
27 January 2023

Free For All Friday - No. 742 by Anita

Following on my previous Free For All Friday, I thought that I would confess that I have not yet done my clear out or changed to my GTD based setup! Once upon a time, I know that I'd have been champing at the bit to start a new year with any changes already in place and tidying done for the 1st January. 2022 was a year of rest and recovery for me, so I'm going to be using my Kensington more this year to help me start to look at more projects, but with a focus still on sustainability.

So, this felt like a timely post by Steve in the Facebook group:
'How is your year going so far? Did the starters pistol go off on 1st Jan and you got out of the blocks ahead of everyone else? But three weeks in, you now realise that this is not a sprint race, it’s a middle distance race at a slower pace than the last 20 days….

You can’t keep up this same crazy pace all year, you will miss important things or do things badly. Sure you needed to get things done, me too.
But it is now time to slow down, review your to-do list and plan things out'.

Have you made any changes to your setup recently to help you focus on looking after yourself, or to find small changes that may help you slow down a little?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. First, I would like to thank you for your correct usage of the word "champing." ;)

    I've always believed in one Filo to rule them, but towards the end of last year I realized I was going to have to split it up.

    So I now have "brain" in a crimson Lockwood personal (books, movies, music, current events, journal, family, commonplace) and "body" in a tan Buckingham 2MLF personal (exercise, household, investments, gardening). It will be interesting to see how I handle juggling two books.
