
11 July 2024

Filofax Billingham - by Anita

Looking back at some photos in my phone, I realised the other day that I had forgotten to write about a wonderful vintage Filofax that I purchased! I admit that I'm very behind with writing posts here, so I actually bought this one back in 2022...

It was just a normal day, when I had that feeling that kinda feels like an itch or maybe a certain type of restlessness. Sometimes it might be just because I'm a bit bored or fed up, but I admit that sometimes it leads to me looking at second hand Filofaxes to buy. 

For some reason, this time I had an idea that I was looking for something a bit unusual, but I didn't have any particular criteria for what that might mean. I decided on my maximum budget and, as per usual, I first visited the Philofaxy Adspot page, but nothing caught my eye. 

I've never purchased from Facebook Marketplace, so thought that I'd have a little browse there and something caught my eye that I didn't recognise. The photos weren't great, but I downloaded the one showing the interior, zoomed in and was surprised to find what looked like a Winchester with the code 4BLCF 7/8! 

Thankfully the seller was happy to post it and within a couple of days this beauty arrived. I gave it a wipe over with a damp cloth, and the exterior trim leather buffed up to a beautiful shine with some Lord Sheraton leather balsam.

After some further investigation in the Philofaxy catalogues, I found it in one dating back to 1987.

Billingham - 'distinctive two-tone canvas and tan leather wallet. There is a window pocket, credit card and full-width flap pocket at the front and a full-width gusset flap pocket at the back. Has pen loop and fastener. The Billingham has been designed to complement the Billingham professional camera wear range. Ref. 4BLCF7/8. 7/8" khaki fawn canvas and mid brown kip leather'.

I don't know about you, but I'd never heard of the Billingham before, so I would say that this definitely meets my criteria of wanting to buy something a little different. 

When it arrived, it was carefully packaged and also came with some Keypoints Reminders from the Free-Form Time Management inserts. (If you're interested in these inserts, I'd recommend that you click on the link to Steve's post, as the photos are of better quality than mine)


When I let the seller know that the Filofax had arrived safely, I asked them if they knew anything about its history. She said that it had belonged to her Dad, but she was selling as he had had quite a collection of Filofaxes and leather wallets etc. They'd been in storage for quite a while, so she was delighted that they were finally going to new homes to be used and enjoyed. 

On that subject, you might think that I'm mad, but I never used this wonderful binder and it just sat on my bookshelf for about a year. I'd occasionally get it down to admire it, but I'd then just carry on using my faithful Kensington. My Kensington is my favourite, so I was delighted when the Billingham went to live with its lovely new owner last year, and hopefully you will see a guest post by them in the future.


  1. That’s a lovely “antique”. Fab find, I love it when something so unheard of appears 🥰

  2. I remember reading that catalogue description and deciding 'kip' must have been a typo for 'kid'. Unless there's a 'kip leather' I don't know about...

  3. Well well; 'kip leather' is indeed 'a thing':

    Every day is a school day...

    1. Hi Kevin, thanks for mentioning this, as I'd meant to include something about the kip leather in my post.

  4. I was very keen on film photography back in the 1980s, and I remember seeing that Filofax in London, but I couldn’t afford it at the time. It’s a minor miracle that the canvas parts have survived without stains. Thanks for the write-up, Anita.

    1. Yes, I agree as the canvas is very light in colour, so I was amazed that it didn't have any ink or other marks.
