01 August 2023

Free For All Tuesday - No. 652

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question.

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.


  1. i bought a moterm versa, not knowing that the rings can no longer be as easily switched as they used to. i now have a spare set of rings but no idea how to exchange them ... any ideas? help!

    1. They unscrew, there are two screws one at the top the other at the bottom. Unscrew those and the rings should remove easily. I was able to swap mine on my Versa.

  2. unfortunately, this is only true for older ones. there are removable screws but the plate remains in place

    1. Yes the back plate remains between the inner and outer layers of leather.

  3. this is only valid for older models. if i remove the screws the plate on top of the leather remains in place

  4. riddle solved! the holes and screw threads, respectively, in the top and bottom plates were not perfectly aligned and made it (almost) impossible to lift the top plate. if anyone else faces this problem: remove the screws and gently push two rulers parallel to the plate, that will push the top plate upwards ...
