
22 May 2010

School Holidays - Get organised now...

School holidays are not that far off, only a few weeks away for most children I guess. My own son is just about to graduate from university and start work. But I'm sure there are plenty of you with school age children.

Daytimer recently published an article about  Nine Ways to Organize the End of School Year. But of course you can use your Filofax to organise your school holidays.

If you are planning a gap year, then a Filofax would be a great way of planning your travels.

What ever you are doing, I hope you have a great break.


1 comment:

  1. I spent a summer in grad school traveling around Europe with my personal Buckingham planning everything flawlessly for me. I had my Europe map to plan my train routes, my contacts information, diary to schedule it all, lists of places to stay with phone numbers, etc. It was great. I had everything I needed to plan and record my trip right in my hand.
