12 May 2012

Web Finds - 12 May 2012

It is time to sit down and relax and enjoy some great Filofax blog posts we have discovered for you this week.
Thank you to Tracy for the picture... counting down the days....

And don't forget to send in your Philofaxy Awards Nominations. 



  1. Ah, my favourite time of the week is finally here, and what a huge selection of posts there are today :o) Thanks Steve

  2. That's quite a list! Yay Saturday!

  3. After reading about the Olymc organisers I've found them really cheap at Staples UK website. Probably an admin error so get in there fast! ( a personal sporting icons was £12 including postage and VAT)

    1. Lily, I got the personal pink one for just under £10, picking it up today, got it delivered to a local store!!

    2. I agree with Alison, that is cheap when you see the cost of it on the Filofax site.

  4. Thanks for the link to my blog Steve :), i'm new to blogging and new here to filofaxy, well i've been stalking it for a few weeks now but quietly. It's time to say hello and make some new filo obsessed friends. So hello everybody, looking forward to getting to know you all better. Right off to spend the whole morning checking out all those posts, thanks Steve!!

  5. If anyone wants to read my blog/vlog on my Filofax-wallet, you'll find it here: http://notanotherfilofaxblog.blogspot.com/2012/5/my-pocket-Filofax-wallet.html

    1. Jotje, I watched/read it during the week and now I want a pocket chameleon.....aarrgghhh!!! No more filofaxes, no more filofaxes.

    2. I have the exact same Filofax and you've got me thinking about making it into a wallet now! I was also thinking about buying a pocket Pennybridge for the same purpose and I've just received a £10 Amazon voucher so there may be another purchase coming up for me very soon! Decisions decisions...

    3. @Saffy isn't that enabling business amazing and awful at the same time? :D

  6. Nice choice of reading material thanks Steve!
