
16 October 2009

Free for All Friday No. 48

It's growing a little cold in some places.

Do you use your Filofax to help deal with the change in climate -- when to flush your boiler or swap your winter clothes?

I'm using mine to schedule an appointment to have the boiler serviced...otherwise, it's getting pretty cold around here!


  1. Hi Nan, I'm on Long Island and I am freezing here. Last night I drove home in the rain and I couldn't pour myself a glass of red wine and light some candles fast enough!! I've got a list of to do's in my filo for the cold weather - new screens for windows, get button on winter coat fixed, etc. So nice to see you post. You've been MIA since I started commenting her after finding you all. Two weeks ago I spent the weekend reading up on all the old posts (not comments) since this blog originated. I am thrilled I've found a bunch of people who love their filos as muh as I do!

  2. Hi Michele
    Yes I did the same as you a few months ago, before I became a contributor on here and worked my way gradually through all the posts and comments... took me a few days. It's an excellent read and I picked up several tips that I kept a record of.

    I need to go back through the old posts again some time and add 'labels' to them so it is easier to find all the posts with the same topic. But the Google Search will find them as well as long as you use the correct key words etc.

    The last couple of weeks I've been getting home just as the sun is starting to set, so I end up having to close the curtains in my office, but only for about 30-45 mins then I open them again for about the same before it goes completely dark.

    Tonight is the first night I've noticed our heating come on. It's been coming on in the morning briefly for a few days now. So Autumn is definitely with us.

    Half way through October. I turned the page to next week... and I can now see 1 November at the bottom of the next page of my diary. Get your preferred refills ordered soon... Got mine ;-)

  3. Uh oh...the boiler..
    Here we have a gas boiler, and it's been sort of broken since the beginning of the year...we haven't got it fixed because it is very expensive. Thing is, we managed to still use it, especially once it got warm because the water isn't cold in the summer. But now that it's getting colder, the water is also colder. And we won't be able to get it fixed because we are currently in a very bad situation, moneywise. I'm just hoping it won't stop working completely or else we'll have to shower with VERY cold water :S

  4. I bought my 2010 refills a few weekends ago. I really like The Preference Collection ( Page a Day format-- I've used it for years. The Filofax page a day layout really doesn't do it for me, I find Preference to work the best.

    Here in So. Cal, we had the usual mid-October one-off storm earlier in the week and now we're back to hot and sunny til Thanksgiving. When the clouds rolled in last weekend, I added "turn wardrobe" to my to-do list and listed my must have items for Fall as well as my tried and true favorites on a few pages in the Projects section of my Finchley.
