15 April 2024


Reading books be they non-fiction or fiction is one of life's pleasures. It gets me away from a computer or TV screen, away from distractions and notifications.

I'm not a fast or as fast a reader as some people. I often get so absorbed in a book or a series of books I forget the title of the book I'm reading. 

To take the strain out of know what books I've read or haven't read yet I created a few different Filofax inserts which I hope you find useful too.

Yes I know there are websites and apps for this sort of thing, but a Filofax insert removes the privacy and data sharing concerns.

A4/A5 size inserts:

Personal size inserts:

Personal size on A4 plain paper:

Personal size pages on pre-punched A4 paper:
Please note these should also work on plain paper and then cut and punch to size. 

What books are you reading at the moment? 


  1. Custom Doc Anon15 April, 2024 05:56

    Thank you for the downloads! Definitely useful for when reading a series of books over a long period, where it can be easy to forget where you got to, or to miss one out.

    I like to use the wider offcuts from my custom docs as bookmarks, and pencil in things I want to lookup later, sometimes I add a note or two once I'm done. Then they can stay with the book and if I re-read it ages after, have that information handy.

    Currently reading Argo (Mendez, Baglio) about a covert rescue operation amidst the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. Fascinating events, and the exact kind of book to trigger things to lookup, in order to get a fuller picture of what's being described (eg the consulate buildings, and layout of the city).

  2. Thank you for these! They will be shortly finding their way into my system - although (following on from Sunday's excellent chat) I think I MAY have finally found a workable solution for my quest to downsize back to Personal. Further report to follow.....

  3. Forgot to add that as of today I am reading Slow Productivity by Cal Newport (a favourite author) and Bibliomaniac by Robin Ince (co-presenter of The Infinite Monkey Cage podcast)

  4. After subscribing to and reading Philofaxy for more than 15 years, this year I finally succumbed to rings for personal planning. Thank you for offering these inserts. Do you have suggestions for how to resize to fit a pocket-sized FF?

    I usually have two or three books on the go at the same time: something in the nonfiction category (history, biography, how-to, science) and a novel of some sort. One is always an audio book, so I can listen during my commute or while doing housework. Yesterday, I finished listening to Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Nothing compares to listening to the esteemed author reading her own work! Today, I start Atomic Habits by James Clear.

  5. I wonder if Filofax users are more inclined to read paperbacks or if they are more open to e-reading...? I would imagine it's the good old way of reading on paper... What do you think and do you prefer?

  6. Thanks, Steve.
    I'm currently reading one of my husband's books - Three Hearts & Three Lions by Poul Anderson.

    Klaus - I have a Kindle, but do prefer reading paperbacks still. I go through stages of reading on the Kindle, but always have a paperback on the go :)
