12 January 2024

Free for All Friday No. 792 by Nan

 We've been talking a lot about archiving lately, so I thought I'd keep the topic going. I always keep my used pages, so I have a record of every year. I toss unused diaries in recycling. (Although, if you keep them, the days of the year will eventually line up again!) 

When I take notes on specific subjects, I often insert a separate sheet of paper, so I can move it from day to day or month to month (or sometimes year to year). I archive these pages in a separate tabbed binder. Some of these pages go back more than 10 years, but each subject is kept together. This binder is just about stuffed, so I've started another one, with some variation in tab naming. 


  1. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing.

  2. What is it about some filofaxes cause a few pages to wrap around the rings on closing but others never do? I've got a finsbury A5 that does it but my metropol personal has never done it. It's it about A5 vs personal or 30mm vs 23mm rings? Or something else?

    1. I think there are several factors including the paper stack size and how much this needs to move when closing the binder. Also the larger diameter rings can be physically thicker metal.

  3. What's a good paper option for printing your own inserts? I've seen a clairfontaine trophies 120gsm A4 paper. I like clairfontaine in notebooks so I'm guessing their printer paper will be good for fountain pens in a filofax.

    Also, I'm printing for A5 and personal without a guillotine or cutting mat. So it's messy scissors. Are philofaxy inserts easy to set up for A5 paper and using the same paper for personal inserts? Or is it best to stick with A4 for ease of printing?

    1. I buy A5 size printer paper and print directly to that with no cutting. There are several paper types and weights available online, although I don't know if Clairefontaine makes A5 looseleaf paper.

    2. For anyone in the UK, since Amazon France stopped shipping to the UK I've found a really excellent brand of smooth A5 120gsm brilliant white which I'm using for A5 insert printing. Happy to post the link to anyone who would like it

  4. This is brilliant Nan, thanks for this! I think this will solve some issues I've been thinking about re: archiving pages by topic that range over several years. Fantastic!
