19 April 2024

Free For All Friday - No. 806 by Anita

My husband is an excellent cook, but I admit that I'm not that confident or experienced when compared to him. So, I've decided this year to start trying out some simple recipes to help improve this. Last night, I made roast cauliflower and lemon gnocchi bake, which was super yummy and very easy to cook! It felt like a great start and I was delighted with the result, so I'm going to start keeping a list of the recipes that I make (under R in my A to Z section) with a note of where I found it and maybe a simple scoring system, so that I can choose my favourites at some point. I tend to just use lined or plain paper for most things, but if you prefer printed pages, you can find recipe or meal planner inerts on the Files page

Do you keep recipe or meal planner pages in your organiser?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. Custom Doc Anon19 April, 2024 08:12

    The top Notes cell of Week To View is a great place to log use-by dates, I don't plan ahead much with food for various reasons but if I have some meat or fish which needs to be used before a specific date it gets entered on the week it happens, so I don't forget.

  2. That recipe sounds delicious - thanks for the link! I use a recipe app (Paprika 3, if anyone wants to know) to track recipes, and use my planner for meal planning.
