13 February 2025

Cross - Referencing

I was looking through some old posts on here the other day and I came across a mention about cross-referencing. I'm sure you have all been doing this for years and wondering why I'm writing about it!

It is a very simple idea/practice to help you de-clutter your dairy pages.

In the example on the right you will see I have written 'Boiler service N3'

N3 is the location of my notes for 'Le technician de chaudiere' or the boiler man to you and moi!

Any issues get added to the relevant notes page and I also then have a history of previous problems,  N3 is 'Notes - Page 3'

I can grab that page out of my organiser on the day of the appointment and then he will have just those notes to see and nothing else from my diary.

I've started to do this for medical notes for my 6 monthly appointments with the doctor. It keeps everything neat and tidy. 

Do you cross-reference information in your organiser?


  1. With bullet journalling there is something called threading that seems similar. I used to bullet journal in a cheap TN clone once. I numbered inserts then a dash for the page number in that insert. So I could refer in current notes to an old insert and particular page/pages that are relevant to that entry. Not sure if that was threading but it was something I worked out for myself.

    I don't write such threading reference in my filofax diary section these days. I just know that if an appointment is about subject B then I will look in notes section B when I go to it (or before it to update my memory). Not quite the same but it works for me. Just like my version of threading worked when I used a TN style system.

  2. I like the idea of adding the N-3 on the daily page to remind me to check the note on the subject. I have the note but will forget to look back at it.

  3. That is an elegant implementation! I use cross-referencing, and the calendar (a vertical month spread on two pages) is the key part of my Filofax. I also have symbols in the margins and references to digital areas. For digital information, I use the PARA Method, where I keep emails and more detailed notes. In the Filofax—especially the calendar—I generally note only one-line summaries. However, I tend to refer to my Filofax more often, particularly in meetings or when I’m out and about. The immediacy and flexibility of the organiser tends to serve me well when I am on the go.

