This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Please download, adapt, use, share, but do not charge or use commercially.
For previous years including 2024 click here For Future years click here
If you have a Filofax organiser, you probably have diary pages – probably ones made by Filofax. If you’re happy with those pages, great. If you’d like to try something different, read on. If you’d like to experiment or adapt a diary that is just right for your very particular needs then you’ve come to the right place.
Ray Blake of the My Life All in One Place blog and I have collaborated in an ongoing project to produce a range of diary layouts that can be downloaded, printed, punched and used. You can find them all here and they are all free. They are offered for download and use under a Creative Commons Licence. That means you can freely use and adapt them other than commercially. You can share these templates with other people, but you must not charge for them.
You need to decide whether you just want to download prepared layout sets for the full year, or whether you want to roll up your sleeves and adapt our templates to your own needs. Some of the things you can do when you have the source files are:
- Make and print a diary for any year - past, present or future
- Adjust the space given to different days or other template elements
- Add your name or other details to each page
- Make a diary for part of a year, or for any period you want
- Change the language of month and day name
Before downloading the PDF files and printing them please read the note at the foot of this page about PDF readers scaling the print output.
Please note that the previews will always show 2015 or earlier, but the real files should be the correct year.
We have rationalised the number of 'print ready' files that we make available to just the list below. The larger selection source files have been retained and are still available from the links further down the page.
Inserts for 2025
Note the reference number and the size, use A4/A5 for all ISO page sizes (A4, A5, A6, B5, B6 etc).
Click on the name to see a preview of the insert, note that the date doesn't reflect the files, the previews are not updated every year.
The print ready Word or PDF files are a full 12 months for each year listed at the top of the column.
The source files are in the Word and Excel columns, you will need both files for each insert.
In the Excel files you will find a Year sheet, and other worksheets. To change the year enter the year in appropriate cell, note that the source files don't change from year to year.
When carrying out the merge in Word merge the data from the 'Merge Sheet' listed in the final column.
Please report any broken links to philofaxy at gmail dot com
Ray Blake of the My Life All in One Place blog and I have collaborated in an ongoing project to produce a range of diary layouts that can be downloaded, printed, punched and used. You can find them all here and they are all free. They are offered for download and use under a Creative Commons Licence. That means you can freely use and adapt them other than commercially. You can share these templates with other people, but you must not charge for them.
You need to decide whether you just want to download prepared layout sets for the full year, or whether you want to roll up your sleeves and adapt our templates to your own needs. Some of the things you can do when you have the source files are:
- Make and print a diary for any year - past, present or future
- Adjust the space given to different days or other template elements
- Add your name or other details to each page
- Make a diary for part of a year, or for any period you want
- Change the language of month and day name
Source Files for older formats.
Please note that previews are not updated each year unless the design has changed.
A4/A5 Format
Personal on Personal Paper
- Day per page Source Files Preview
- Day per page minimalist journal (narrow) Source Files Preview
- Day per page minimalist journal (wide) Source Files Preview
- Day per page (Time Management) Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages (Time Management) Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages (Daily Dashboard Word Excel Preview
- Two days per page (Lined) Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (Unlined) Source Files Preview
- Week per page Source Files Preview
- Week per page CC Source Files Preview
- Week per page with Tasks Source Files Preview
- Week plus Tasks sub-divided Days Source Files Preview
- Week on one page Enhanced TM Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM (5 line version) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM with Journal Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM (5 line version) with Journal Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM V3 (4 line version) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM V3 (5 line version) Source Files Preview (4 line)
- Week on two pages Enhanced Reversed TM (4 line version) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced Reversed TM (5 line version) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages (cotton cream layout) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Journal Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Journal Lined Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Vertical with tasks Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Vertical without tasks Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Minimalist Vertical Source Files Preview
- Month per page Source Files Preview
- Month per page (Horizontal Format) Source Files Preview
- Month per page with notes: Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages with notes Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages - lined Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary A5 Single Sheets Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary A5 Facing Pages Source Files Preview
- Two months on one page Source Files Preview
- Year planner A4 Source Files Preview
- Year planner A4/A5 Z fold Source Files Preview
- Year planner (vertical format) Source Files Preview
- Year Calendar Source File Preview
- Day per page - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Two days per page (Lined) - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Two days per page - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week per page - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week view - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week view (vertical layout) - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week plus Notes - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week plus Tasks - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Week plus Tasks sub-divided Days - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View V2 - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View V2a - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Month per page - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Month on two pages - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Month on two pages (Horizontal format) - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Year planner - Source (Word Excel), Preview
- Year planner (vertical format) Source (Word Excel) Preview
- Year Calendar Source File Preview
Personal on Personal Paper
- Day per page Source Files Preview
- Two days per page Source .docx .xlsx Preview
- Week per page Source Files Preview
- Week per page plus notes and tasks Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Vertical Source Files Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View Source Files Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View V2 Source Files Preview
- Enhanced Time Management Week View V2a Source Files Preview
- Month per page Source Files Preview
- Month per page with notes: Source Files Preview
- Month per page with notes landscape Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages landscape Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages with Notes Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages (Horizontal) Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages lined Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary Single Sheets Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary Facing Pages Source Files Preview
- Year Calendar Source File Preview
- Day per page Source Files Preview
- Day per page minimalist Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (Lined) Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (Unlined) Source Files Preview
- Week on one page Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Enhanced TM Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Vertical layout Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages landscape layout Source Files Preview
- Month per page Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary Facing Pages Source Files Preview
- Year planner Source Files Preview
- Year planner (vertical format) Source Files Preview
- Day per page Source Files Preview
- Day per page minimalist Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages Source Files Preview
- Two days per page Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (lined) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages - TM Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages - CC Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages - Vertical layout - Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages - Landscape layout Source Files Preview
- Monthly Overview Diary Facing Pages Source Files Preview
- Day per page minimalist Source Files Preview
- Day on two pages Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (Lined) Source Files Preview
- Two days per page (Unlined) Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages enhanced TM Source Files Preview
- Week on two pages CC Inspired Layout Source Files Preview
- Month on one page Source Files Preview
- Month on two pages Source Files Preview
- Year Planner (Vertical Format) Source Files Preview
- Mini Week on two pages Source Word Excel Preview
- Year Planner (Vertical Format) Source Files Preview
M2 on A4 Paper
- M2 Week on two pages (Vertical layout) Source Files Preview
- M2 Week on two pages (Horizontal layout) Source Files Preview
Note: Printing Word or PDF files
When printing either the Word or the PDF files, it is essential that you set the paper size correct in the application and in any printer dialogue boxes on your PC/Mac. If you are printing on A4 paper, then you need to set the paper size to A4 not Letter or any other size.
If you don't set the paper size correctly then the files will be resized according to the paper size you have selected, despite having A4 paper loaded in the printer.
Printing PDF Files
When you print your PDF file, it prints out smaller on paper than the Word or other file it was created from.
When you print from Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will see this dialogue:
You will see that 'Print Scaling' setting is by default set to 'Shrink to Printable Area? That's the one that's shrinking your PDF when you print it.
Change the setting to 'None':
Now, when you print the PDF it will print at the right size.
Using the source files
Tutorial for MS Office for Mac 2016 (Office 365)
With the change to MS Office 2016 for Mac, the basic method is still the same, just where things are located has changed a little compared to previous versions of Office.
If possible please watch the video in HD and on a large screen.
Tutorial for MS Office for Mac 2011
Tutorial for MS Office for Windows 2010
Tutorial for MS Office for Windows 2003

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but don't charge or use commercially.
Thank you this is so helpful.
ReplyDeleteIs there a file for A5 in North America? I'm having trouble with the margins with the day on one page file.
ReplyDeleteI think that the 1 week on one page for personal on A4 might have the wrong dimensions.
ReplyDeleteWhen cutting in between to two pages, some of the text on the back on a page gets cut off.
Also the size seems a bit small for personal sized paper, even though I print it on 100%.
Thank you for the upload, these free inserts are amazing!
DeleteI presume you are printing on to A4 size paper 297x210 mm ? The back not matching the front is a printer issue with regards to duplex printing. Are you using a Duplexer or are you manually turning the paper over?
I am using a Duplexer and I am using a A4 size paper :)
DeleteTry manually duplexing the pages then, print all odd numbered pages, flip the paper stack over and then print all even numbered pages.
DeleteLooking at the file on screen the personal page is the correct size 171x95mm
for some reason i cant seem to get the back and front pages to line up
ReplyDeleteYou don't mention which insert?
DeleteI presume you are using the correct size paper?
And does your printer have a duplexer? Quite a few that do, do not always align the paper correctly. To over come this duplex the pages manually. Print odd numbered pages first, then all even numbered pages after turning the paper over manually
Hi guys! i'd like to print the "week in two pages" visual (in A4 format). How do i have to stamp the pdf file to make it work fr the filofax? should i print it back/forward directly or print before some pages instead of others? thanks!
ReplyDeleteIf your printer can print A4 in duplex then try printing the first 8 pages to check for the alignment of the front and back.
DeleteThank you so much for these inserts. I'm trying something new, and I am a little nervous about it.
ReplyDeleteI have downloaded the Source file for 2020 Month per page (Horizontal Format) for A5 but the year is showing up as 2021. The dates are also for 2021. Am I doing something wrong? Can you please let me know how to correct this? Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteThe Excel files remain the same each year. Edit the cell A2 in the file for the correct start date and all the dates are recalculated
DeleteHi, thank you for the inserts, they are great!!! Allow me just one remark: the day on two pages layout is reversed - I think this is a mistake?! Thank you :-)
ReplyDeleteWhich one? This format is available in several sizes.
DeleteNo. 5, Day on two pages A4/A5 Format. The preview is correct, but the *.docx file is reversed - I don't know how to fix this by myself :-(
DeleteIt's missing the leading blank page. I've added the blank page, please download a new copy
DeleteThank you so much!! Now it works perfectly!
ReplyDeleteA4 and pocket all of the allignments are off, none of them print correctly :(
ReplyDeleteAre you printing using the correct size paper 297 x 210mm? If you are using the duplexes on your printer try manual duplexing instead the misalignment is nearly always the printer not the files
DeleteNo 5. A Day on two pages, this is great and just what I have been trying to find!! Just to let you know December 31st is missing (not the end of the world for me, but just to let you know) :) thanks
ReplyDeleteI will see if we can correct that. Thank you for letting us know.
DeleteAnd fixed it was the leap year stealing a day from December that did it. I've added an extra day to the Excel file to allow for that in future.
DeleteAmazing, Thankyou
DeleteIs there any way to print A5 day on two pages double sided so that when cut and put into the diary the days are in order? I did try, but the pages didn't come out in the correct order
DeleteYes but you need to use the booklet printing option on to A4 paper
DeleteOr if you are printing on to A5 paper double sided you must print in normal direction not reverse direction
Hi guys. Need a bit of help here. im using word 2010. I am trying to change the layout of the table all together. I changed only on the first page and click "finish and merge" and select "edit individual" and select all...
ReplyDeleteand the result is nothing. only the first page is changed..
what am i doing wrong please
You are downloading the source files? The Word and Excel file? Then change the word file to suit and then do the mail merge which should give you a new 12 months file. Each Day/week/month should then reflect the changes you made to the source file
DeleteThe source file depending on which one it is will only be 2 or 4 pages in length
Hi Steve
DeleteYes i have done that. however the changes didn't take effect on second pages onwards.
I started with
Delete2020mergeddayPersonalonpersonal.docx and use the datesourcefilo.xlsx
2020mweged is not a source file that is a merged file it will not have the mail merge codes in it You need to download the Word source file for that layout
DeleteDo i still use the datesourceflo.xlsx as the other file when merging
ReplyDeleteahhhh...it works now...thanks
ReplyDeletebut the first page is 1 Jan 2012..how do i make it 1 jan 2020 please
I got it
love it ...
thanks guys..
Hi, Cannot print "week in two pages" at A5 size in correct sequence. Please help or direct me to related information. Tks.
ReplyDeleteAre you printing it on A5 sheets of paper or booklet printing on A4?
DeleteAlso which one, there are several! Number in the list please.
DeleteMake sure you print in normal direction not reverse direction.
Hi Steve, I am printing on A4 sheet and number 26. "Week on two pages Vertical without tasks" under A4/A5 format. Tks.
DeleteI have checked all of the Week on Two Pages (14-27 they all have the blank leading page, therefore if you print them in the correct order (normal, beginning to end) then the pages should print in the correct sequence and be in sync with the same week on facing pages etc.
DeleteStill having problems please email me (details in the About page)
How do you change the languages in the Excel source file?
ReplyDeleteI played around with it, but in the end had to resort to the "search and replace" function in the merged Word document, which is, of course, perfectly doable and a one-time hassle anyway. But, being a lazy perfectionist, I wondered if there's a way around all of that!
Hi Dominique
DeleteThere have been issues in the past with different languages and I can't recall what the problem was.
If it's just the 'labels' for the days and the months you might be ok to change them, but there might be issues with some of the formulas in the Excel file when it comes to working out dates etc.
The labels in the Word source file for the days of the week that aren't merge fields should be ok to change in to your own language.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this service. The Personal on Personal Paper file week on two pages has the wrong dates. Could you fix this for me please? I tried the source file but I failed.
Can you please confirm which number. The dates look fine when I checked them.
DeletePersonal on Personal Paper number 5. When I open the file I only get 54 pages, which should be 108. Thank you very much for looking into it.
DeletePlease download a fresh copy and check the dates through the document continue through to Jan 2021
DeleteDear Steve, Thank you for the pages! I have been using them for 3 years. In the pages of not all of the dates:Personal on Personal Paper - Week on two pages .docx .pdf Source Files Preview: absent: December 26 to January 1, January 9 to January 15, January 23 to January 29 ...... and further also.
ReplyDeleteIf it is possible, correct, please. good luck to you. Sincerely, Galina.
If it is number 5,I updated the files this week. Please download a frsh copy and let me know of there is still an issue
DeleteThank you very much.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to save the planner pages as excel instead of .dox or .pdf?
ReplyDeleteNo because we use mail merge to create them and that wouldn't work for Excel, plus controlling the final format isn't so easy to do on Excel.
DeleteWhy do you want them in Excel and not Word?
Is there a way to save the calendar pages as .xls instead of .doc or .pdf?
ReplyDeleteSee above
DeleteI'm trying to print "Week on two pages Enhanced TM" but keep am having difficulties :( Everything is printing great except the date and little monthly calendar at the top of the RIGHT hand side. I have downloaded and tried printing all the various (Word) versions with the same result. I am printing duplex / booklet on A4 paper. Any help or advise greatly appreciated please!!
DeleteCan you email me a photo of the printed page and some more details of your set up so I can try to work out what might be going wrong.
Thank you Steve I have emailed you :)
DeleteHi Steve, thank you for all your work! I had a question about the printing of the personal size pages on letter size paper. I tried about 8 times to get the pages of the pdf to print back to back but was unable to get them to do that. I'm thinking maybe they're meant to be single pages? It's the pdf that has all the dates of the month on lines on he left and notes and goals on the right. I've printed double sided PDFs on my one side laser printer plenty of time before but I can't figure this one out. Any hints would be even more appreciated. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSorry, it's #10 on the personal letter size list.
DeleteHave you tried using the Word version?
DeleteI will try and check that the PDF is set for Letter size although that's not going to be easy to do because I don't have access to letter size paper. But I know that the Word file is set to letter size.
No, I'm sorry, I don't have word. Might one of the work with like libre office work? I'm on an iPad but I can go to my computer. Thank you.
DeleteThank you!
DeleteYes it will work in Libre Office
Deletethanks for this! i love you
ReplyDeleteSo I cant find 6 ring portable size Planner refill I checked day timers out they are over priced does this site have any for free print personal USE whats portable 6 ring = to a4 a5 is large 6 ring desk size
ReplyDeleteWe have Pocket on A4 inserts in the list near to the bottom of the list of inserts. You print them out then cut the pages out to pocket size then punch them.
DeleteIt's not easy printing on Pocket size paper hence printing on to A4.
Were can I get pass word sheet made up for classic A5 and address pages thanks
ReplyDeleteYou will find an Address files and an Internet Site Information page on the Files page here https://philofaxy.blogspot.com/p/files.html
DeleteThanks that will save me $ from buying them :
ReplyDeletedoes any one know were I can get vertical pages for a 5 classic 6 ring thanks
ReplyDeleteLooking for weekly vertical: Like this https://www.amazon.ca/Filofax-C68514-2019-Appointments-Refill-2019/dp/B07D93CJPW/ref=sr_1_31?keywords=filofax+refill&qid=1580689806&sr=8-31
ReplyDeleteAmazon or Filofax just order one.
DeleteOr look in the list above for something similar.
Hi, Personal on A4 month on one page alignment is off slightly. Tried duplex and manual in word and pdf. All other inserts print fine using A4 for personal, pocket and mini so doubt it's the printer. Could you take a look/fix please. Regards, Pete
ReplyDeleteHi Peter
DeleteWhen you say the page alignment is off slightly, which side of the page? The front side or the reverse side?
ReplyDeleteThis is really great. I am a 34 year long Time Manager (6-hole!) user and did not know what I was gong to do without hard-copy pages. I think you might have saved my bacon!
Two questions
1) Where should I be looking to find the classic TM 'day to gpage' pages and the utterly brilliant 'month per page' diary?
2) Is there no way I can just drop you $20 for the trouble you've saved me?
London, England
Hello David
DeleteContact me by email with some photos of the inserts you are looking for with the size details as well and we will see what we can create in a similar format.
Email address on the About page here.
Email with four photos just sent. Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI love your insert but unfortunately I can't always use them :(
ReplyDeleteis there a way to make the weeks start on Sunday instead?
Creating Sunday Start is possible, but you will need to modify the files yourself.
DeleteThere are some hints and tips on how to do this here:
oh thank you so much