
13 March 2012

Free yearly planner for your Filofax

So far, we've produced a whole variety of diary layouts, but what's been missing until now is the big picture of the year on a page. Ray and I just had to tick that one off, so today we're sharing yearly planner pages for the A4 or A5 Filofax, and a fold out version for the Personal Filofax.

Here is the A4 and A5 version:

You can download and print finished versions for this year from our diary inserts page

Either way, simply print for an A4 version or print on A4 using booklet mode for an A5 page.

Alternatively you can print this A4 Word file or this PDF file and Z fold it to fit A5. 

Here's the version for the Personal Filofax:

You can download and print finished versions for this year from our diary inserts page.

You can find cutting and folding tips for this one in this post.

Source files

If you want to tinker, you can download the source files. For the A4/A5 version you'll need this Word file and this Excel file. For the Personal version you'll need this Word file and the same Excel file. For the Z fold version you will need this Word file and the same Excel file.

If you're into the whole mail merge thing and want to poke around under the bonnet, you'll find we've done this layout a little differently. Each record is just a month and we've used a special type of mail merge called a catalogue or directory merge to put twelve separate records on one page. To ensure you only get one header row on the table, we placed that in the document's header.

Creative Commons License
This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but don't charge or use commercially.


  1. Dear Steve,

    thank you for creating this planner. I am one of those hopeful tweakers however, but shamefully Excel illiterate - now quite possibly Word as well... I simply want to use what you have provided to create a year planner with a different font, but I can't for the life of me figure out this catalogue merge to get 12 months on one page - any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    Kind regards,


  2. Hi Steve is it possible to chose a different date range in the datafile options? I'm looking at doing a tax year planner for 6/4 to 5/4. Thanks.

    1. Not sure, might be able to change it so it does an April to April one but then it's going to be 13 months, so it won't fit.

  3. Ah, yes, never thought about that!!! Thanks

  4. I looove your planner..

    I was going to use your source code for year 2015 - I'm a teacher... But it does not work.
    Pdf and docx do however!

    1. In what way didn't it work? We use the same files to create the files. And the 2015 file is available on the Diary Inserts page:

  5. Wauw. that was a quick response...

    I know. When I click "source code" it sends me to this page: in stead of downloading the excel file... Am I doing anything wrong?

    1. Yes and on that page you will see the source files in Word and Excel you need both. All of our inserts are built in Word with Excel providing the data and using the mail merge process you create a new file.

  6. Ok... then it must be me... I get the 2014 source file, which I already downloaded and altered... I'll just have to do it my self then... Just seemed so easy to download 2015 as well as the 2014...

    1. The source files aren't year specific, they are always the same files. Go in to the Excel file and alter the start date and you can create files for what ever year or start date you wish.

    2. yeah. I know.
      But when I alter the date or drag the cells downwards, say #value#... I'm actually pretty good with computers, but this is teasing me like hell... Might just have to quit it, as I don't want to waste your time... Our "excel-master" at the school, can't help me either...

    3. All you need to do is change the year in A2, the rest should automatically change to the new year. No need to drag the cells down at all.

    4. No matter who I ask, we can't make it work... I'll just have to wait until your source code for "Week on two pages Vertical" 2015... tried Mac as well as PC and a lot of brainiac colleagues... Haven't got more time... I do however love all of your other templates!

    5. Week on Two pages uses different source files to the year planner. I thought you were trying to do a different year planner.

    6. Ahhh.. Did I write the wrong place?? no... I'm a teacher... and I'll soon be needing jan - jul 15 for the planning of next year.... Now it makes sense...

  7. Hi Steve,
    First off, thanks a bunch for your site. This a tremendous source for Filofax fans, that's for sure !

    I have a question with regards on the Year Planner Source File.. It seems the excel spredsheat never provide the date for the few last days of each month, so I end up having months finishing on 24th, 27th... Would you know how I can fix that ?

    Thanks !

  8. Hi Steve,
    First off, thanks a bunch for your site. It is the most helpful site I found for Filofax fans !

    I have a question with regards on the Year Planner Source File. It seems that the file never loads the few last days of each month, so I end up having months finishing on 24th, 27th. It's like the Excel spreadsheet does not make the calculations past the 4th week.. Would you know how we can fix that ?

    Thanks !

    1. I can't reproduce that fault on my machine can you please send me by email the source files you are using philofaxy at gmail dot com

  9. Any chance of getting for Letter Paper? :)
