Do you still own one?
Contrary (perhaps) to popular belief, it's still going as an effective time management and even life management tool. A super-enthusiastic community worldwide is extremely active and knowledgeable.
Well, this brand new A-Z guide, available for pre-order today, was written, compiled and sweated over by Steve Morton, and published through by Pulcheria Press.
Available now:
(Publication date 3 January 2022)
Who is Steve?

A change of job in 2005 where he worked in a high security environment prompted his return to a Filofax.
He has used one daily ever since.
Now retired from being a radio and electronics engineer, Steve now devotes his time to the Philofaxy blog website and the planner community.
Quirky fact: he featured in the highly acclaimed The Dull Men of Great Britain book published in 2019 by Random House due to his Filofax dedication.
Since 2016 Steve co-hosts a podcast, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Plannerverse, devoted to making better use of planners.
So, what could this book do for you?
Filofax is the great survivor turned indispensable cult.
- But how do you choose the size and the inserts from so many on offer?
- How do you select the design to work best for you?
- How does your Filofax fit into and enhance your life?
- Easy A-Z format
- In-depth review of different designs (and their quirks!)
- Secret features users might not suspect exist
- Timeline of Filofax’s history through the last 100 years
- Introduction to other leading manufacturers of organisers (Gillio, Van Der Spek)
Connect with Steve and the community Philofaxy blog:
Facebook: The Philofaxy public page: Steve's Philofaxy page:
This guide is not only useful in a practical sense, but also an extremely accessible guide to take you through the world of personal organisers. Here's where you can buy it now:Paperback: Amazon UK Amazon US Barnes &Noble Book Depository Waterstones and through your local bookshop
fILE OF fACTS: A Comprehensive A-Z Reference for Everything fILOFAX
Publication by Pulcheria Press 3 January 2022
Ebook: ISBN 9791097310332
Paperback: ISBN 9791097310325