
08 October 2010

Free for All Friday No. 99

Have you ever lost it? ...your Filofax, I mean.

Usually, losing a Filofax isn't as dramatic as in the movies or as artistic as this. Most of the time, once something's lost, it's just gone.

I've only lost a Filofax once...and it was promptly returned to me. Actually, it was a Personal-size red vinyl Day Runner. I carried it to a restaurant, where I was going to see my musician brother playing. The place was crowded, and the best place to rest it during the performance seemed to be beside my chair leg.

Of course, I got up and left it when I went home. Everything else I needed was in my jacket pockets, so I didn't notice it missing.

Someone in the cleanup crew found it, looked at the name inside it, and gave it to my brother as he was leaving. "I think this belongs to your sister."

By that time, I was asleep back at my apartment, which wasn't too far from the restaurant. My car window was open a crack, so rather than wake me up, my brother slipped the organizer into my car, where I found it on the driver's seat when I went to work the next morning. It took me a while to figure out how it got there.

I was lucky.

Have you ever lost your Filo...or been scared thinking you'd lost it?


  1. I never lost any of mine!Just to say I have a free giveaway on my blog
    It would be great if a Philofaxy reader won it. TGIF

  2. Luckily no I've never lost mine, but I think I would absolutely lose my mind if I did. The combination of losing something at all, which I hate, having so much sentimental value attached to my Filofax, losing the information contained within, and wondering WHO has that information now would just about put me over the edge!!

  3. I a recent convert to 'the way of the filofax'. (I got given my Eden personal as a gift a couple of christmases ago i think but never got into it). Now I am utterly obsessed with this wonderful ring bound beauty (my boyfriend is a little concerned at how much). I haven't lost it yet, but I do have the utterly irrational stomach dropping feeling that I have lost it when I open my bag and it's not there.

    Love Philofaxy, thank you for making me feel a little less strange :)

  4. Oh have I got a tale to tell you all! On my Summer 2009 trip to London I purchased 2010 at Harrads and accessories at the Filo shop in Convent Garden. I put all in my purse rather than in my Slimline. On the plane back to NY I took out my filo to work on my trip expenses (which calms me down during plane rides). I put the filo into the seat pocket of the airplane thinking I would return to working on it but the sleeping pill got to me first.... We landed at JFK and departed without filo. Total misery upon discovering loss. My boyfriend tackled opening a 15-year locked brief hidden in the basement to give me his 1980's Slimline Made In England Filo. We also went to the shop in town to negotiate for a 2009 Filo calendar! Two weeks later, ex-husband (whose first & last name are very similar to mine) calls "Do you have a filo? In the mail today there was a filo in a packaged addressed to Mr. & Mrs. C and I'm just about to throw it out if I didn't reach you!". I go over the speed limit to reach my beloved found filo. . Apparently it took a solo flight to Ohio from NY and was found by the people who supply the magazines on the plane. They then sent it back to baggage manager in NY who forwarded it to me! The note enclosed said PLEASE let me know if this reaches you... I sent him back a nice crisp $20 bill to go enjoy a bottle of wine! As far as the original Made In England Filo it sits empty on the shelf in my boyfriend's house, and I go and pay homage to it every now and then trying to figure out how to use it! Now how's that for a story of a lost filo? All that shopping in London and I go and lose my filo!

  5. Great account Michele. Glad you were reunited.

    To make sure none of mine went missing during the house move I packed the unused ones in a box marked FILOFAX in big red letters and it travelled in the car with us along with my big iMac.... I wasn't letting that out of my sight either!


  6. Wow, Michele...that's a heck of a story!!

    I've never lost my primary Filo (knocking on wood as I type) but I did lose a pocket Guildford that I use for travel stuff once.

    I had accidentally left it in my BF's car the previous weekend when we went away, and when he returned it to me I was busy doing something with the dog so when he said, "Here's your planner" and set it on the hood of my car I just said, "Uh-huh thanks" and promptly forgot it was there.

    When it came time to leave, I apparently didn't notice it on my hood and drove off.

    The following Monday, I received a call from a nice man who said he found my Filo in the middle of the road in the town we had been visiting, thought it "looked like something important", ran into traffic to grab it, saw my contact info in it and called me.


    He offered to send it back to me...provided there was a cash reward (which I would have happily given him anyway but thought it was a bit tacky to request).

    By the end of the week my Guildford & I were reunited and now I am ever more super obsessively careful about knowing the whereabouts of any Filo I'm carrying at all times.

    Maybe the guys with the wallets on chains had it right the whole time?!

  7. That was pretty tacky of him to hold your Filo for ransom until you forked over the cash. But, he did run into traffic to get it...

  8. I'm not really someone who loses things so luckily I've never had a problem. I'm one of those obsessive people who has to have every credit card in its particular slot, my clothes in a certain order in the wardrobe... so if something is awry I notice immediately.

    I have an unrelated Filo question. I popped into a Ryman's store (a UK stationery chain) and they had a surprisingly good selection of binders including one or two I hadn't heard of before. I can't remember any names besides one called Rio. I just looked at Steve's table with all the model names and materials, etc, and can't spot it. It was definitely a Filofax, in a box. Anyone heard of these?

    Also, my pocket Rose Classic that I won on the Filofax Facebook group arrived today - it is a thing of beauty!

  9. Oh and one more thing - I edit a section of the newspaper at my university, and had to choose four deputies to share workload and so on. Met up with them today and two of them have Filofaxes, both pink Pocket Finsburys!

  10. Only had my A5 Cuban for about a, haven't lost it yet (knock on wood...)....nor any other planner used in the past....

    I did lose a very expensive fountain pen about 2 months ago, think it fell out of my briefcase bag on a train....still kick myself for that....

    Meanwhile, I have a planner question please, since it's FFAF No.98....

    Discovered online, the Time/System planner pages. They look good from what I can tell online.

    Anyone here ever seen or used them?

    If so, how would you compare them to FF or FC or other pages?


  11. I lost my personal Eton. At first, I thought I had just misplaced it. I looked in purses, totebags, backpacks, etc. Then I wondered if someone had stolen it. I had visions of a thief sneaking into my office and making off with my FF. I simply could not remember where I had used it last. I bought another personal FF, albeit cheaper than the Eton.Yesterday (7 months afer I lost the Eton), I bought a new car, I was cleaning out my old car, when stuffed under the seat was the Eton!! Hooray!!

  12. I've never lost a Filo or other paper planner, but I did lose a Palm organizer with TONS of personal data on it and I am also a victim of identity theft (not related to the loss of the Palm).

    I want to have all my information with me.

    I also know it's completely unwise to have highly sensitive information (like retirement account passwords) in something that can be lost or stolen.

    So where is the balance point? I've been looking for an easy to commit to set of rules that will help me decide what information is safe to carry and what needs to be secured somehow (keep at home, or on a password protected USB drive or SD card).

    I've been looking, but haven't found anything I like.
    For me to follow any discipline consistently, it has to be as easy to remember as a nursery rhyme.

  13. I have never lost my planner, thankfully. I'm very meticulous about where I put things - always in the same place so as not to waste time searching for it when I need it. Of all the things that could go missing, I'd lose my mind if I lost the Filo.
