
17 October 2009

Famous Filofax Users?

Do you know any famous people or celebs that are Filofax users? I was triggered by the 'Filofax sightings' post.

I don't know of any one specific... but I can imagine a few likely candidates... may be Sheryl Crow the singer for writing down her wonderful lyrics for songs as they come in to her head.

Who do you think is or might have been a Filofax user?



  1. I read somewhere that Diane Keatan is a Filofax fan and that even Filofax named a key chain for her - "DK key chain"

  2. I read that Stephen Spielberg and Woody Allen are Filofax addicts.

  3. Sir Terence Conran, noted English designer, restaurateur, retailer and writer. During an interview, he was asked...

    Q: What are your top 10 designs of all time?
    A: It’s impossible to give a definitive list, but a healthy top 10 might include…

    • Concorde - the one plane that everyone seems to love and admire.
    • The VW Beetle - along with the Mini, a car with character that crosses age, class and other barriers to appeal to anyone with a sense of fun.
    • The pint milk bottle - environmentally friendly, unassuming, and easy to use; who enjoys fumbling with a tetrapack carton or wants one standing on the kitchen table?
    • The paperclip - so brilliantly simple that we take it for granted.
    • Ronchamps by Le Corbusier - one of the most breath-taking buildings in the world; a chapel of light that takes your breath away.
    • The cantilever chair - a design variously credited to Marcel Breuer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and the Dutch architect, Mart Stam, it’s one of the best-known mass-production chairs of the 20th century.
    • The BBC2 station idents - quirky, witty and distinctive, they make you sit up and take note, and they enforce the channels’ reputation for having slightly maverick intelligence and programming.
    • The anglepoise lamp - the original task lamp, and still one of the best.
    The Filofax - I like the way the leather ages and matures, so that the case becomes a sort of friend; and it holds so much in its nooks and crannies and hastily scribbled notes. I’m sure that electronic notebooks hold far more information far more efficiently, but it’s hard to imagine an emotional attachment.
    • Monsieur Bibendum, the Michelin Man - one of the most instantly recognisable ‘brand mascots’ in the world, and an absolutely ingenious way of marketing a tyre company.

  4. I've also heard about Diane Keaton carrying a Filofax everywhere, even on the red carpet and the dance floor.

    I remember reading about a model using one -- maybe Naomi Campbell. She buys a new one every year and copies all her information in, instead of buying refills.
