
15 June 2012

Free For All Friday No 187

Happy early Father's Day!
I gave my Dad a burgundy Winchester for his birthday, and wasn't too sure how keen he would be as he's a great fan of his Blackberry. Luckily, he loved it and posted this picture on Facebook with the comment 'Dad the Filofax Man'!

Do any of your Dads or relatives use filofaxes?
As usual, please feel free to discuss anything filofax related or ask any questions you may have.
Have a lovely weekend. 


  1. Inspired by Jotje's video of her Chameleon pocket, I bought a black one on sale this week. I'm so looking forward to setting it up this weekend!

    It's really gorgeous, but I do have a question for all you Chameleon owners out there: mine doesn't lie flat out of the box -- did yours?

    1. Hi T.

      Mine didn't either and it was personal sized. I don't think any of them do. I had to train it - which I did over 2 days. It now rests flat really well - enough for me to right in it and leave open on my desk without any problems.

    2. Hi T,

      My personal chameleon took about a week to lie flat and that was without any training! :-)

  2. What a nice Father's Day present! I like the calculator too, it looks like it has oft rubber buttons instead of the hard plastic ones.

    I wanted to say how happy I was today to find the illustrated cotton cream notepaper on the French Filofax site! I had used up all my old stash from 2001 and now the U.S. site doesn't have it. The little pictures along the edge are so pretty. :-). It's the little things . . .

  3. I tried to get my husband into it but to no avail. My daughter's been using one since college, and I share inserts/accessories with her. I got some friends into it before but I don't see anyone using theirs anymore.

  4. oh, that is a very nice Filofax! Where can you find that calculator? The Filofax one is very thin. Not solid and "robust" like that one.

    1. Hi Lime Tree,
      I was tempted to keep the Winchester, but am glad it made such a good gift. Not sure where he got the calculator, so have asked him to let me know or leave a comment here about it & to introduce himself :)

    2. I'm a huge fan of Muji calculators. As an accountant, I'm probably an above-average calculator user, so I sympathise concerning 'soft' key pads, which I can't abide.

      Muji do a pocket version, and a larger desk version - both brilliant. Neither, however, would fit in a Filo, unless you slip the pocket version into one of the zip or inside-cover compartments. They're both fully solar powered, though, no batteries, so that wouldn't be a problem......

    3. I've just heard back from my Dad & he purchased the calculator in the photo at a jumble sale for 50p! Scoot, I agree with you as I like the idea of having one in my filo sometimes, but have never had one for the reasons you mention.

  5. I got my very techno-gadget dad hooked on a Graphic a5 Zip! :-)
    And the burgundy Winchester above is such a lovely gift, Anita!...

  6. Great gift Anita - looks like he has really taken to it! And where did you get that calculator! Would be a great addition to any FF.

  7. I just wanted to have a rave about how fab the lovely people at filofax are! A couple of weeks ago, I was desperately trying to find an A5 Cuban zip and had already had 2 regular Cubans delivered to me from different companies who were displaying a picture of the zip one on their websites, so I had to return them, lovely as they were :(
    I saw a picture of the zip on Filofax corporate website and rang up on the off chance. I explained that I was not a corporate customer but that they were my last hope and the lady (Helen) was lovely! She said their website was out of date and they probably didn't have any but if she could find one anywhere in the building, I could have it! She called me back after a few mins and said, "I have a beautiful chilli red Cuban zip on my desk here with your name on it" I almost died with excitement! Lol
    She sent it out special delivery and I received it the very next morning!!!
    Now that's what I call service :))

  8. My hubby is a truck driver and a few weeks ago while sorting his bag out for him, I noticed his driving license and digital tachocard along with his agency cards and site passes were stuffed into a worn envelope.....que....would a filofax work for him?

    So I looked among my little collection of 20 and found the Personal Ranger would be just perfect for him. Spent an hour or so putting inserts into it, adding address of all the various companies he works for etc. and using a double sided card holder for his driving license and digicards etc. I threw a handful of coins in the front zipped pocket for the coffee machines and presented it to hubby.

    He LOVED it! He's a real man's man so I thought he might be a bit iffy carrying a filofax, but now when he goes for job interviews or stops at truck stops, out comes the Filo cos it has everything in there he needs. He uses the Diary pages to write out what job he does when, hours worked that day, where he has been and who worked for. He's said he's had a few positive comments on it it too and because it's a Ranger, it looked rugged....a bit like him. lol

    1. Really great story! I loved reading this. Made me smile. Thanks for sharing this, and happy weekend!

    2. This is so thoughtful!

    3. Awahh thanks everyone. After writing the post I thought I might give blogging a go, so this afternoon I set out and made my first blog post....not that it's very interesting but I guess it's a start. lol

    4. I am in the midst of doing the same sort of thing for my husband. He has a ratty old address book from a discount store than I bought him ages ago; it's literally falling apart! I bought a Personal Finsbury Zip in a lovely rich brown for him and have put quite a few things in it already. I thought the zip was a good choice because then he can just put papers and receipts in quickly, zip it up, and organize them later. One night soon when he's asleep I'm going to grab the old book out of his work bag and input all the phone numbers, addresses, etc. I really think he is going to love it!

    5. Gail, everyone has to have a 'first post' well done for getting off the mark... looking forward to future posts.

    6. Thanks for sharing your story, Gail! I can just picture this manly truck driver pulling out his FF, that his wife put together for him. How wonderful! And it's a little reminder of you! Did you add a picture or two as well? :-)

    7. hi Gail

      I'd never heard of or seen the Ranger before - how nice a binder, and how convenient that it's a more 'masculine' design. It's similar to my old, oiled leather Richmond (discontinued around 2002), which I also love. It's the only binder I ever used before I got my ochre Malden....

    8. That's gorgeous: I'm probably showing my age here, but to me Filofaxes WERE always a very masculine thing, power lunches and "Let me check my book" and all that. It's great to see a Filofax fitting a specific set of needs like a hand fits a glove!

      @David, if you see this, did the Richmond you mentioned have a similar feel & ability to soak up damage as the oiled leather on a Kendal? If it did, I might have to keep my eyes peeled for a vintage one, to replace my lovely but oh-so-scratchable Finsbury.

    9. Hi Shanti

      Yes, the Richmond is almost identical to the Kendal. I think they may have replaced one with the other, virtually just a name change, although there may be some other differences. It's very robust, I like the oiled leather a lot, and I would definitely go back to it immediately if I didn't have my Ochre Malden. I find the Malden looks better with a bit of wear, but the Richmond virtually never picks up any wear, no matter how harshly I treat it.

  9. What a lovely gift, although it would be completely lost on my dad, he doesn't even use a mobile phone and refuses to have a computer in the house, I just can't see him using a filofax, looks like it's golf balls, tee's and chocolate again lol :)

    1. Nothing wrong with golf accessories.....ever!

      I struggle to convince family and friends that to me a book token is *not* a last resort present choice, but a first choice!

    2. Oh David, me too. They always say they dont want to buy me the same thing.. Why don't they get that I buy a different book with the token each time?!!

    3. I think what they don't get is that they haven't just bought you a book token, or even just a book (if 'just' can be used there), but a whole afternoon of browsing in your favourite bookshop. There are some things about the book buying experience Which online sellers will never replace!

    4. Even with Amazon book tokens, it's nice to know you're getting someone something from their wishlist - they're my perfect present (give & receive) because they minimise faffing about and maximise the ability to buy a gift that will really be valued.

      I always feel a bit sad when someone's spent money on me, and bought something I'll never use in a month of Sundays... just makes me think of the things I would have liked more, especially the ones that would have cost LESS: probably childish and all that, but, just being honest there!

  10. I am a pholofaxy newbie! I just discovered you and ALL OF YOU ARE AWESOME
    I now want to do so much to my domino, but it's a bit old now and can't function as a purse (as I would now like it to) .... I think I need an enabler.
    I just love the Compact Pennybridge ... I need a new one, right?

    1. Dear mayfaery,

      you definitely need a new one. ;-) Welcome!

    2. @mayfaery: It will be my pleasure to enable you. Just click on the 'Adspot' page at the top of this site and you will find a compact Pennybridge at the discounted price of £25 plus postage. Happy Filofaxing! ;-)

    3. Welcome, mayfaery! Yes, you *need* one! You deserve one! And make sure to let us all know how you like it!

    4. Thank you for the enabling! I have bought the one from adspot and I can't wait for it to arrive! I am so excited!

  11. My dad loves his personal Filofax.... so much that it is falling to pieces.... I am sure he has a vintage model there. I have asked before if he would like a new one for birthday/Christmas/Father's Day, but he has always said an unequivocal no.... as he adores the one he has!! So.... it is dark chocolate again for the 17th!!! My birthday too.... so the Filofax is full of celebration and cake stickers!!!

  12. I am plan to buy my dad a personal siena from filofax germany as a present, but I can not process my order even with google translator. the problem is filofax germany does not accpect international postcode and address!!! I know it use to have DHL and accept paypal before, but I dont know what changed!

    is there any one could help me to go though the ordering process?


    1. Put a 0 (zero) in the postcode box and put your postcode in the address line.

    2. hi saffy, thanks for suggestions. I gave I try but the website said Bitte geben Sie Ihre Straße, Hausnummer und Postleitzahl ein und klicken auf "suchen" um Ihre Adresse zu vervollständigen. Bitte wählen Sie im Anschluss aus den angezeigten Möglichkeiten aus. Dieser Service steht nur für Deutschland zur Verfügung.

      then I put 0 in postcode, but it doesn't allow me to process , always come up with

      Wenn Sie Probleme mit der Adressuche haben, geben Sie Ihre Adresse manuell ein

      I don't know how can I check out easily? :(

    3. Try 0000 in the postcode box.

    4. sorry it doesn't work. thanks for all helps, but I am really disappointed by the online service...

    5. I have had to put in a city, state (or appropriate equivilent) and postal code that are all real for Paypal to run for me, then I put the correct information in the second address line and full address again in the note to seller. It's the only way I've had any luck. Looks like:
      Name : your name
      Address 1: 123 Any Street
      Address 2: Real city, real state, real postal code, real country
      City: fake city
      State: fake state
      Postal Code: fake postal code (they must all match these days which is why 00000 doesn't work)

      Note to Seller:
      Please send this to "your name, 123 Any Street, Real city, real state, real postal code, real country" thanks

    6. thank you very much swatibee, I feel to risky to do this because although the siena is on discount, is still quite expensive. I found it also discount on Italy filofax website, and it has the same check out process as UK, plus paypal. so I am happily ordered from italy, shame on germany website been so stupid.

      thanks for all the help!!!!!

  13. On vintage Filofaxes - I was web hunting for old Filos and bumped into this old post from mid-2006 -

    It was interesting to see that the comments regarding product quality, ring sizes, and other similar subjects have stayed the same after 6 years.

  14. I have just read the "Rock and hard place" post and have then looked up the A5 Time/Design hole punches.
    Does anyone use one of these? They sound a billion times better than the Filofax metal one but I'm wondering how it compares to the Rapesco one I have (which doesn't do A5 without having to only use 3 rings then flip the paper then punch the remaining 3 - as I'm sure some of you know!). The Rapesco is brilliant, smooth and strong - I just wish it could punch A5 without the faffing so if the Time/Design one matches up I think I might have to order one!

  15. Hello everyone!
    I have ME and have just embarked on a new treatment which requires me to keep on top of a complicated daily routine of various supplements and lymphatic massage techniques.
    Does anyone have experience with tracking daily routines? What;s the best way to do it? I was thinking of using a 2ppd format, but don't really want to write everything out each day. Perhaps a weekly checklist? I thought about using a flyleaf and dry wipe marker, but would prefer to be able to track my progress. I need it to be in a portable format; wither personal or pocket size.
    Your help is appreciated!!

    1. Diabetic hubby is supposed to track blood sugar in a preprinted diary provided by the drugs company.... could you fiddle around on a computer and get a basic template to fill in every day with just the numbers? I presume you have regular doses and times to do things? If you're not puter happy, someone around you may have the technology?

    2. Hi
      We could adapt one of our 'Ray and Steve' infamous inserts to your recording requirements may be? for the full 'range'


    3. Angel Jem; I was thinking something like that, although it's quite a complex routine and I'm not sure it would fit into a chart. One of the issues with ME is being quite forgetful; I need to see a lot of info! I don't have any experience with spreadsheets but could probably work something out :)

      Steve: That would be amazing! I was thinking something along those lines, but I didn't know how to modify the files. I am spreadsheet illiterate! Perhaps a modified Time Management insert for personal size would do the trick.. with more columns for checklists. I'll have to think about this!

    4. @Cazzle. Hi there, I had quite prolonged ME, following glandular fever, Epstein Barr Virus, caught at the age of 36. I just wanted to let you know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you can come through this. I too had to keep a diary for my GP of symptoms, exercise etc. Unfortunately at the time, the virus did all sorts of peculiar things to my liver and bone marrow, and with a positive glandular fever test, it was proven that it was the cause. I am now fully recovered, but still watch my energy levels like a hawk and stick to the 70% rule, ie do 70% of what you think you can do.... go gently.The treatments, massage, cranial sacral work, etc etc, can make you feel worse before you then start to get better, but you can get better from this hellish illness. Your filofax charts will be a huge support. All the best with it.... thinking of you Cazzle. DIY planner and Vertex 42 sites have a great range of medical charts too.

    5. Hi Butanben. Thanks for your kind words. I was diagnosed three years ago and have tried a multitude of treatments, but I am feeling especially positive about the Perrin Technique, which I have just begun. Hopefully this combined with nutrition and some Optimum Health Clinic courses will have an impact. I am expecting a slow road to recovery but I hope to learn from the journey. I am trying to put together an A5 binder to keep together all the info I have collected, and to journal and track my progress, but figuring it all out and putting it together is exhausting! I am sure you understand what I mean :) xx

    6. @Cazzle, I totally understand your journey with this dreadful illness. The 70% rule was what started to heal me, that and time I think for the body to repair. The important thing is to stop before the exhaustion hits. At the beginning,with this glandular fever and ME,for me a simple thing such as washing my hair would make me feel very ill. So I had to pace myself carefully. Simple things help, such as I bought a lighter iron, and non iron sheets!!! Easy freezer meals were a must and fruit and veg internet shopped. Use your Filofax to identify activity patterns perhaps and those which drain your energy the most.... then you can make adaptations from that knowledge. All the best... give yourself the hugest pat on the back for using your Filofax to help you on the journey to wellness!!!

    7. @Cazzle, this isn't directly Filofax related but most Casio Baby G & G-Shock watches come with an option for 5 seperate alarms per day, also the option to have World Time (useful if your sleep-wake pattern varies from the norm - just select the world zone that fits best on wakeup, and then you'll know when your 12pm is, and so on) and also things like a countdown timer & stopwatch.

      I found the alarms invaluable when nursing my sick dog who had a complicated regime of meds, and the World Time is excellent if I do any night work, and need a reality check on what my own time is versus clock time.

  16. Have you seen FlyLady Lots of ideas for routines on there and can easily be put into a FiloFax :)

    1. I've had a look, lots of info to digest! Thanks for the tip

  17. I finally got my husband into a pocket sized filofax. The problem is that he just doesn't "cherish" it. Yes, it suits his needs, but he scribbles in it, the pages end up dog-eared and he rarely has a pen in there!!! And I have to watch this!

    1. Lol, that would be too much for me to handle!!

    2. Well, I guess you could try to look at it this way: It suits his needs and he is using it as he likes. I know what you mean about it being hard to watch. Maybe he is cherishing it in his own way since it sounds like he uses it quite a bit.

    3. Far better to be dog-eared & used, than miserable in a glass case, like the Sleeping Princess!

      Have you tried one of the pens specifically designed for Filofaxes, on a piece of nylon string attached to the rings or a hole punched in the cover?

  18. I got my niece a vintage pink Malden for her 21st... a little worried in case it was too 'vintage' but she says she loves it!

  19. A while ago on Adspot there were some hole-punchers for sale from someone on here, can anyone point me in the right direction? Or a suitable alternative?

    Also - does anyone hand-draw their diary inserts? I'm completely fed up of filofax's rubbish paper (avid fountain pen user) and since I've just treated myself to a new A5 Smythson filo I'm thinking of creating by hand my diary inserts on smythson paper, which will be much cheaper than buying their diary inserts (£25 for a year's worth rather than £50) . I've done a few weeks of this in my personal filo, and have found that a week on one page with notes on the opposite works well for me, but with the A5 (my house filo/work from home) I'd have more opportunity to add sections for various to-do's/work. Has anyone else attempted this?

    Thank you!

    1. I use a single hole punch I bought on Amazon cor less than Three pounds. It is robust and punches a good few sheets at once. I use the ruler as a hole guide. Works a treat.

    2. Thank you so much for your response Helen, I think I'll have to give that a go instead.

    3. I got a single hole punch from Rymans last week for £1.99 - it's their own brand, and it's gone through card & thin plastic sheet very easily so far: the packet promises it can do 5 x 80gsm paper at once.

  20. I gave my mom a personal size Adelphi (red) and she loves it. But I have yet to get her interested in the community here on Philofaxy or to use the filofax very much. ("It feels so precious that I have to be careful with how I use it. And are you sure there are other middle-aged people on that blog? I would feel silly.") Hopefully she'll realize that there are other mothers here and that she can find lots of inspiration. :)

    I have a question for all the BAROQUE-OWNERS out there. Um basically: 1. was the filofax's leather WRINKLED when you first got it? 2. Does Filofax sell second-hand (returned) filofaxes? I kind of get that impression with mine. :(
    For pics and more details:

    (Yes, that's right. I finally started that blog! It's not exclusively about filofaxes, though. But the first post is dedicated to them and... uh... huge.)

    1. Mine are not wrinkled, can you send them back? Doesn't sound right to me!!!

    2. I sent an email to Filofax France now... *sigh* I have to wait for at least two days before I get a reply and I only have 7 days for return.. >.< I hope they are quick with email, otherwise I'll have to make an international call. T_T

      It really does feel second-hand. It's so weird. This cost 94€ and is SUPPOSEDLY new, but feels older and more worn than my actual second-hand black Malden!

    3. I'm feeling quite worried now, i've ordered one of those the other day from filofax Fr, hope I don't have the same problem plus i'm worried about communication, me and google translate don't get along, i'm actually amazed I got through the checkout process to be honest, keep us updated as to how you get on with it, good luck!! :(

    4. If you have no luck with France I would try uk Filofax. I bought an A5 Malden from another online retailer, anyway rings didn't close properly so I emailed Filofax and they sent a replacement straight away even though I did not buy from them. My Baroques have had heavy use and are no where near wrinkled, it sounds like a fault or sub standard leather, either way Filofax should help you.

    5. I wonder if that would work as this Baroque is only available on the French website? But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try! ^_^ Thanks.

    6. Hi Yu! Congratulations on the new blog! I looked at the Baroque photos first to check the wrinkling, and they do seem to be more wrinkled than they should be. I looked at my teal which I got used and it's not wrinkled at all. The pink which I got new shows some creasing but not wrinkling. I'm thinking they've been in stock so long that they got stacked under other filos and got wrinkled.

      That is such a bummer, being they're running low on stock. Hope you get a replacement.

    7. Yes, either a perfect replacement (which I really hope I will get as I thought about it and realize that yes, I love the binder, but things like these bugs me when all the other filofaxes I have -except for one- have perfect rings and leathers!) or a big partial refund! Because paying full price for a "second hand feel" filofax just rubs me the wrong way. >.<

    8. Oh, and thanks! :) I'll get back to you about the amazona soon. Got a pretty high fever just a few hours after the last email. So I haven't been able to concentrate very well except for short amounts of time. =(

  21. Has anyone noticed that the diameter of the holes with the Rapesco hole punch is greater than the standard Filofax. I know it isn't critical just thought I'd raise the point.

    1. There's an ISO standard for hole punches, detailed here:

      Hole size is 6 mm ±0.5 mm.

      I'm full of amazing fact like that.... don't ever invite me to a dinner party... your guests will be asleep before desert! More for me!!!

    2. Thanks Steve just read the wikipedia article. I think it's very helpful of you to answer.

  22. Oh dear what have I done, I treated myself to an A5 Kendal less than a month ago which I adore by the way! However I have become addicted and have purchased a pocket metropole for my daughter and now have just successfully purchased two more online. Is this normal behaviour and how do I explain myself to my other half??


    1. It's completely normal! :D

      And an A5 Kendal, that's a very good choice!

    2. Yes this is normal behaviour for a Filofaxoholic. As for explaining it to your husband, simply do what I do with both Filofaxes and handbags. When he says, 'Is that new?', just say, 'This old thing? No - I've had it ages!'. Easy, job done. Welcome!!!

    3. Haha, so normal, i'm obsessed lol, as for telling the husband, I don't, i've got some very good hiding places, or I half the price, I even get them on a buy one get one free deal, haha maybe it's to my benefit that he has no interest in the filofax :o

    4. Definitely normal! I've gone a bit nuts at times. Within 48 hours I had purchased three new Filos; and now I want another one! And the worst part is that it's the Personal Ostrich! How crazy is that! I keep trying to justify it and I have found it on sale could I possibly?! But I sooooo want it! I keep visiting it online.

      All this to say, yup, you're normal! Now I'm off to virtually visit the ostrich!

    5. Totally normal. I found this blog,sent it to a friend toshowher how mad people were andnow only a few months later we are both multiple Filofax owners and regularly email to tell eachother what we are doing with them. Infact she just sent me a new A5 Caramel Finchley from the States as I could not get it here. So be prepared for the addiction toget worse!

    6. :D haha! Never underestimate the power of the Fo---stationery!

  23. Hi Mags,
    I think it's fairly normal behaviour for us filo-fans, so you're in good company on that account. My own husband's opinion is that filofax obsession is a lot less harmful than many other habits :)

  24. Thank you for all your reassurances, I think I will hide them! Trouble is we work together with our own stationery business - wonder if I should try and stock filofax ;)

    Mags x

    1. That made me laugh! I've done the same thing, but with purses! I'd hide my latest purchase until enough time had gone by to bring it out..."Oh, this old thing? I've had it for ages!" And now I'm being over run in my closet by purses! lol

  25. Not sure if its too late to post this so if I don't get many responses I'll repost next Friday...

    I've got a purple a5 malden that I set up a while back. I'm really happy with the way I've got it. I've got 6 tabs - Info (which contains the filofax information sheets), Uni (uni to do page, modules and lectures within those modules, column which I tick once the handout has been printed and one which I tick once I've written it up, and some project planner sheets), Notes (to do list, a list of stuff to pack when I go home for the weekend, media, wishlist, and some blank paper), Gifts (one sheet per family member + boyfriend with two columns, one for birthday and one for christmas where I keep note of presents bought each year), Diary (stickers, a page where I've listed direct debits so I know what money comes out when, a year planner, month on two pages and then the week on one page time management insert (purchased from Jotje on ebay), then finally a Misc tab (two envelopes containing stickers, receipts etc).

    As I'm a uni student my summers tend to be quiet so I bought a teal finchley from the adspot pages but I can't decide how to set it up and so I'm not using it. I've made dividers but just don't know what to put on them. I plan to keep my A5 for reference for gifts and things but I just don't know the best way to set up the pocket.

    Does anyone use an A5 and a pocket together and if so how do you co-ordinate the two?

    1. I'd ask what your summers contain that needs organising, and then address this from needs, rather than trying to take a punt in advance.

      You could try carrying something cheap & disposable, like a reporter's style notepad, for a week: pretend it's a Fax, using it for appointments, to-do lists, and so on, and longer-term info (eg monthly budgeting, or whatever your long terms things are) in the back - and then see how those catgories break down after a week of being in action.

      Its limitations should immediately scream at you about what you want most from your Filofax setup.

      There's also no obligation to use all (or many) dividers right away: if you start out using say, 2, (Diary and Notes maybe) then you can always add the others in as the need becomes apparent.

      As a final comment, I found having a "Miscellaneous" divider saved me trying to make seperate sections for every new thing, which would then sit mostly empty as my interests moved on, or when the interest in question didn't seem to generate much paperwork. It's a good catch-all for new things, and the beauty of Filofax is you're always able to create a new section whenever necessary.

    2. What Shanti said!

      I completely failed to use the pocket size (even though it was a satellite filo), but then again, I did try it during the middle of the semester... Might be different for summer... Hm...

    3. It took me until my last semester of college to figure out my "perfect set up." Go figure... :( What I was using wasn't a filofax set up, but it could translate to one which I plan to do once my A5 arrives this week. I used a myAgenda (roughly A5 sized) planner which had 2 page per week and monthly views for tracking any due dates or appointments for school and work. I'd have used a Filofax, but I preferred having boxes for each class, work, and personal commitments. Each night, I'd look at the myAgenda for any due dates and appointments use that to make a daily to do list in a (roughly pocket sized) Color a Month Moleskine daily planner. The great part was that if I didn't want to bring the A5, I could just carry the pocket sized daily planner. Or if I wanted to bring both, I could just slip the small daily planner into the A5.

  26. I'm trying to get my mum and my sister into Filofaxing, but neither of them seems interested. I'm sure they would be if they just gave it a chance!
