
27 November 2014

Diary Inserts 2015

This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but don't charge or use commercially.

It has taken us longer this year than I would have liked, but we have fully updated the diary inserts page now to include (hopefully) previews of all of the different inserts.

I also discovered a few files that hadn't previously been published so a few extra ones as a bonus too. 

Here is the full list as of today:

Inserts for 2015

A4/A5 Format
Personal on Personal Paper
Personal on A4 Paper
Personal on Letter Paper (North Americans Only!)
Pocket on A4 Paper
Mini on A4 Paper
A big thank you to Ray Blake for his continued help and support in sharing these files with you.

You will find a fully up to date version on the Diary Inserts Page. Please also follow the instructions about printing and take note that you will need a punch as well.

Creative Commons License

This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but don't charge or use commercially.


  1. Fantastic work dear Steve! Thanks to you and your team 😀

  2. Thank you for sharing x


  3. Thank you for all of your hard work! I appreciate all of the freebies!!!!!!!!

  4. I find these so useful. Thanks for all your hard work - much appreciated!

  5. I used month per view and day per view for my missing 2 months november and december 2014. They are brilliant, thank you!

  6. I LOVE the previews! Such a helpful feature! Thanks

  7. Thank you for all your hard work!

  8. thank you for doing this! there are some really nice styles here!!
