
22 May 2010

Reader question: 6-hole punch for A5 pages

Hi everybody,

A reader contacted me to ask if there is any other brand of 6-hole punch besides the Filofax brand that will punch holes in A5 paper to fit Filofax binders? I don't know of any, but I figured if it exists somebody here will know about it!

Thanks for any information.


  1. whsmith, a stationary store in the uk (don't know if they are anywhere else in the world) make their own filofax compatible refills, and i know they make a portable personal sized punch. i can't find an a5 version on their website, but it might be a good place to start.

  2. WHSmiths do an A5 portable punch that fits the Filofax binders but they have an extra two holes.

    An alternative that I use is the personal size punch but I punch the paper twice.

  3. TimeSystem has a punch for A5, same holes as Filofax A5. Good price too, $25.99US right now.

  4. Thank you everyone for this information! :)

  5. Thanks Jess, Income Adviser,plaiditude and Laurie. You´re all very kind. Cheers -

  6. This is just what I'm after too for my A5 - but shipping to the UK is $99 eek! I have the WHSmith portable one but it's only really good one page at a time - if anyone finds a good one in the UK please let me know!

  7. Hi Cathryn, you'd be much better off buying the Filofax A5 metal hole punch than spending that kind of money ordering from overseas. I've never used one but from what I hear it punches several pages at once. It goes for 34.25 pounds on the Filofax UK website.

  8. I actually bought an A5 punch from *hush*ebay*hush* - very inexpensive - plastic and it won't punch more than 2 pages in one go but it works :)

  9. @Cathryn I'd be suspicious about that transaction anyway - NO WAY does a hole punch cost $99 to send - even if it was coming from Australia.

    1. unfortunatly in australia there is so little for filofaxs

  10. Rapesco sell a 6 hole punch .. the model is 66-p I think .. it allows you to adjustthe spacing between the two sets of 3 rings .. not perfect for A5 - you would have to punch the paper once, turn over and punch again, but it can be bought for as little as £10 GBP - if you do your research - the native holes spacing is ideal for min and pocket sizes, hope this all helps.

  11. Hi,
    If you're in the EU you can buy from
    I bought one from them and I'm very happy with it.

  12. t & Rubbishbin - thank you very much indeed!

  13. T See my review of the Rapseco punch here:

    It is for Personal and Pocket size only....

  14. I would certainly recommend the 6 Hole from for anyone with an A5 Filofax! Their service is exceptional.

  15. I would certainly recommend purcahse of the 6 hole puncher from for anyone with an A5 Filofax.

    I was very impressed with their service.

  16. Does filofax have some kind of patent on the spacing of their holes? It seems ridiculous to me that no company has thought to capitalize on this lucrative market of frustrated filofax owners who just want to fill their organisers with custom templates. I love my filofax, but the high cost of refills inhibits my my workflow, as I unconsciously resist writing anything that may later be deemed junk. More than anything I just wanna dump the contents of my mind cheaply. I paid the whopping £35 asking price for the infamous A5 filofax hole punch & I feel ripped off! I want to be productive, persuing my agenda, creating & completing projects & all that good stuff, not spending my time laboriously punching my paper in small increments! Manufacturers please come to our rescue!!

  17. Chris
    Other punches are available.


  18. OK - have I got this straight? So all of us in the 'A5 club' require the 'KWtrio 9170' that can punch 8 pages at a time. It's only available from the dutch websites & & costs today in sterling £10.35 with £8.95 shipping (hummelman). The alternative is the Rapesco 66P but we've got to complicate things by measuring carefully and punching twice. You can easily just grab it from amazon however. The daddy was the Perforex 610 but you'll only find blunt ones on ebay as its long gone.
    Two questions: Is that it? Has anyone any experience with buying from these companies?

  19. Hi Chris
    Not quite... People have bought the KW Trio and it is a good punch as well as A5 it does Personal and Pocket as well.

    The Perofex 610 only did personal size and is no longer in production.

    It's been effectively replaced by the Rapesco 66P which does Personal and Pocket size.

    In one of the recent webfinds there was a review of the KW Trio, I will try and locate it, unless you spot it first.

    You don't say where you are?

  20. Chris
    See this post:

    Email me philofaxy at gmail dot com if you want, easier than via the comments.


  21. Chris
    There used to be a Filofax Multifit punch. But I've not seen one for sale. I suspect they are quite old because they include 'Deskfax' in the setting

    A photo of one is here:


  22. Just wondering if anyone is able to tell me please whether the punches from the two Dutch websites are the same? Shipping from seems to be considerably cheaper so I'd be inclined to go with them. However I notice that the punch from has a paper stopper for accurate punching whereas I can't tell from the pictures whether the puncher has one or not. And I do like a paper stopper!

  23. I just ordered the KW trio here for a good price. Been reading around for a while now and this seems the best. Hope so as I plan tou use mostly custom paper.

  24. Not sure about buying this Trio. Google "kw trio 9170" and you get hundreds of sales sites all with identical customer comments starting as follows ...

    "Nice Six Holes Office Supplies Hole Punch. If you are looking for a hole punch, here the Nice Six Holes Office Supplies Hole Punch can satisfy you ..."

    Having looked at a few... let's say there is no way I am punching my Paypal / Credit card details in there.

    Maybe I'm too careful ...


    1. We have seen these for sale on Ebay from UK sellers as well.

    2. Found this video and informative thread

      There are currently no UK sellers of this product on eBay

      Product itself looks great ... will keep watching,


    3. Still available here:

    4. Yeah, I saw it before. OK, went for it with the help of Google Translate. Postage charges are double the value of the item and much higher than indicated on their product page for some reason.

      However, total 26.35 UKP guess it will pay for itself before long.

    5. My housemate has one from them, and I've just ordered one myself too. It has a paper stopper, the holes are adjustable for 3 sizes (A5, personal and mini(?) I suppose)

    6. 4 sizes in fact, A5, Personal, Pocket and Mini.

      Pocket and Mini are the same hole spacing but the Mini is only 5 holes compared to the 6 hole pocket.

  25. A tip which may help anyone lucky enough to be going to Japan - a mecca for stationery supplies! Just back from my first amazing trip.

    There's a brilliant store called Tokyo Hands (several branches, but 2 mega sized ones in Tokyo) which sells all kinds of organisers. They stock an adjustable 6 hole punch which punches A5 for filofax and by sliding the punches closest also does pocket size (the 2 sizes I have). It's a heavy duty construction and will do up to 8 sheets.

    The manufacturer is Plus (made in Taiwan) and the model number PU-601. I also found it on the Japanese Amazon and Ratuken sites (they own so maybe they could be pusruaded to sell it in the UK too?

    I paid 1890 Yen, which is about £15, although it is listed just slightly higher than that on those 2 websites (google Plus PU-601 it comes up).

    1. Thank you so much! I'm going to Japan in a couple of weeks and I wouldn't have thought of looking for one of those there! Hurray!

  26. i have tried all the sites you have suggested, but still no luck, all have rediculous postage for australia. any aussies out there can help?
