03 July 2020

Free for All Friday No. 608 by Nan

Decisions, decisions! For the first time in several years, I've been experiencing the opposite of planner peace - planner chaos!

Here are some of the formats I've used just so far this year. 1. Personal size: 2 pages per day, with 1 week per page for overview 2. Large Moleskine: Horizontal week on 2 pages 3. Half-letter: DayRunner horizontal week on 2 pages 4. Half-letter: Franklin Covey vertical week on 2 pages (bought this and didn't even try it)

Currently, I'm returning to #1, but I'll also have a 1/2 letter book for a month on 2 pages calendar, yearly calendars, and project notes. I find I need both: a detailed, portable solution for each day's schedule as tasks, and a project book for my desk. I guess it's because I'm juggling a bunch of different concerns instead of one full-time job. I usually try to stick with one format for 6 months before changing, so since it's July, I'm going to try to make this work for the rest of the year!

Are you making any changes for the 2nd half of 2020?

Of course, since it's Friday, all ring-bound planner discussion is welcome!


  1. I can barely keep up with the planner I have as I have been so unwell with this double ankle fracture to my right foot. I am happy with my planner though, but way behind. Trying to get back on an even keel here really. xx

  2. I started with an A5, moved to a pocket and now to a personal size clip book. I don’t know if I’m coming or going this year!

  3. I feel that way too batterseaexile, since Coronavirus lockdowns the world has seemed so topsy turvy and I am getting cabin fever being at home a bit!!! The only way is forwards I suppose. Even the weather has been most unlike Summer lately. Hey ho!! xxxx
