07 June 2024

Free For All Friday - No. 813 by Steve

The Fascination with Filofax

I have dedicated the last 15 years to exploring every possible facet of using a Filofax organiser. 

Some in depth, some in passing. But I am still not sure why I love them so much. 

After all I'm a big 'tech guy' and always have been/will be. From my many Apple devices to driving a Renault Mégane E-tech full electric car and living in a house mostly powered by solar panels, tech is all around me every minute of the day. 

However, it is a pen and paper I reach for if there is something that comes in to my head and I'm afraid of forgetting it within a few minutes times. Sadly, that's how poor my short term memory is these days.

Using a Filofax and meeting other Filofax users has brought me a lot of joy in the last 15 years since joining Philofaxy in June 2009. The friendships have been wonderful I have met hundreds of readers over the years both face to face and virtually and it has been wonderful to help people out and share my gained knowledge with you all. 

Thank you.

As always it is Friday so please feel free to share a memory or ask a question about your organiser. 


  1. Steve - you’ve done a fantastic job over the years with daily postings, product reviews, insert templates, virtual and physical meetings, a published book, plus much more. Your efforts are truly appreciated by us all. Thank you.

  2. "But I am still not sure why I love them so much" - this is such a powerful and honest statement, one more of us should try to answer for ourselves. My own answer Steve is simple - I read your post on my smartphone, looked up, saw the first two Swifts of the season spiralling in the heights, (after their arrival to middle England from their incredible journey from north Africa ) and wrote this fact into my bird tracker. Not in the smartphone, but into my beloved. My leather Winchester, onto a slightly scuffed at the edges, slightly dirty corners from fingers leafing back and forth over years paper insert, with a pen, somewhat protected (but not totally, hence the grubby edges) within the safe confines of the enveloping leather.
    In summary, it makes me feel joyous and connected.Thanks Steve for spreading the joy.

  3. The time and effort you've put into phILOFAXY is truly amazing. No way we can tell you how much we appreciate this but your joy comes thru in every post. A simple thank you is not enough so we hope you are aware of how you've made our lives so much better thru your efforts.

  4. There is only one philofaxy. An online fortress for analog life in this increasingly digital world. We as a global Filo community have you to thank, Steve!

  5. Thank you for all that you do Steve!! There is only one phILOFAXY and there is only one you!! Here's to many more years!!
    ~Yvonne Martin

  6. As a latecomer, I am still working my way through the old posts, and looking though the old catalogues, which I find fascinating; compare the 1928 LeFax catalogue leaf reference numbers with the 1984 Filofax leaf reference numbers... I have been suffering a seemingly continuous series of colds this year (just getting over another one), and Philofaxy has provided a 'low mental effort' activity whilst I rest in bed, along with recreating old inserts. So thanks to Steve & all the other contributors.

    Leather wax in use today, for a NOS 1992 Lincoln Pocket 4-ring (calf leather) that arrived today. Stiffer than the kid leather 1990 versions I have. Lying in bed browsing eBay is a dangerous thing...


  7. What would we do without you Steve?
    Hoping you find many more remaining facets to explore.

    1. Interesting question! I'm not sure what I would have done in retirement if I didn't have Philofaxy to keep me occupied these last 14 years. I was still working for a living in the first year.
      To think I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough to do when I stopped work in 2010.

    2. Very glad and grateful that you’ve followed that path so passionately thanks Steve.

    3. Thank you, Steve, for all the hard work and your dedication to the Filofax brand!

  8. Thank you for this wonderful resource and your valuable time. I too am a tech person and yet after trying iPad and phone apps for planning always come back to Filofax. There is something about the process of writing and thinking that for some reason to me is different than typing and thinking. Powerful stuff is the Filofax but it’s also tactile with the covers and leather and the way they simply feel comfortable to hold and carry! Small things but imo just things that make me appreciate them all the more.

  9. Thank you so much from me! I used your WOTP for a few years while i was still working and just scaled it down for the A5 Malden I treated myself to this time last year.

  10. Thank you for all your lovely comments, I must also thank Nan for having faith and confidence in me all those years ago to invite me to join her to keep Philofaxy moving along.
    Thank you also to all our contributors and guest post writers, they have added a lot of extra information and knowledge over the years.

  11. Steve, I absolutely agree with all of the other comments & thank you for helping Philofaxy to become the amazing resource that it is today!

  12. Thanks so much for everything you've done. The website is an invaluable resource for all things Filofax!
    I am still very new to ring-bound organisers but for me, right now, the fascination is that it's a loose-leaf system. A couple of days ago I moved pages around because I am still working on finding a setup that works best for me right now. This is almost effortless and I can swap pages and sections around as often as I want/need. If you ONLY need a diary for appointments etc, then a bound system can work well for that. BUT if you also want to keep in it address lists, project planning, notes, dividers, financial planning, remove the past and top-up the future, there's nothing like a ring-bound system.

  13. Thank you for all that you've done/continue to do!!!

  14. Happy Belated 15th Philoversary and Father's Days!! ♥️ Thank You for investing. -Jessie T.
