
29 December 2023

Free For All Friday - No. 790 by Anita

When I used to work for larger organisations, there was a yearly appraisal process, but I haven't had a formal appraisal since working for smaller companies for many years now. However, I normally take a moment at the end of the year to jot down a couple of notes to consider what has gone well during the year, and what could have been improved. I've been on annual leave this week and like normal, I've done my yearly maintenance and tidy up, so I guess I consider this my Filofax appraisal!

What has worked well for me in 2023:

  • Selling binders that weren't in use or I didn't really get on with - I'm back down to owning two which suits me well (another post to come about this).
  • Giving away supplies and inserts that I haven't been using. 
  • Returning to my GTD based setup - I've been looking to complete more small projects this year, so having a separate projects section has been very helpful.
  • Keeping my Filofax on my desk next to me with my phone on top of it - I used to leave it in more random places, so it wasn't close by for when I wanted to jot down a note (such a simple change, but oh so effective). 
  • Opening it every day - this used to be a bit random in comparison, but I make sure that I have a look each day now.
  • Starting to track some habits - I've kinda done this before, but my record keeping wasn't regular, so it wasn't very effective (another post to come on this).

What could have been improved:

  • After doing my tidy up this week, it's very clear to me that I haven't been doing a review on a regular enough basis. When I'm more busy or low on energy, it can be easy to skip these and then all of a sudden things can feel a bit out of control.
  • I regularly have ideas for writing a Philofaxy post, but fairly often forget to write them down... So, I now have a Philofaxy sheet under P in my A to Z section for making notes like this. I promise that you will be seeing more of my posts here in 2024.
  • I admit that I've forgotten to write some of my Free For All Fridays and Silent Sunday posts (sorry, Steve) - so have now added a FFAF list and reminder about which Sunday posts I've already done, which are now behind my Philofaxy post ideas sheet.  
What has worked well for you with your Filofax this year?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend & wishing you a happy New Year.


  1. Hi Anita. Unlike you I've been in the office, but it's really a ruse I perpetrate every year (and have done since the early 80s), namely to claim three uninterrupted days to review and to plan. January is every accountant's nightmare month but is greatly mitigated by good preparation - as is the whole of life, in fact. So here are my brief musings...

    What has gone well:-

    Regular reviews. I've been pretty good at this, usually taking an hour last thing on a Friday afternoon and getting out of the office to my favourite coffee shop.

    Sticking to my GTD system doggedly despite numerous times when I was tempted to abandon it.

    What hasn't gone so well:-

    Large format organisers. After many shifts of format I've come to the conclusion that Personal is the best option for me and am moving back down for 2024. There are many reasons to think larger formats and page sizes have a lot going for them (and they do) but on balance I've come to the conclusion that portability is more important to me. A clear out of A5 and Franklin planners will surely follow.

    So that's it for 2023. I sympathise with you having forgotten to write your posts in 2023. I forgot to prepare a talk for a group I belong to and only remembered when my name was announced. Interesting times......!

    1. I got an A5 for a new job. Mostly I work from home with one day in the office per week. Not sure if that'll change. If sits open on the desk near me but goes in with me into work. I have a rucksack plus laptop so doesn't really cause me any portability issues. Pages size isn't an issue but thickness is slight issue. Perhaps I need a small ring A5 filofax.

      I am looking for a secondhand personal filofax though. To replace my metropol with a leather one. It'll be my personal one. I'm also going to experiment with a pocket zip filofax of an unknown model name, faux leather and about 30 years old barely used. I might use as a contacts database and quick diary.

      My biggest lesson last year was WOTP isn't big enough for my new job. I replicate my outlook calendar that work uses so we can schedule meetings without having to go through emails and dat/ time n options route. Simply book a clear time for all attendees. I then put them into my filofax. This year I've got 1 day to a page with appointments. It means I can copy the outlook calendar exactly. Currently have 3 months in it.

      WOTP hasn't worked at all.

      A5 filofax has worked. As has taking pages out when at my desk to write on the page. Eliminates the wrong side writing issue. This could make a personal more useable. Hence the new secondhand personal search.
