
12 January 2017

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Plannerverse - Episode 45

A5 or A6?

To A5 or to A6, THAT is the question.

Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take up fortunes and spend it all on a sea of planners or by doing nothing, to fall asleep knowing there is still money in your account.

Tune in this week to see which size works best for the gruesome twosome.

If you have ideas for future episodes please send them to steve at philofaxy dot com

Show Notes (timings approximate)
00:00 - Introductions
01:45 - The myths surrounding these two sizes
03:00 - The difference in sizes
05:45 - ISO216 Paper Size standard
08:30 - Using Personal or A6 size in-conjunction with A5 size
10:30 - Beware of people selling Filofax A6 organisers... they don't exist.
11:30 - Designing for A6 size pages
13:00 - Experience of using A6 only after a long period in A5 only
21:00 - Printing A6 or A5
23:00 - Other formats in A6 not just ring bound organiser
25:00 - Why do you prefer A6 over Personal size organisers?
27:00 - Vintage styles over modern styles
29:30 - Tip of the week

Episode 45 - A5 or A6?

A direct download is also available here: Episode45.mp3

Show notes: A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf

NB: A5 is in A4 format so it can be scaled to suit A5 or A6 size. Personal is for printing direct on Personal size paper.

Presenters - Karine Tovmassian and Steve Morton
Editing and production - Steve Morton

Our Websites:
Karine: Plannerology, Karine Tovmassian (IG)
Steve: Philofaxy, Travellers Notebook Times, Mr Philofaxy (IG)

Naturally we would love to hear your feedback on the podcast. If you use iTunes please gives us your rating or reviews of the podcast.

If you want a quick link to all the podcasts remember:

Previous Episodes:

44 - End of Year - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
43 - Digital Planning vs Analogue Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
42 - Planning vs Organising - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
41 - Short and Long Term Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
40 - Good and Bad Planner Habits - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
39 - Tackling Planner Size Change - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
38 - Self-Improvement or Personal Development - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
37 - What is productivity anyway - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
36 - The Planner Community - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
35 - Wellness Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
34 - Listeners Question - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
33 - Pens and other writing instruments - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
32 - Proper storage, care and shipping of planners, rings etc - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
31 - Guest Interview - Louise Umeki - Plannercon 2017 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
30 - Form Following Function -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
29 - Seasonal To Do Lists - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
28 - Making and keeping annual goals - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
27 - Organising the family - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
26 - Guest interview - Theresa Hall - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
25 - Guest interview - Ray Blake - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
24 - Defining the important things from the urgent things - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
23 - Guest interview with Rita Sedani - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
22 - Printing your own inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
21 - How to derail your planning system by over thinking - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
20 - Digital devices/services and your analogue planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
19 - What To Keep In Your 'Others' Tab - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
18 - Zombie Apocalypse Preparation - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
17 - Managing Finances In Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
16 - Planning for those of us who actually can't live without planning, with guest co-host Carie Harling - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
15 - Automation NirvanaA5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
14 - Work Life Balance and Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
13 - GTD Productivity And Using Your Paper Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
12 - Job Seeking and Keeping - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
11 - Planner Fail -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
10 - Planner Hacks - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
9 - Planner Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
8 - Choosing Inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
7 - How do you carry your planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
6 - Planners on the go - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
5 - Why would you pay more than the price of a Filofax? - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
4 - Using Your Planner To Create Permanent Habit Changes - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
3 - Getting on with two or more planners - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
2 - Where to start your planning journey and why - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
1 - What size and why....  - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


  1. Hey Steve, how about doing a brain storming session via Skype to bring together the creativity of more than one person to the table with the aim to finding fresh ideas for your future episodes?

    1. We could do that, but we have quite a long list of suggestions that we are slowly working through. We sometimes have a problem deciding on which ones to cover next!

    2. A long list,that is awesome :-)I am looking forward to each episode to come. And concerning the sequence, You could still ease the deciding process by involving the swarm intelligence ;-)
      However, well done again an entertaining presentation. Nicely done!

  2. I toyed quite a bit with the idea of moving into an A6 binder last year, but since I combine my EDC with my purse, I prefer the personal size in which the Euro-notes do fit well without the need of folding (Malden compact, Pennybdridge compact and Regency compact/personal). As you can see, my personal journey has already evolved over the years, which makes it more successful for me. The A6 would not fit my user profile as neatly as the slightly bigger (higher) range of personal FFs, with a special layout.

  3. I love a6 size! I don't think there is much difference between a6 and personal, it feels more of a personal preference, Karine makes it sound like its so tiny that is similar to pocket or something, I really don't feel like there is much space difference between the two, the shape is just different, I feel the a6 is more of a natural page size than personal, and in fact, I am able to fit more into an a6 page than a personal size page. I just feel that she was very down on the a6 size.

    1. I've sort of settled in to A5 now. I stopped using Personal or A6 over 6 months ago now. I tried using A6 again for about 2-3 weeks and just found it too restrictive in terms of space!
