31 October 2015

In the beginning - 10 years on

On this day at this time ten years ago Philofaxer launched his first post on the world of the internet.

If you have been a reader since day one then I think you would be in a very exclusive club. Remember the social media platforms back then were very different to now. Twitter was 9 months from being launched, Facebook was still in its infancy and only available to schools and university pupils. Google+ was over 5 years away, so was Instagram. So quite how you discovered Philofaxy apart from a Google search I don't know! I discovered it myself almost by accident one day back in about 2007 when I typed in something like 'Filofax blog' in to Google.

Over 3,000 posts later and over 36,000 comments later we have reached our tenth anniversary.  What can I say? It has certainly been an awesome few years for me since I joined the team. I've loved every minute of it.

After Philofaxer, Nan joined him and kept things ticking over for a couple of years on her own. It was in 2009 that Nan reached out to Laurie and me to join her. A couple of years later on Anita joined the team.

On behalf of the team I would like to thank you all for being such a great bunch of readers, whether you have been reading the blog for 10 years or 10 days. You are all part of a very special group of people.

We would also like to thank all our other supporters, there are a lot of them!
  • Ray Blake, for all his help and support with our Diary Inserts, which wouldn't have been possible without his expertise. 
  • To the team at Filofax which until this year gave us regular updates on new products and set us photo challenges. 
  • To all the team at Gillio who continue to share news and review samples with us. We continue to work together, as Gillio have expanded their range. Mella deserves a special mention for sharing her discovery of the company with us. 
  • In a similar way to all the Van der Spek family who I've enjoyed working with over the last couple of years to publicise their products and expand the range of products they make. I would also like to say a big thank you to Janet Carr, not only for all the work she does on her blog, but also the help she gives behind the scenes on the Van der Spek groups
We would like to also thank all our Guest Post contributors who over the years have contributed some excellent posts on using organisers and other tips and tricks. We should also include all of the Readers Under the Spotlight who have appeared over the years.

The number of blogs and bloggers writing about organisers over the last 10 years has certainly exploded. We enjoy sharing their work in our Web Finds posts. To try and mention any of them individually would leave out several hundred others! 

There are however some exceptions, people that have done so much though their blogs, You Tube channels and activities on Facebook and Twitter to help our community grow and grow around the world. I'm sure we all have our favourites.

One of the first You Tube stars to catch our attention was of course Imy, she created her own following quite quickly on her channel and a lot of people have followed her examples.

I would also like to mention Jennifer Reyes (My Purpely Life) who was one of the many who used You Tube to share their likes and loves of organisers and decorating, but Jennifer hasn't stopped there, she has also been organising events on the West Coast with increasing numbers of people attending them. They are well organised and everyone is super friendly.

I could keep thinking of people to mention, I'm sure you could as well.... but let's all celebrate together.

So what of the future? More of the same? Well I'm continuing, there is still plenty of things to do. Yes I know there are things on the blog that need updating such as the links page. I'm also working on some new projects too which I hope to share with you soon.

Thank you everyone, here is to the next 10 years.

Web Finds - 31 October 2015

So I hope you have had a good week.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet, so grab a drink and make yourself for our weekly round-up.

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
  1. Reader Under The Spotlight - Izabelle
  2. To Do Lists?
  3. Free For All Tuesday No. 247
  4. Guest Post - 10 Years of Planner Bliss! - Susan
  5. Experienced User - Kate
  6. Free For All Friday No. 363 by Anita
So here are the latest Filofax and other brand blog posts from around the Internet. Don't forget to leave a comment on the posts you enjoyed reading, all bloggers enjoy getting comments.
  1. The Power of Planning – 7 Reasons You Need It - Poochie Baby
  2. 10 Tips to Completely Transform How You Use Your Day Planner - Giftie Etcetera
  3. Sooooo… THIS happened yesterday! - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  4. [31 Days #25] Why the Half Size Planner Is My Favourite - Planner Fun
  5. New A4 Filofax layout - minimalist vertical weekly - My Life All in One Place
  6. The Comprehensive Guide to Organizing Tasks in a Planner - Giftie Etcetera
  7. Filofax Knightsbridge – Unboxing and First Impressions - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  8. [31 Days #26] The Daily Mini Page Revisited - Planner Fun
  9. Temptation by Filofax - Dreaming of publication
  10. 2016 Plannerisms planners are coming! - Plannerisms
  11. Intro to Budgeting with Paper & Tech / Getting Your Financial S*** Together 101 - Kicking Ass and Taking Notes
  12. 10 Essential Sections to Transform Your Daily Plan - Giftie Etcetera
  13. [31 Days #27] Track Everything [printable] - Planner Fun
  14. Midwest Planner Meet Up Recap - Filoally
  15. Happy Anniversary Mini Giveaway!!!! - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  16. My Filofaxes: Pocket Vintage Jack - A random English Life
  17. Easy DIY Planner Pockets and Planner Decor Ideas - Mrs Brimbles
  18. [31 Days #28] Don't Forget This - Thanksgiving Daily Page [printable] - Planner Fun
  19. Time management Monday: Using your planner with a wall calendar - Quo Vadis Blog
  20. It’s Time to Organize Your Filofax for 2016! - Strange & Charmed
  21. Bullet Journalling (or at least my version of it!) - A random English Life
  22. Comparison: Guildford vs Regency - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  23. Out with the old, in with the new - My new Filofax! - The Life & Musings of Annie Rose
  24. How to add a time tracker at your calendar  - My Last Eureka
  25. Setup della filofax malden mini _ la mia agenda portfolio - Lucy Wonderland
  26. October 2015 Filofax Personal Malden Setup - Carie Harling - Dispatches from the Frat House
  27. A Brief Timeout......and Ramblings! - Sparkle Frogs
  28. How to build your perfect planner system? Week 20: Use more planners! - From Chaos to Order
  29. [31 Days #30] Planner Links You Should Know About - Planner Fun
  30. Mrs Brimbles photo challenge - week three - She's Eclectic
  31. Using a Filofax To Balance Life - Renew Your Space
  32. 5 Smart Ways to Stay on Schedule - Time Management Ninja
  33. My Filofax collection, to date! I didn’t realize I had a little... - Olga plans
  • We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Do not forget to give your posts a title... 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • For some general tips on Filofax Blogging, please see this post
We are on the look out for more people to take part in Reader Under the Spotlight. If you would like to appear in this feature then please contact Steve : philofaxy at gmail dot com  Thank you.

And here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. Dans mon Filofax #4: Mon Kakébo - Le Corps La Maison L'espirit Latitia
  2. Filofax Personal Malden Ochre October 2015 Setup - Delicious
  3. Filofax saffiano raspberry personal - La Cry
  4. Filofax A4 Metropol, Unboxing & Detailed Look - The International Geek
  5. My planner setup..filofax/gillio - My Life Re-Organised
  6. Personal Filofax Set Up | New Releases | October 27th - Aryn Lawson
  7. Filofax - PaperBeauty Love
  8. Fluoro PInk Personal Filofax Update - DarkLittlePeople
  9. Oct. 2015 Filofax Personal Malden Setup - Carie Harling
  10. setup della filofax malden mini _ la mia agenda portafogli - Luciana Telesca
  11. Gillio planner Setup OCT 2015 - MadeWithLoveCrafter
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. BLACK AND BLUE - Letters In November
  2. My week #184 - Paper Lovestory
  3. My week #42 - She's Eclectic
  4. Week 42 and 43 - The CC Collection
  5. My Week #44 - Polkadot Paradiso
  6. My Week #43 (2015) - Joanny White
  7. Pimp My Planner - Dianne Sylvan

30 October 2015

Free For All Friday No. 363 by Anita

The lovely Tracy R. recently posted on Facebook about starting her 2016 decluttering early using her number one rule of 'if I lost it in a fire, would I repurchase it?' I think it's a great question to help me consider the possessions I keep in my life and unsurprisingly my thoughts turned to the binders I own. It seems recently that they have been multiplying and instead of my usual two or three, there are now seven in the house! However, I think I've been going through a period of figuring out what I really want in a binder, so it has been useful and I already know which ones will be rehomed. I will be writing more in some other posts about them, but here's my collection right now....
  • Black A5 Hamilton - to be sold as I know that A5 just doesn't work for me
  • Black A5 Stratford - kindly given to me, so I will probably give it away
  • Tan ostrich print A5 Time/system - I admit I purchased this when I was feeling a bit sorry for myself, but I don't need it so will sell it
  • Vintage Mulberry Agenda - whilst the A6 paper size is great, I don't think it's enough of a benefit for me personally to leave personal size, especially as I already own a fair amount of paper in this size
  • Black personal Kensington - repurchased as I missed it after selling it and luckily the buyer was happy to sell it back
  • Black personal Dundee - another recent addition as I realised that I like croc print binders and was missing my Ascot
  • Patent pink personal Domino - to be given away as I received it as part of a blogger challenge and haven't gotten around to it. 
I will be keeping my Kensington and Dundee, so that I can swap between the two for when I fancy some variety. The plan is that I won't feel the need to get back into my old habit of selling and buying. 

Do you own any binders that you wouldn't replace if you lost them in a fire?

And as always, as it's Friday please feel free to discuss anything Filofax or ringbound planner related.
Have a great weekend and happy Halloween.

29 October 2015

Experienced User - Kate

This week I would like to welcome Kate to share with us how she uses her organisers. 

1. When did you start using an organiser?

The first planner I used was probably one of the simple weekly planners they made us use in school. But I had Fun Faxes when I was little, although I never thought about using one as a planner!

2. How has your use of an organiser changed over the years?

I always loved collecting and using stationery, but I didn’t start using a planner properly until Sixth Form, when I bought a little day per page bound book. I loved it- I wrote down my homework and anything else that was important. During my first 2 and a half years at university I used various different planners, including my iphone calendar, but none of them worked for me, and life felt out of control, until I found Filofaxes!

3. Which diary format works best for you and why?

It depends on what I’m doing, what’s going on in my life. Now that I’m back at university, I’m using day per page, which is the same diary format I used in university in 2011 and 2012, and it’s best for me in this situation. However, this diary format only worked when I had lots of lectures- it didn’t work when I was just doing research for my dissertation, or during the holidays, because I didn’t have much to plan during my days, and when I finished university it sent me in a tale-spin because DPP really didn’t work for me any longer. I still haven’t found what works for me when I’m not at university!

4. What other information do you keep and maintain in your organiser.

Tonnes! In my actual planner, I have a ‘Reference’ section where I keep information I need for when I’m out and about, such as phone numbers I need written down if my phone dies. I have an A6 Van Der Spek which I’m setting up as my main ‘Reference’ binder where I keep all of the other information I need- passwords in code, National Insurance no., NHS no., a list of where I store things (you’d be surprised how you can forget where things live in your house!), etc. In my A5 VDS I have lists of information that refer to projects, but these change as the projects evolve, and then get thrown away when the projects finish.

5. Do you use a 'system' of organisation, and how does it work in your Filofax?

I have my own system. In my ‘Organisation’ section I have my ‘Current’ lists- things that are important currently- a list of current projects, things that are on my mind, things to keep in mind, near future to-dos, shopping list, wish list, etc. In my A5 I keep my projects etc (along with my main notes section and hobbies workbook).

6. What routines and structures do you use?

I used to have a planning routine when I used my bullet journal, as can be seen in the video at these links:




but since I changed my set-up at university I haven’t developed a new routine. I’m sure I’ll make a video on it when I figure it out!

7. Do you use one binder or several, and if several, how do you use them?

Yes! I have quite a few now, although fewer than I used to! I don’t have them here at university, so let’s see if I can remember them all…
  • A6 light brown Touch Me Van der Spek- everyday planner
  • A5 pink and purple custom Van der Spek- Notes, projects, hobbies workbook
  • A5 brown Kendal- university notebook
  • A6 brown Touch Me- Egyptology notebook on-the-go
  • A5 Fuchsia Original Filofax- Novel notes
  • A5 Ochre Malden- Egyptology research
  • A5 De Villiers- More Egyptology research!
  • A5 Cuoio and purple custom VDS- Museum Studies dissertation notebook
  • A5 Yellow Original- Hieroglyphic grammar
  • A5 Raspberry Chameleon- journal pages storage
I’ve probably got more, but I can’t remember them right now!

Thank you Kate,

If you would like to take part in this series please email steve@philofaxy.com and mark your email 'Experienced Filofax User'

28 October 2015

Guest Post - 10 Years of Planner Bliss! - Susan

Today we continue our 10th anniversary celebrations with the a by Susan. I thought I would dig out the previous header picture for a bit of a 'retro' feel!

Happy birthday Philofaxy!!! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since this blog started. Since finding it, Philofaxy and the planner community that surrounds it, has been a huge part of my life. Never in a million years did I think I would find so many like-minded people as crazy about planners and time management as I am, much less make life-long friends from such a community.

But let’s start at the beginning…

Since high school, I have used a planner. It started with the spiral-bound notebook-types that students are given. It started as a practical tool, one to keep track of my assignments, nothing more. In college, my use of planners grew, keeping track not only of my assignments, but also my work schedule and social events. By the time I graduated and moved into the adult, grown-up world of jobs and housekeeping, I was dependent on them to keep me sane.

I had always stayed with the spiral-bound planners, as they worked well for me. I also thought of the ringed binders as too big and bulky. I looked at them in awe of their use, but never did I buy one. However, around 2007, a friend turned me on to Filofax, pointing out how great they are, how flexible. I did a Google search for Filofax, found an array of options just for the binder alone. And then…

And then.

And then I found Philofaxy.

Needless to say, I have never turned back. Not only did I find a product I liked, with many options of sizes and colors and textures and inserts, but I also found an entire blog devoted to the brand’s use. I mean, my gosh, there are planner people out there! I felt like I had found my home.

In the beginning, I spent hours (and I do mean hours) reading all of the back posts. It took precedence over anything else I read. I had to know about this Philofaxer person, this blog that was full of juicy planner, time management, and task management goodness.

Once I caught up on all of the back posts, I waited oh so impatiently for new posts to appear, gasping and getting that flutter of excitement in my stomach when one did. A new Philofaxy post absolutely made my day!

At the time, the Philofaxy Flickr pool was at the top of its game. It’s still active today, but Instagram has overshadowed the wonder of this planner photo collection, and today there are only a few additions every few days. Back then, there were several contributions a day, and I would spend hours looking at all of the hot planner porn. I especially loved (and still love) the early photos. Some of my favorites are this, this, this, this, and especially this. I really could go on and on, but I won’t bore you. If you have never looked at the Philofaxy Flickr pool, I urge you to head over and start at the beginning. You won’t find much in the way of sticker- or washi tape-decorated or themed pages way one sees today, but I promise, you will not be disappointed. Looking back at the original photos today, I feel that same sense of sophistication that I felt when I first viewed the photos—everyone’s planner(s) looked so beautiful and so classy, I could not wait to get one of my own.

Finally, I did—it was a brown Personal Domino, given to me as a gift by the friend who first mentioned Filofax to me. I still have it and use it for storing extra inserts. The band is stretched and dirty and the inside isn’t great, but I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it, for nostalgic reasons.

I can remember when Nan first came on the scene, followed by Laurie and Steve. (You can read about each of them, as well as Anita here.) It was shortly after Laurie started Plannerisms that I started my own blog, Well Planned Life. (Actually, it started out as Life Well Planned, which I loved, but which I changed after finding out that an American company used it as their tagline/slogan. I probably didn’t have to but just in case, I did. PS. The company no longer uses it. Oh well.) In any event, I started my blog in 2009, and most of my readers found me via Philofaxy. The major (blog) players of the time were (and some still are) Crazy Life of J, Crazy Suburban Mom, Oni, Zoe (though she was something else in the beginning), Imy, and Kyla, among others.

Since then, numerous planner blogs have popped up, as well as YouTube Channels, Instagram accounts, and Facebook pages. Who knew how it would take off? Nan and Steve and Laurie and Anita have all made that happen, all with meet-ups and Skype chats and Facebook groups (oh, the Facebook groups—too many to keep track of!). I remember when the first meet-up happened in London—I was so jealous! I wanted one here in the US. Never did I think I’d be the one to organize the first New York City meet-up. Never did I think that I’d put my planner into strange and amusing situations. Never did I think that my planner would be banned from New York City for trysting in a public park (read the other side of the story here).

And now, Philofaxy isn’t just about Filofaxes. Other planner and notebook and general office supply products are covered as well.

But what really sets this blog apart from any other I have followed (and I follow a lot) is the community that surrounds it. I have met so many wonderful, supportive, and friendly people from this community. Some friendships I’m sure will last a lifetime, and it’s Philofaxy that I have to thank for that. Back in 2012, I wrote a Philofaxy Culture Tribute post, but it still holds true today, though perhaps a few more practices and traditions can be added to the list.

So, thank you, Philofaxy for all you have done for the planner community at large and for me specifically. Without you I never would have met some amazing people, nor would I have been writing for the last (almost) 6 six years.

Happy 10th birthday! Here’s to another 10—and beyond!

Thank you Susan for a lovely trip down memory lane.  Now before you all rush to comment on this post... you will won't you... Susan has been very generous to offer a free Filofax iPad Air case, as pictured below. 

We will pick a person at random from the comments on this post on the blog to receive this gift. The closing date/time will be 12:35 on 31st October 2015... blog time (East Coast USA) this was the time of the very first post 10 years ago on that day. 

This is open to anyone world-wide as long as you have a postal address. 

Usual rules will apply... No cash alternative, Judges decision will be final, etc. 

Thank you everyone for all your support. 

26 October 2015

To Do Lists?

Do you use To Do lists? I find my life revolves around lists of various sorts.

But do you have different lists for different things? Or just one main list?

Some of mine are a bit more than a To Do list and I end up with a page of notes just on one topic, I suppose this is taking it to extremes in a way. But it does mean I'm downloading my thoughts and ideas on to paper and not trying to remember everything, because I know that doesn't work!

There are times when my short note on a to do list doesn't make any sense at all the following day/week!! So I've learnt to be a bit more descriptive and specific in my notes, take up more than one line if need be.

How do you record things you need to do?

25 October 2015

Reader Under The Spotlight - Izabelle

Today I would like to introduce you to Isabelle. 

Hello ! Bonjour !
My name is Izabelle and I'm a Filofax addict.  I'm American and I live in France with my beloved husband and our adorable daughter. 

I work as an ESL teacher in a secondary school and I love my job. I also love tea, travelling, reading, listening to music, white wine, cooking, shoes, singing, yellow, laughing out loud, smelly cheese and doing the dishes... among many other things and not necessarily in that order. ^^ 

Though my phone is said to be my third hand, I love writing things down and listing things on paper, hence my collection of Filofax organisers. You can follow me on Instagram @a_pop_of_yellow where I post pictures of my Filofax decorations, "planner staging" and all that jazz ;-) I'm also an active member of the French planner community on Facebook where we try to "spread the Filofax love" Ha-ha ! ^^ 

Thanks for featuring me on your fantastic blog ! 

1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it?

My first organizer was a non brand one when I was in high school (in the last century.. oops !) , it was the sign that I was becoming a grown-up. ^^ 

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?

I have used Moleskine agendas and the Montblanc Meisterstück zipped organizer is on my dreamlist. 

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?

I love the grained leather of the Finsbury and Finchley but I also love the simplicity of the Original. So I don't have A current favorite but many, since I switch from one color to another according to my mood. As far as the size is concerned, I only have A5 (for work) and personal size. I think that pocket size are way too small and I definitely can't use a pocket size though some of them are really cute.

4. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own?
I have 38 Filofax (soon 39). Don't freak out, dear readers ! ^^
- 6 A5 Original
- 4 A5 Finsbury
- 1 A5 Spring green Chameleon
- 11 personal Original
- 3 personal Finsbury
- 2 personal zip Lockwood
- 1 personal red Adelphi
- 1 personal black Finchley
- 1 personal Ebony Deco
- 1 personal compact gold Saffiano
- 5 personal compact Finsbury
- 1 personal Calipso
- 1 pocket Picadilly
and I know I've got a brown slimline Finsbury, hidden in a box somewhere. 
5. What is the oldest organiser in your collection?

A yellow Picadilly personal size I bought in a Filofax store in London in 1999.

6. What do you use your organisers for?

They all have a function. I mainly use the personal size for personal (^^) subjects, just to name a few:
- a tea journal
- a fitness journal
- my daughter's journal
- a religious journal
- a Xmas journal (we have a large family and we often celebrate Xmas abroad so things need to be organized)
- a music journal
- a fragrance journal (in which I list the candles I have and those I want to buy, the different scents I like and memories related to them...)
- a wine journal
- a sign language journal
I use the A5 for work : one of them is my teacher planner and the others are for various professional projects, and the compact size are all related to money, budget and financial projects.

Actually, I use my planners as binders.

7. How many sections do you have in your organiser and what is each section used for?

I always have 5 sections in all my binders. (call it OCD...)

Here are the five sections in our wine journal, for example : 
1. tasting journal
2. white wine inventory & wishlist
3. red wine inventory & wishlist
4. champagne inventory & wishlist
5. adresses, shops, exhibitions
(we don't like rosé... is that real wine, anyway ? ^^) 
8. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?

The leather ! I recently bought a Saffiano and I must say that I don't like it as much as I love those made of leather. But it's gold and I love that. 

9. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

An neon yellow Original with gold rings (better wear shades when you open it ! )

10. How do you carry your Filofax?

In my purse and in a pouch or a bag organizer. At work, it's in my schoolbag protected by an adjustable book cover. I'm not babying them but I'm taking care them. 

11. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

I really love the Original and the last ones I bought are the Original Jack (A5 and personal size), they're absolutely beautiful. 

12. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax or other brand of organiser? Which model?

About 150€ for a personal ebony Deco (on sale)

13. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?

Using a personal compact as a wallet. 

14. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?

Is that a real question ? ^^ It's so nice to share a passion with such a cheerful community. 

15. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?

Nothing ! 

16. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?

Lianne La Havas' last LP "Blood"

17. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day?

Not yet but I really hope there'll be one some day in France. 

18. What was the last movie you watched?

La Famille Bélier, un French movie about the everyday life of a non-deaf teenager and her hearing-impaired family. The movie I wanted to see was cancelled so I had to choose another one and this one was so popular at that time, I decided to give it a go. It's filled with clichés but quite funny though. 

19. What was the last book you read?

Jamie Oliver's last cookbook, Everyday Superfood. Actually, Filofax and The Naked Chef are kind of related for me : I discovered both while I was living in England 16 years ago. 

Thank you Izabelle.

As you know we are always looking for new people to appear in our 'Reader Under Spotlight feature, you don't have to be 'well known' or a long term user to be considered to appear in this 'spot'.

So please contact Steve philofaxy at gmail dot com today. Thank you.

24 October 2015

Web Finds - 24 October 2015

So I hope you have had a good week.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet, so grab a drink and make yourself for our weekly round-up.

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
  1. Reader Under The Spotlight - Abby
  2. A5 Minimalist Week View Diary Insert
  3. Free For All Tuesday No. 246
  4. Other A6 page size combinations.
  5. Philofaxy at 10 years old - Chimwemwe - Amanda
  6. Free For All Friday No. 362 by Steve
So here are the latest Filofax and other brand blog posts from around the Internet. Don't forget to leave a comment on the posts you enjoyed reading, all bloggers enjoy getting comments.
  1. [31 Days #17] Using Your Planner as a Wallet or to Replace Your Purse - Planner Fun
  2. You Can Solve Your Planner Problems - Giftie Etcetera
  3. Organize The Things You Want To Read In Your Planner - Renew Your Space
  4. Mine Sampling - Filomaniac
  5. [31 Days #20] Using Your Planner to Track Your Finances - Planner Fun
  6. Time management Monday: Productive procrastination - Quo Vadis Blog
  7. 5 Easy Steps to Transform a Blank Page Into a Planner Page - Giftie Etcetera
  8. [Review] The Filofax Refillable Notebook - Typecast
  9. [31 Days #21] November Folded Calendar - Planner Fun
  10. Quick Post: New brand of planner I came across… - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  11. Dump Your Smart Phone (For a Planner) - Giftie Etcetera
  12. A rather interesting Filofax bundle heading my way - This Bug's Life
  13. FREE 2016 LimeTreeFruits Planner is HERE! - Lime Tree Fruits
  14. Living the planner girl life - devalayermail
  15. Sooooo… THIS happened yesterday! - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  16. My Filofaxes: Personal Vintage Jack - A random English life
  17. [31 Days #23] It's Back! The One Page Minimalist Thanksgiving Planner [printable] - Planner Fun
  18. Why You Should Never Finish Your Todo List - Time Management Ninja
  19. A Peek at My Planner - Giftie Etcetera
  20. Finding Hidden Time - Weekend Wife
  21. *Happy Friday!* Sharing this after a friend shopping for her... - Olga Plans
  22. How to build your perfect planner system? Week 19: What to keep in your planner and how to organise? - From Chaos to Order
  23. Calendar inserts for 2016 - Joacim Hertz
  24. Flyleaf Focus Sheet - Renew Your Space
  • We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Do not forget to give your posts a title... 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • For some general tips on Filofax Blogging, please see this post
We are on the look out for more people to take part in Reader Under the Spotlight. If you would like to appear in this feature then please contact Steve : philofaxy at gmail dot com  Thank you.

And here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. DIY FILOFAX INSPIRATION + Verlosung ! - Peppermintpattyblue
  2. Personal Filofax Domino - Initial Setup - Nikki Cotton
  3. Filofax Original Patent Nude -- Setup -- german/deutsch - Hannah Li
  4. Planner Set Up Filofax Malden - October 2015 - Claudynplans
  5. DIY Dividers for your Planner - Palestblue
  6. Temporary travel planner in Filofax A5 Clipbook - From Chaos to Order
  7. Personal Filofax Saffiano in Raspberry - Monique Smith
  8. Juhuu endlich ist es soweit, mein erstes Setup ist da Filofax Saffiano GOLDi - Filo Faxerin
  9. Gillio Compagna in A6 and the incredible Slim! - Chrissie's Universe
  10. Using two planners (Van der Spek and Filofax) on an every day basis and how each are used. - One Fantastic Find
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. Instagram Photo: Planning for next week #poochiebaby - Poochiebaby
  2. Weekly Post #134 - Miss Mae's Adventures
  3. My week #183 - Paper Lovestory 
  4. This week in my MAMBI Happy Planner - A Day in the life of a Country Mouse
  5. Weekly Post #135 - Miss Mae's Adventures
  6. My Week #43 - Polkadot Paradiso
  7. My week #41 - She's Eclectic
  8. My Week #42 (2015) - Joanny White
  9. My week 42/52 - Twenty5Seven
  10. Weekly Post #136 - Miss Mae's Adventures

23 October 2015

Free For All Friday No. 362 by Steve

So this weekend Europe goes through the twice a year ritual of altering the clocks, this weekend from Summer time to Winter Time, back one hour. Technically we gain an hour in bed, but by the time you have spent an hour going around changing all the clocks, timers, cameras etc etc to the new time, I don't think we gain an hour at all!

Thankfully the one thing I don't have to touch is my organisers... oh and a handful of things that do get their time signals from the internet or radio time standard transmitters.

It also reminds me that the end of the year is approaching and I need to get my inserts printed for 2016. I will start on my A5 ones this weekend I think.

Naturally it's Friday so feel free to discuss anything ring bound planner related. Have a pleasant weekend where ever you are.

22 October 2015

Philofaxy at 10 years old - Chimwemwe - Amanda

Coming up at the end of next week is the 10th anniversary of Philofaxy, on 31st October 2005 the first posts appeared on-line starting with 'In the beginning'

As you know since that day the blog has grown beyond everyones expectations in to a worldwide community.

To help us celebrate this milestone we have asked and invited people to submit posts, the first of them is published today. Please read how your small donations all help such a wonderful charity.

Philofaxy and Chimwemwe

Philofaxy has been a great supporter of Chimwemwe for many years. You may have seen the logo on the sidebar and the request to make a donation if you are advertising items for sale on the Philofaxy adspot pages, but who or what is Chimwemwe?

Who are we?

Chimwemwe is short for Chimwemwe Children’s Centre, which is a Community Based Organisation (CBO), registered in Malawi. Our goal is to help homeless and poverty-afflicted children to get off the streets and back into a safe, supportive community and to be able to go to school and enjoy a childhood.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world (over 60% of the population live below the poverty line of $1 per day) and it has one of the lowest rates of adult literacy, with less than 15% of adults having completed secondary education. The country is also affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, with an estimated 25% of the urban population affected.

Chimwemwe works with some of the street children of Blantyre, the second largest city in Malawi. Children arrive on to the streets for a variety of reasons, but most of them have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS. There is an extended family system in Malawi where many orphaned children move into the care of their relatives. Whilst this can work out, it can also put an enormous burden on to the family, who may have been struggling to manage even before the arrival of more children. Many of them cannot manage the extra costs of sending the children to school, and some cannot manage the extra costs of feeding them. Instead of sending the children to school, they are sent onto the streets to beg. In some instances, the girls have been sent onto the streets as prostitutes.

I helped to set up Chimwemwe in 2009 after a chance meeting with Mac Nkhutabasa, the project manager, in Johannesburg airport, while on my way to Malawi. We got chatting in the airport and on a subsequent visit, I met the street-kids with Mac and then worked with Mac to help Chimwemwe Children’s Centre to become a reality.

What do we do?
Chimwemwe has four main projects:
To ensure children have a safe and secure place to live
To assist children back into education
To help the children to enjoy a childhood
To support the communities to try and stem the flow of children on to the streets
A safe and secure place to live:
The best place for a child is in a safe, loving, supportive environment and we work with the families and local communities to house the child with them wherever possible. For those children for which this is not possible (abuse in the family; no family remaining etc.) we work with local orphanages and ‘foster families’ to accommodate the children. We also ensure that each child has at least one good meal a day.

Schooling in Malawi can be haphazard. Primary schooling is compulsory but not enforced, and secondary schooling is neither compulsory nor free. To go to school, children need to have a uniform, even for primary schools. If their family can’t afford to buy uniforms the children don’t go to school. Orphans don’t have a hope of being able to buy a uniform, far less of finding fees for secondary school. Chimwemwe works with families and communities to help support the children to return to school. Often, just providing the uniforms is enough to allow an extended family to cope with extra children.

Nicholas has made the new uniforms for Prisca and Agnes

Since gaining CBO status in 2009, we have bought hundreds of uniforms, we are paying the secondary school fees for the older children and we are providing educational materials to the schools and to the children to support their learning – exercise books, textbooks, stationery etc.

We also work with the older children who are about to leave school, to help them to gain vocational training. The oldest boy in the project, Nicholas, has completed training to become a tailor (a thriving business in Malawi where most people do not buy ‘off the peg’ clothes in stores, but have tailors make their clothes for them). Chimwemwe will also help Nicholas with a start-up grant which will help him to pay rent on a shop, buy material, threads, buttons etc. and provide him with a sewing machine so that he is set up with a business and can become independent.

Nicholas and his sewing machine
Having a Childhood:
For many street children, the idea of a childhood where you can play is just an idea, not reality. From the start, we have given the children a safe environment in which to play, whether it is football mini-leagues, space to play bao (a very popular local board game), for them to run around playing ‘tag’ or any number of other games. Often all that is needed is some space and some adults present to ensure the children are safe, and maybe some water and snacks for afterwards.

Supporting the Communities:
We have provided money to families and communities to help them to start income-generating activities (including buying a father a sewing machine so that he could start his own tailoring business to support his family) and we have helped to set up community gardens for growing vegetables. We also work with the communities to raise awareness of the rights of the child and to provide education about health (including HIV awareness).

Saidi with the sewing machine which allowed him to set up his own business    
Our most recent big project has been to build a community centre where the children can go for life-lessons, play, homework clubs and vocational training. It is also a safe place that the children can call theirs – which may sound very simple, but for a street-kid who owns very little, can be hugely important.

How has Philofaxy helped?
Philofaxy has been a huge supporter of Chimwemwe for many years, helping us to raise money for these projects and awareness of the life of these children. The money raised through Philofaxy has allowed us to buy uniforms, provide the children with food and education, build the centre and buy them toys at Christmas, but perhaps almost as importantly, it has let the children know that lots of people care about them. Living on the streets is a lonely, scary life. You can’t trust anyone. You will get robbed, beaten, abused, ignored... for these kids, knowing that people right across the world are concerned about their plight and willing to help means an enormous amount. It has given them hope and support in their darkest times. There is a huge difference between feeling alone and with no-one and nothing for support, to feeling that there are people out there who care and who will try to help. I cannot thank Philofaxy and its readers enough, for the kindness and support that they have shown over the years.

Thank you Amanda for the update on the work you have been doing with Chimwemwe. 

In addition to the donations you make direct, when you purchase via links on Philofaxy to Amazon and other stores we make an annual donation equal to the commission we earn from those purchases via Philofaxy. Thank you for your continued support. 

21 October 2015

Other A6 page size combinations.

Naturally I often wonder what other pages sizes will fit a particular size organiser or particular ring spacing.

So what other size pages fit an A6 organiser?

Well apart from A6 I've so far found the following.

Filofax Pocket size will fit on to the rings.

So will Filofax Mini size.

Cut A6 size paper in half and you get A7 size, naturally this will fit A6 when punched with just three holes in each page.

Which leads me on to Filofax M2 size. M2 is 103 x 64 mm, similar to Filofax Mini which is 67 x 105 but landscape not portrait. So you can fit two M2 pages which are also three rings to an A6 organiser with a convenient gap between the pages. So a Filofax M2 would not only make a great wallet but also a notebook with pages you can easily store/transfer/archive in your A6 size organiser.

What about A6 paper in other sizes?

Oddly you would think A6 would fit A5, sadly not, the ring spacing doesn't match up at all apart from the top three holes.

So to get this to work the 6th hole would have to be a slotted hole, that would work if you wanted to mix A5 and A6 pages in an A5 organiser.

Can I fit A6 spacing rings in to a Personal Filofax?

Initially this question peaked my interest, I thought ok A6 is 10mm wider than Personal size so the pages will not easily fit the existing rings if punched for personal spacing rather than A6 spacing.

However, I then had the idea of taking a personal size with 30mm rings and fitting it with 20mm rings  but A6 spacing ones. The reduced ring size would give us back some extra room for the wider paper. Although the paper being 23 mm shorter in height might look a little odd, it had to be investigated.... because that's the sort of thing I do, right?

Sadly it doesn't have a happy ending and here is why...

As you can see the mounting points are in different locations on the base plates, so unless you changed the base plates inside the organiser you can not fit A6 rings in a Personal.

I even tried fitting the A6 ring halves to the Personal base plate. Yes they fit, but you can't get the tabs to work or the top cover to fit because that fits over the base plate. If you modified the top cover to fit it would leave the Personal base plate exposed at each end. Not very pretty and it is also quite sharp metal.

I always like my modifications to look original, be reversible and not de-value the organiser in anyway.

19 October 2015

A5 Minimalist Week View Diary Insert

Creative Commons License
This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but do not charge or use commercially.

We often get requests for new inserts from readers, some are easier to create than others. We do not offer a custom service for one offs any more, it takes too much time and effort to do.

However, occasionally a request arrives in our in-box were we can see the merit of the insert that has been requested and it seems worthwhile spending the time on because we feel that others might like the sort of layout suggested.

This request was one such that I was able to create quite quickly. It is basically an adaption of one of our existing layouts. It simplifies the existing Vertical Week View layout by quite a bit so it was fairly easy to create.

The complicated part is in the top of the pages, so that was left as it was and the adaption is in the rest of the page, taking out the lines and leaving three simple plain boxes for Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, no lines to restrict how big or small you write things in those boxes.

No shading has been applied, you can do that yourself if you wish by adapting the file from the source files.

You can download finished versions for this year from our diary inserts page

The source files are also available you will need both the Word file and the Excel File.

For details on printing these files please see this previous post on Printing Diary Inserts.

18 October 2015

Reader Under The Spotlight - Abby

Today I would like to introduce you to Abby. 

Hello, I'm Abby, and I'm a doctor training in public health and addiction medicine. I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband, who is also a doctor and training to be a surgeon. I started using a bullet journal to keep me organised at work but found that a planner, with the ability to add/remove/reorder/design inserts as you like, was way more flexible, and pandered to my liking for stationery and craft-y things. It also helps me manage our slightly crazy life with us working two rosters in two different hospitals in two cities!

1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it?

I bought my first organiser about a year ago. It was a red Filofax Pocket Metropol.

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?

I thought about a custom Van der Spek but in the end went for something from Gillio.

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?

Definitely my Gillio Pocket Compagna in epoca red. It has everything I need and nothing I don't, and is my favourite shade of red.

4. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own?

Only one other, a Filofax Pocket Classic also in red (do you see a pattern here?!) which holds pages that have my on-call notes on them. To be honest I would have sold it but it had such terrible peeling problems I don't think anyone would buy it! I sold the Pocket Metropol so I only have two in total.

5. What is the oldest organiser in your collection?

The Filofax Classic.

6. What do you use your organisers for?

The Filofax just holds on-call notes. The Gillio goes with me every day and I use it to plan out my to-dos for the day mostly. It also has lists and info that I find useful to have with me day to day.

7. How many sections do you have in your organiser and what is each section used for?

I have five sections: 
  1. Calendar, 
  2. Diary, 
  3. Lists, 
  4. Notes
  5. Info. 
In the Calendar section I keep a month on one page calendar (printed from Philofaxy) - I'm still trying to figure out how to make best use of this (anyone got any tips?). 
The Diary section has about a month's worth of day on one page inserts (currently from Filofax, but I'll start using Philofaxy 2 days per page from January) which I write my daily appointments, on call shifts and to-dos on each day. At the back of the section I have my Monthly Goals list, which I try to finish each month (sort of like resolutions). 
The Lists section contains my Wishlist of things I might like to buy, a list of the opening hours of some of my favourite stores, the prompt list for Mrs Brimbles' October Instagram challenge, which I'm doing as my first ever Instagram photo challenge, the calorie counts for my favourite drinks from Starbucks and Gloria Jeans, and a tracker for taking the stairs (I'm trying to choose the stairs 125 times before the end of the year...) 
The Notes section is mainly for scribbling and notes on the go. 
The Info section has a list of bus, train and plane times (my husband is working in Albury-Wodonga for six months so I fly there every weekend), a list of the assessments that I have to complete for specialist training, some other training related information like revision topics for the final exam, a list of birthdays and some health information.

8. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?

That I can take the pages out if I change my mind, don't need them anymore, or mess them up!

9. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

Definitely at least one secretarial pocket, and a zip pocket.

10. How do you carry your Filofax?

I shouldn't do this, but I just chuck it in my handbag. That would account for the battle scar that it's already got!

11. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

Not from Filofax, but I am intrigued by the new A6 Compagna from Gillio. I'm not sure if it's too big for my needs though.

12. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax or other brand of organiser? Which model?

I spent the most on my Gillio, not sure how much it was... around the 165 Euro mark?

13. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?

If you want to store Post-Its or page flags but don't have room on a flyleaf, get a piece of thin card that will fit in a card slot, fold it in half and stick one half to the back of your Post-Its/page flags. Stick the other half in the card slot, voila!

14. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?

I love the free printable inserts, now that I've got the hang of using a set square and craft knife to cut them out accurately!

15. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?


16. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?

Come With Me (Ricky Martin)

17. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day?

No, but I would love to!

18. What was the last movie you watched?

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (on TV)

19. What was the last book you read?

Nine Dragons (Michael Connelly)

Thank you Abby.

As you know we are always looking for new people to appear in our 'Reader Under Spotlight feature, you don't have to be 'well known' or a long term user to be considered to appear in this 'spot'.

So please contact Steve philofaxy at gmail dot com today. Thank you.

17 October 2015

Web Finds - 17 October 2015

So I hope you have had a good week.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet, so grab a drink and make yourself for our weekly round-up.

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
  1. Reader Under The Spotlight - Hope
  2. Addresses in your organiser
  3. Free For All Tuesday No. 245
  4. Larger pages in your A6 organiser
  5. Experienced User - Paige
  6. Free for All Friday No. 361 by Nan
So here are the latest Filofax and other brand blog posts from around the Internet. Don't forget to leave a comment on the posts you enjoyed reading, all bloggers enjoy getting comments.
  1. Filofax Insert for 2016 - Bgoetz
  2. [31 Day 10] My Favorite Tool - Planner Fun
  3. A5 purple Gillio Mia Cara - This Bug's Life
  4. How I Make My Grocery List & Menu - Homemakers Daily
  5. Time management Monday: Using planners together - Quo Vadis Blog
  6. My Filofaxes: Personal Dark Aqua Original - A Random English Life
  7. Creating Goodies for your planner - Mrs Brimbles
  8. The Ultimate List of New Ways to Use a Planner - Giftie Etcetera
  9. Filofax Henley in personal size - This Bug's Life
  10. [31 Days #11] Feeling Overwhelmed? Try a Daily Plan - Planner Fun
  11. Planner Review | The Happy Planner | 2015 – 2016 - Pretty Neat Living
  13. My Filofaxes: Personal Jack Original - A Random English Life 
  14. Van Der Spek Purple Touch Me standard size binder and pencil case - This Bug's Life
  15. 7 Signs That Your Calendar is Overbooked - Time Management Ninja
  16. This Lovely Little Planner Set *FREEBIE* - Live Love Planners
  17. [31 Days #12] Week on Two Pages Tweak - Planner Fun
  18. Monthly Planning In The New Undated Happy Planner - Studio L2e
  19. Ring organisers in For Better or Worse - This Bug's Life
  20. Filofax Swap 5 – A Classy Attempt! - Lime Tree Fruits
  21. What is Periscope & Plannerscope -My Purpley Life
  22. How Productive People Actually Get Stuff Done - Giftie Etcetera
  23. [31 Days #14] The Importance of a System for Successful Planning by Giftie Etcetera - Planner Fun
  24. How to Balance Your Time Budget  - Homemakers Daily
  25. Quick post: Using Pineider, and Happy mail - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  26. Mrs Brimbles photo challenge - week two - She's Eclectic
  27. Filofax: Your Perfect Layout - A Random English Life 
  28. Guest Post: The Importance of a Planner System - Giftie Etcetera
  29. Stop Overscheduling your Day with these Tips - Strange and Charmed
  30. Unboxing my new planner from kikosatctic - Love All Planners
  31. Why I Switched to a Vertical Planner Layout // Personal Sized - Five Sixteenths Blog
  32. Setting up my planner for Halloween - Mrs Brimbles
  33. How to Trick Your Teen or Preteen to Get Organized With a Planner - Giftie Etcetera
  34. How to use a planner: a guide for new users - Quo Vadis Blog
  35. [31 Days #16] Mini Daily Page Insert [printable] - Planner Fun
  36. Comparison: Guildford vs Portland - Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind
  • We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Do not forget to give your posts a title... 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • For some general tips on Filofax Blogging, please see this post
We are on the look out for more people to take part in Reader Under the Spotlight. If you would like to appear in this feature then please contact Steve : philofaxy at gmail dot com  Thank you.

And here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. University Filofax Set-up October 2015 - Katebtps
  2. La mia filofax - vino_art limo
  3. Gillio Mia Cara Setup feat. DIYFish V5S2 - PaperandPink
  4. Setup von meinem Filofax Cover Story Flamingo, Pocket ! - wildrose1975
  5. Plannerlove ♥ Filofax Decoration - Week 42 - "Green Autumn" - missPurplemint
  6. Personal Filofax Planner Setup - Wendaful
  7. Filofax A5 Finsbury and Filofax Notebook Pocket size - Amy Marie
  8. Spacchettiamo e allestiamo insieme la Filofax Butterfly - Perfect Planner02
  9. Filofax Personal Calipso as Wallet & Food Diary - Rachel Dunaway
  10. {Filofax} Setup in Four Rings Pocket Filofax - Planner and Wallet - DarkLittlePeople
  11. Filofax Setup: A5 Calipso for Business - Nackie
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. PINK FLOWERS - Letters in November 
  2. Weekly Post #131 - Miss Mae's Adventures
  3. My Week #41 - Polkadotparadiso
  4. My week #182 - Paper Lovestory
  5. Week 41 - The CC collection
  6. My Week #41 (2015) - Joanny White
  7. My Week #42 - Polkadotparadiso
  8. Weekly Post #132 - Miss Mae's Adventures
  9. Pumpkin Picking? - This weeks pages - Mrs Brimbles
  10. Weekly Post #133 - Miss Mae's Adventures

16 October 2015

Free for All Friday No. 361 by Nan

Lately I've found I have multiple concerns in my life -- work, family, two different volunteer organizations. Since I use 1 day-per-page, I can fit it all on one page, but I've found it helpful to use different colors -- blue for anything personal or family, red for work, green for volunteer. In the past, I've kept different concerns in different organizers or sections.

What's your favorite solution for delineating multiple areas your life in your organizer?

Of course, since it's Friday, free-for-all discussion is welcome, too!

15 October 2015

Experienced User - Paige

Thank you Paige for sharing how she uses her organiser. 

My name is Paige Zinn and I am 46 years old. I live in Chapel Hill, NC, and I run a healthcare marketing firm.  I have a husband and two children. My daughter, Parker, is 13 years old. My son, Orlando, is 11 years old.

I love calligraphy; I collect fountain pens; and I enjoy spending my time organizing and planning my house and my life.

Thank you for allowing me to answer your questions. I am a recent fan of Philofaxy and always look forward to my email alerting me of a new post.

1. When did you start using an organiser?

I purchased my first Filofax in 1989 at a local retailer here in Chapel Hill. They were the only place that offered Filofax, and they had a beautiful display of planners and inserts. I purchased the Filofax in anticipation of a semester long trip to Europe my junior year in College. I loved that I could keep all my important documents in one beautiful leather planner.

2. How has your use of an organiser changed over the years?

I have definitely gone through cycles. I used a personal sized planner for work/school obligations during college and the first few years of working. However, once I had children, I increased the size of my planners. I started with the Daytimer desk version and wire bound calendar and diaries. That worked for a while, but I thought the calendars were a bit dull looking, and there was no ability to customize my inserts. And the desk size was too large to carry around.

I then went to an A4 size a few years later and have collected 9 or so Filofax planners in that size, as well as a few other brands. It worked for many years, but now I am at a point in my life where I want something smaller. I recently purchased a Filofax personal size in The Original. I have included a few photos of how I use it.  I am actually using some of the inserts from my first Filofax in this new one (the calendar bookmark & the business card holders). I think the quality of the inserts from 1989 are much better than the current offerings. I’ve also placed an order for the raspberry Finsbury in the personal size. I love the color and the feel of the leather.

3. Which diary format works best for you and why?

As I mentioned above, the personal size is my preferred choice right now. I love that I can throw it in my purse and not have to worry about it.

4. What other information do you keep and maintain in your organiser.

As one of my photo shows, I love that I can plan projects in my planner. Currently, I have two projects: Thanksgiving dinner (we are hosting) and my Christmas shopping list. And I live by the calendar. I use the one day per page layout. I used to use the day on two pages format, but that is unnecessary and a waste of space.

5. Do you use a 'system' of organisation, and how does it work in your Filofax?

Yes, all of my appointments go in the hour by hour calendar. The other side of the page is used for my work and personal todos. I put my work todos on the top of the page, and my personal todos go on the bottom of the page.

For longer term projects, I use the “projects” section of my Filofax. Currently, my two projects are my Thanksgiving todos (we are hosting 20+ people) and my Christmas shopping list.

For personal notes, I use the “notes” section of my Filofax. Currently, this includes things I don’t want to forget/books I want to read/etc.

I also keep all pertinent business cards (things I access regularly) in my Filofax.

6. What routines and structures do you use?

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this question, but my Filofax stays open throughout my day. I
look at it regularly to stay on track and make sure I attend to the priorities of the day. Once a task is complete, I mark through it. I love it when a day has all the tasks marked through. I also use a highlighter to note when a call has been made, but not returned.

7. Do you use one binder or several, and if several, how do you use them?

I only use one planner at a time. I use it for all aspects of my life - my husband’s appts, my appts (personal and work-related), my children’s appts, as well as family obligations. If I used more than one planner, I’m afraid I would lose track of things. I like to see everything in one place.

Thank you Paige.

If you would like to take part in this series please email steve@philofaxy.com and mark your email 'Experienced Filofax User'