, my wife liked the off-white one for her wallet, so I did a swap! 

Have you ever lost a Filofax? And hopefully found it again? 


  1. Am already a fan of using such devices as you know but I do like the price point on this one. I have air tags and find my devices on bags, coats, keys and several Filofax.

  2. That's a cool idea!

  3. That looks useful. Can’t find it so far in UK and (sadly) it looks (from its website) that it isn’t a current Fresh n’Rebel product.
