
27 October 2006

Sharing the Love

I got a nice surprise in my email box the other day -- a photo from Philofaxy reader Kevin Hall of his gorgeous 1986 vintage pigskin, made-in-England Filofax. With Kevin's kind permission, I'm sharing it with you here.

Going through the process of asking Kevin's permission and then uploading the picture to this blog also helped me make up my mind about something I've been thinking about for a few days -- starting a Philofaxy Flickr group. We Philofaxers need a straightforward, informal way to share pictures like this with each other. Flickr is the obvious choice.

So let's see those pics! To use Flickr, you must do the following:

- Take a digital picture (or take a regular picture and scan it to make a digital image).

- Go to http:/// and sign up for a free Flickr account. (I know, none of us needs yet another user name and password to remember, but if you have a Yahoo ID, you can also use that on Flickr.)

- Upload your pictures to your Flickr account.

- Join the Philofaxy Flickr group (click the Groups menu), and add the pictures to the group pool (click the Add to Group button above the picture).

Here's a direct link to the Philofaxy Flickr group.

Questions? Email me at the address in my Blogger profile.


  1. Ha ha! Made ya look! LOL!

    I just wanted to add that I just started the Flickr group last night, and someone's already added a beautiful picture of an Ascot Filofax. Go check it out!

  2. I too, have a vintage Filofax. Mine is black leather marked "The British Filofax System" Made in England. It must be from the early '8os as I recall. I use it all the time. I enjoy your site. Thanks Jim.

  3. It's wonderful how those vintage ones last! Have you had to make any repairs to it?

    Please share a photo with us on Flickr, if you feel so inclined!
