
02 September 2015

Highlights of August 2015

So here are the highlights of the month of August.

The end of August saw the 3000th published post on Philofaxy, given that we are approaching 10 years at the end of October I think that 3000 posts in that time is quite a significant achievement.

Anita wrote about My Mulberry Agenda history and repairs, as well as My wandering, wayward heart (my version of planner peace).

We were able to fill some more gaps in our knowledge about older Filofax models with the Filofax Catalogue 2004-5 looking much further back in time I shared with you about the Lefax Radio Handbook I had been given as a gift whilst in the USA.

For everyday practical type posts I suggested that your organiser might like to be losing weight. I did two more detailed posts on Opening and Closing the rings on our organiser as well as Fixing Ring Gaps

Van der Spek Video Competion was announced and there is still all of September to get those videos on line and get people liking them.

The following readers went under the spotlight Rachel, Lindsay, Karen, Stacey, Grace   We still need new people to come forward, please email Steve if you would like to appear on Reader Under The Spotlight.

Our experienced user feature continues to expand and in July we heard from: Yvonne, Carla, Josh, Sam, thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. If you would like to share the details of how you use your organiser, please contact Steve and he will send you the details.

We had some great guest posts this last month from Amanda about Filo Tips  and Helen on Defining Planner Peace

We are due to hold our next Philofaxy Roundtable this coming Sunday, the announcement post was the 3000th post in case you were wondering.

Of course the Webfinds and Free For All TuesdaysFridays posts are always there each week, please join in the comments, everyone is welcome.

If you have a guest post idea, please contact steve at philofaxy dot com  or if there is a topic you would like to see us cover or revisit also please contact Steve.

I hope you find this post useful, please let us know in the comments and we will do our best to do a highlights post each month.


  1. .. And I think I'm correct in saying that, in the past five years, there has only been one single day when there hasn't been a new post! It was so unusual that emails were sent to Steve to check he was ok! Well done to all the main contributors!

    1. Thank you Tim. I thought it was going to be harder during my USA trip to keep the blog running, but with a bit of far planning we managed to keep things going. The hardest bit from me was the difference in being close to the same time zone as the blog (East Coast USA) which meant some hard work some Friday evenings to get web finds finished before 9pm (when in LA) or mid-night (East coast) But I put the draft template posts on the blog for a lot of things before I left.

      It's not easy thinking up new things for each week, but I some times go back and recover old topics in a bit more depth, which seems popular.

  2. Congratulations on your 3000th post and bringing the planner community such great content!!!

    1. Thank you...

      BTW... I've added your blog to our monitoring system for suitable posts here on Philofaxy or Travellers Notebook Times.
