28 September 2009
New Year's Resolutions!
Let's take a look at my New Year's resolutions this year and see how I'm doing. I'll have a look in my trusty Filofax to review what exactly those were:
1) Stick to an exercise program. I have been off and on with this one. I was actually doing really well with it for a couple of months until this month with the simultaneous occurrence of my in-laws staying with us for two weeks and me having a rotten cold that I am still trying to get rid of. I have plans to get back with it soon!
2) Save X amount of dollars in my bank account. Welllll...this one hasn't been going as well as I expected. There have been several trips this year that I didn't foresee. They have all been good, and of course I love to travel. And I know where the money went. But, the bank account is definitely not where I hoped it would be by this time.
You get the idea so I won't bore you with the rest. Interestingly, looking back through my Filofax archives I discovered that I have had the same NYRs for the last 3 years now! Of course, they have mostly been ongoing-type things rather than distinct goals to achieve. I guess my lesson learned is that it's inevitable to get sidetracked during the year for various reasons, but I just have to get back at it and keep my goals in mind.
What were your New Year's resolutions this year? Do they tend to be ongoing things like eat healthier and exercise, or do you tend to set distinct goals to achieve such as complete degree, get promotion etc? How are you doing with those resolutions so far this year? Have any of them changed, or are no longer relevant to your current situation? And, are you thinking yet what your resolutions will be for this New Year?
25 September 2009
Free For All Friday No. 45
But how do you carry your Filofax around with you? Pocket, Bag, in your hand? Tell us, post links to your pictures...
24 September 2009
Dodo Stickers!
Okay, I admit I am bending the rules a bit to tell you about the new Dodo Pad organizer stickers. But, by their own admission, the stickers may be used with “indeed any diary, organiser or calendar of your choice – Lord Dodo, whilst he hopes you will stick to his produce, is happy for his artistic efforts to be applied far and wide across all manner of organisational tools.” And, I feel that Dodo Pad products officially entered the realm of Filofax when they introduced their A5 Filofax compatible Dodo Pad planner inserts.
USA Family Organizer available
Unlike the Fam Org packs in the UK, the US Fam Orgs only come in A5 size. I am assuming the other contents of the pack (worksheets etc) are similar.
The Filo US website is having a promotion on the Fam Orgs pre-packaged in an A5 binder. You can choose from Domino, Finchley or Finsbury in a variety of colors. When you buy one of these pre-packaged sets, you also get a free storage binder! Check it out here.
23 September 2009
New Time, New Channel
We've been talking a lot about the changing of the seasons. Lately, I've been mostly using my Filo to note the premieres of new TV seasons. I look forward to TV more, and watch less, when I plan what shows I want to watch and when. Writing down the show's start time also helps motivate me to complete my chores before the show starts.
For the curious, the shows I'm planning to watch are "House MD," "NCIS," "The Forgotten," "Flash Forward," and "Californication." I'll also watch just about anything with Gordon Ramsay!
Those of you who use your Filos to keep track of opera and ballet may now feel smugly superior.
22 September 2009
Happy Equinox!
Every year we have friends over to enjoy "fire, meat and alcohol" (beers and meat on the grill) to mark the event. It's a good excuse to grill out with friends while the weather is still good. But also I like to notice the annual cycle of seasons and light.
In many places, equinox indicates the beginning of fall (or, if you live very far north, the onset of winter). No matter what the temperature, the shortening days and lower-angle sunlight certainly feel fall-like this time of year, and reminds me that winter is coming.
Is autumn in full swing where you live, or is it starting to feel winter-like already?
Do you recognize the equinox, or celebrate it?
19 September 2009
Sara's Creations
18 September 2009
Free for All Friday No. 44
Do you ever refer to the charming "The World and Time" page that comes in every Filo? It's certainly true to the "fax" part of Filofax!
Do you note the passage of seasons or other astronomical data in your diary?
17 September 2009
Filofax Time Capsules
But recently on Flickr, I came across a quote that made me think beyond storage binders, and instead using your entire Filofax as storage for that year. NHgrrl on Flickr was discussing her older Filofaxes and said, "I confess the planners not in use anymore still have the old pages in them from when I stopped using them!! They are sort of like time capsules.”
This is an interesting idea to me. Normally I use my Filofax binders from year to year, if not actively as my planner then for some use or another. But, I do have one planner binder that is similar to NHgrrl's "time capsule" Filofaxes. Way back in the day when I was using a Cambridge version of a Filofax personal size binder, I abandoned it for something else, then eventually bought my first Filofax. I still have the Cambridge, and sometimes I like to look through it to remember what my life was like at that time (as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal). It is indeed a time capsule. In it are the addresses of the most important people in my life at the time. Most of those friends I am no longer in contact with. In it are lists, notes, and my daily planner. It's fascinating now to remember what I was thinking during that time, what my day to day life was like, and how I envisioned my future plans (which are now long past!).
During that time I filled many books with my journal writings about my impressions of the country, what I thought my role was or ought to be, people I met, all the usual stuff. But a look inside my planner gives a different view. It's not the musings of my mind. It's the nuts and bolt of each day, the business side of my life.
Inside that binder are things other than the pages themselves that give clues about what was important to me. Inside the front cover was a photo of my sister, who I missed terribly. Other scraps of paper and small random things now speak volumes.
Has anyone else preserved a Filofax, or other planner, in its entirety and kept it intact after you stopped using it? Do you ever look back through it?
15 September 2009
Filofax is everywhere....
This blog is an obvious place to start and the sites we have links to on the site. But I keep discovering new places on the web where people interested in Filofax gather and share their thoughts and ideas. Some are a little more active than other places.
So here are a selection:
- Flickr Philofaxy Group - Pictures galore!
- Facebook - Facebook Filofax Groups
- Facebook - Facebook Filofax Pages
- LinkedIn - Filofax Group
- Twitter - Filofax UK on Twitter
- Twitter - Philofaxy on Twitter
- YouTube - Yes on YouTube too!
- Yahoo Groups - Yahoo email group
11 September 2009
Free For All Friday 43
How are you using your Filofax to plan everything you have going on in these last few months of 2009?
08 September 2009
What makes a truely great diary?
I came across my diary from 1987/88 that I kept quite well. It was at the time when my son was born. So it made interesting reading. Back then I used to commute to London each day so I guess I had more time to kill on the journey. It was also the first year of having a Filofax.
On the BBC website today there is an article about the late Alan Clark, a former MP. Who was quite a character. He had his diaries published and they became best sellers.
Here's a link to the article on the BBC website.
So what do you record in your diary?
07 September 2009
From the Web - Monday 7 September 2009
- The final days of the K-12 posse - How a Filofax records your child's journey through school
- Filofaxes have their uses - From the Centre Managers Desk
- Creative Filofax - Something a little different from normal
04 September 2009
Recycling - FeuerWear Perry Personal Organiser

So imagine my surprise the other day when I received a press release from FeuerWear for a Filofax organiser made out of recycled fire hose! But with a genuine Filofax insert with the usual fill:
- Calendar
- Address book with index tabs.
- Notepaper
- Finances
- To-Do lists
- World Map
- Ruler
- Business Card Holder
- Penloop
- Multicoloured note paper
- Website directory
- 2 document compartments.
Each organiser is unique in its own way, because the hose used for the cover is labelled to identify each length, so no two organisers will be quite the same. One thing is for certain it will be hard wearing, having already been put to good use saving lives somewhere.
They also make a variety of bags and accessories from recycled fire hose. FeuerWear have distributors in different countries around the world as well as an on-line shop on their website. See the website for full details.
Free For All Friday No. 42
So it feels like Summer is nearly over, the sun is setting earlier in the evenings... let's hear from you.