
16 June 2012

Web Finds 16th June 2012

Thank you for the great feedback on last weeks web finds about the change to a numbered format, they will be this format from now on.

So it is now time to grab some light refreshment of your choice and sit and enjoy for an hour or so.....
  1. I climb on board the Magic Roundabout…. - Angel Jem's City Cottage
  2. 'Pimping' your Filofax - Krista's Filo
  3. Mini Filofax Love - Kirsten Becoming
  4. Well, the batteries never run out - MacPsych
  5. Filofax Design Competition - Origami Chicken
  6. More filofax news and pictures! - Krista's Filo
  7. Finally, a Baroque! - Lancashire Cat
  8. Filofolios: Make your own Portable Portfolio using Business Cards and Filofax - Filofancy
  9. iPad, iPod Touch and Planner: The Optimum Planning Combination - Well Planned Life
  10. my filofax week #8 - Paper Lovestory
  11. Does size matter!! - Filo Obsessed
  12. The does-it-all Malden - The Crazy Life of J
  13. Filofax 11-6-2012 - My life in words
  14. Seeking Filofaxian Nirvana - The Crazy Suburban Mom
  15. Filofax Fail :( - The Wonderful Life of Alice
  16. Design Your Own Stickers for Your Filofax - Filofancy
  17. Filofax SALE (almost!) - Lime Tree
  18. My Filofax! - The New Closet Romantic
  19. A Filofax Moodboard Like Temperley's - Filofancy
  20. I can't contain my excitement!! - Filo Obsessed
  21. filofax spot: in Gossip Girl (again!) - Paper Lovestory
  22. Filofax… A Fashion Brand on the Rise or an Endangered Species? - Essence Design
  23. Derby Girls Use Filofaxes! - Filofax Fixation
  24. OK here goes first post - It's My Life!
  25. Filofax Blog of the Week: LJ's Blog of Stuff - My Life All in One Place
  26. 101 List Progress Check - Jun 14th 2012 - LJ's Blog of Stuff
  27. My B-day (French letters, Goddess Circle and Filofax) - Lime Tree
  28. Mini longing . . . - All Things Stationery
  29. Print your own Filofax Travel Journal - now in Pocket size - My Life All in One Place
  30. Filofax Planner Fail - Rapunzel's World
  31. Filofax Planner Fail-Part 2 - Rapunzel's World
  32. The Filofax planner fail-part 3 - Rapunzel's World
  33. Purple - Fresh American
  34. Welcome - Belzira's corner
  • Your blog post could appear here next week if we missed you this time around. Email us the details and we will include it if we can. 
  • We can't guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Don't forget to give your posts a title...
And here is this weeks Video Finds



  1. Thanks for including me :o) And thanks for another great selection :o

  2. Yay thanks for including me!! :) What a great list, I love Saturdays, thanks :)

  3. Woo hoo! Another bumper list!
    I did a post on making my own filofax diary this week:
    if people are interested...?

  4. Sorry Amanda, yours and a couple of others got missed out this week, still can't get my RSS script to read your RSS feed and that of a couple of other blogs.

    But I've put them in manually for next week...

  5. Once again, I'm not included in the Webfinds ...
    Of course, the fact that I haven't yet written a new blogpost might have something to do with it! LOL
    Have been very busy with a crazy assignment that I will hand in next Monday and then I'll have time to write the next one.
    I have meanwhile composed a long list of possible Filofax posts. Amazing really, how we all never seem to run out of stuff to tell about Filofaxes ...

  6. Thanks for the mention :)
    I Want to see more people making cool things for a pocket!!!

    1. +1

      I might never be able to fit into a pocket, but I adore them anyway! :D

  7. Thanks for including me! ^_^

  8. Excellent post, as usual :) I'm actually sitting down to browse every post this week, rather than just picking a few based on titles (my normal routine!).

  9. Hooray! Thank you again for including me and my little mini!
