
21 February 2020

Free For All Friday - No. 589 by Steve

Are there any inserts that you would like us to create for you to be able to download and print?

I can't promise to be able create all types in all sizes, but we can try to fill some of the gaps in our current list of available files/templates.

Please leave a comment below.

And of course it is Friday so please feel free to discuss anything ring bound organiser related.


  1. Definitely a dotted page layout, in addition to the lined and graph papers.

    1. Hi
      Yes I'm sure we can come up with something along those lines.

  2. I would appreciate a recreation of the old personal-sized Credit Card Charges leaf please, as my stockpile of these is dwindling. A version of that for Filofax pre-punched paper would be handy.

  3. I would love a diary insert either week or month on 1 page that is just Monday to Friday. I use weekends for notes but it is really wasted space I'd prefer to use for work days. I've tried a couple of times to amend a Philofaxy template but can't get my head around it.

    1. What size insert do you want Carol? A5, Personal?

  4. gmax, if you provide a picture of the specific form you want, then I can easily recreate it in versions for single-page printing and for Filofax computer paper.

    1. Sound perfect thanks Gerard. Steve has suggested I send him an image, so I’ll get it scanned in shortly.

    2. gmax, I have had a go at recreating the old form 609, based on a partial thumbnail view in the "Filofax Facts" book. Let me know if this fits the bill, or if I've missed any part of the form. Happy to take a look at any scan.

      Apple have been busy with software "upgrades" since I last produced Fx forms, so the output is probably not as crisp as my earlier uploads.

  5. I would love the A6 TM versions to have four lines for the left hand side appointments pages, instead of the current 3, especially for 2021 setting up this coming Autumn. Space is at a premium in A6 and this may not fit, but I'd love to try it out if it is possible. I use the version with 2 columns changing one from tasks to others, as I like to note down when others' schedules may affect my planning. An interesting thread this Steve, and thank you for it. xx
