12 February 2025

Video Web Finds - Wednesday 12 February 2025

I hope you have had a good weekend.

Now it is time to enjoy a great collection of videos from around the internet.

Here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. Odds & Ends - writerlywitterings
  2. Rings: Are they still working? - Plan With April
  3. A5 Budget Plan With Me Moterm Planner - MyLifeReBranded
  4. Mail time 69 - Vintage Filofax Winchester - Flatability
  5. The 5 Minute Daily Planning Sequence - Carl Pullein 
  6. DIY planner divider tabs●pocket ring, 6, watercolor - naokiroku
  7. 2025 Planner Setup & Flip Through | Self-Made Inserts | Minimal & Functional Productivity - Laura Jane
  8. This week's releases & restocks (week of February 10 , 2025) - Gillio Firenze
  9. Setting up my A5 Van Der Spek Stardust planner for Work - MyLifeReBranded
  10. Plan With Me! Week of February 10th | Franklin Covey Compact - Buy Sell Plan Inc.
  11. February Setup || 2025 || Personal Rings || Functional Planning System || DAY-TIMER || Flip - Life With MJB
  12. Plan With Me || Franklin Classic || Feb. 10 - 16th, 2025 || Chestnut Vintage Aurora - Sandra Dahl
  13. Using Multiple A5 Planners featuring Moterm/Filofax/VDS and LV GM Agendas - MyLifeReBranded
  14. Podcast 40 - TK Max, Public Image, MeePlus, Plotter, Moleskine, Filofax, and more - Flatability 
  15. February DETAILED Flip Thru | FCC Compact Inserts | Moterm Luxe 2.0 Dune | Functional Planner - My Moxie Dreams
  16. How I Plan My Life  | Inside My Personal Filofax Lockwood (EDC Planner Flip-Through) - Olga | Gilded Plans
  17. How to Balance Work and Personal Tasks - Alexis aka MissTrenchcoat
  18. Setting up a personal wallet and everyday carry in my medium Van Der Spek Touch me - MyLifeReBranded
  19. February Filofax Fest: Planner Setups - One Crafty Dolo
  20. Filofax Ring Planners | January Flip + February Setup - page of h.
  21. Switching from Personal size to Pocket size! Filofax rings planner adventure - minimalish.journal
  22. Así finalizamos Enero 2025 | Planner Filofax - Joana Lizeth
  23. 2025 için yeni ajandam / A5 Filofax Norfolk Sage 6 Ring - DerleToplaCalkala
  24. How I Designed My Commonplace Planner to Stay Focused + Productive | Filofax Setup 2025 - tonianne
  25. February Functional Planning Pages - My Nomad Planner
  26. Adjusting My Planning System | Moving My Inbox to My A5 Filofax Malden - Yesterday on Paper
  27. Is a Filofax still a useful EDC item in 2025? - Accoutrements
  28. Planea conmigo Febrero 2025| Filofax Planner - Joana Lizeth
  29. Filofax Pocket | Planner Setup - Nicole Danielle
  30. Plan with me | Filofax Wochendeko KW 06 2025 | heartsfailing - Heartsfailing
  31. Filofax A5 rings set up and a quick Feb 2025 check in - Tuxedoplans
  32. Mini Malden Filofax Ready For Valentines - I’ve Kept An Agenda
  33. FEBRUARY THEME | Week 7 FC Compact | FCC Weekly Reset & PWM | Chatty - My Moxie Dreams
  34. Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Filofax organisers or similar, please let us know. (steve at philofaxy dot com) Alternatively ensure your video contains 'Filofax' or 'Rings' in the title or description. 
  • Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed and mention you saw a link on Philofaxy. 
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
  • Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
  • Follow Philofaxy on Threads
  • Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky

Follow Philofaxy on Threads   Follow Philofaxy on Facebook   Follow MrPhilofaxy on Instagram Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky Follow Philofaxy on Reddit  Follow Philofaxy on YouTube

11 February 2025

Free For All Tuesday - No. 732

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment. 

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.

If you are commenting below, please include your first name at the end of the comment. Thank you. 

10 February 2025

Dates for your diary - Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February

We are going to run some more 'Virtual Meet Ups' everyone is welcome.

When? - Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February 2025 at the following time:
  • Los Angeles 8:00 am, 
  • Denver 9:00 am
  • Dallas 10:00 am, 
  • New York 11:00am, 
  • London 4:00 pm 
  • Paris 5:00 pm etc.  
Join in on both days if you wish. 

Do not worry if you aren't available at the start of the session each one lasts 1-2 hours, so pop up when you are available and say hello.

Where? - an on-line chat using Skype. with voice and video (if you wish). If you aren't already in our participants list you need to contact Philofaxy before you come on line on the day of the chat. You can do this at any time. Please try to ensure that your Skype user name is the same as your actual name this will greatly assist in us being able to add you to the group. 
Because of unwanted people we are no longer able to give out a join here link. 

What do I need? - just a micro-phone and some head phones(in ear phones work fine) and a free Skype account. Using headphones or earphone reduces 'echo' on the call. Video is optional, but a most of us will be on video as well.

Who - Serious organiser users only.  We are no longer able to allow just anyone to join these chats due to the disruption caused by fake profiles on previous chats. You also need to be known to us in some way or other before we will permit you to join the chat. 

If you need any assistance setting up Skype, please pop a comment in this post and I will try and help you get one line. Skype is free for computer to computer calls....

Hope to be chatting with you on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February 2025.


08 February 2025

Web Finds - Saturday 8 February 2025

It is time to enjoy a few blog posts from around the internet, grab a drink and make yourself comfortable for our weekly round-up.

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
  1. Web Finds - Saturday 1 February 2025
  2. Silent Sunday
  3. Highlights for January 2025
  4. Free For All Tuesday - No. 731
  5. Video Web Finds - Wednesday 5 February 2025
  6. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Plannerverse - Episode 135 - The Bullet Journal
  7. Free For All Friday No 848 by Laurie
Here are the latest Filofax and other brand blog posts from around the Internet. Don't forget to leave a comment on the posts you enjoyed reading, all bloggers enjoy getting comments.
  1. How to fix rings in old Filofax Tejus - Filofax
  2. VDS 2-6% price increase on February 17 - Blog Vdsshop
  3. Where to buy dot grid refill paper (unpunched or punched for discbound planners and notebooks) - All About Planners
  4. ISO a Personal Purple Malden - Filofax
  5. 10 Time Management Hacks to Balance Work and Life Without Feeling Overwhelmed - Strange & Charmed
  6. Make a Self-Care Plan to Replenish Your Energy - Blog – Day Designer
  7. Applying Habit 2 (pg. 152-166) - FranklinPlanner Talk
  8. A4 Clipbook Hole Punch - Filofax
  9. Black & Orange release & restock - Gillio
  10. Planner Newbie? Here’s how to get started! - Sam Alderson
  11. How often do they restock the Personal size Burgundy Malden? - Filofax
  12. How to Juggle Work, Personal Life, and Other Key Priorities Without Feeling Overwhelmed - Strange & Charmed
  13. Episode #296: Put Your GTD Skills to the Test - Getting Things Done
  14. A5 Page Protectors? - Filofax
  15. Link Love: Happy Lunar New Year! - The Well-Appointed Desk
  16. Web Finds – 5 February 2025 - Travellers Notebook Times
  17. Your blog post could appear here. Please let us know if you have a blog that features ring bound organisers.
  • Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Philofaxy. Thank you
  • We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
  • Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
  • Follow Philofaxy on Threads
  • Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky


Follow Philofaxy on Threads   Follow Philofaxy on Facebook   Follow MrPhilofaxy on Instagram Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky Follow Philofaxy on Reddit  Follow Philofaxy on YouTube

07 February 2025

Free For All Friday No 848 by Laurie

A5 Boston Filofax in Ultraviolet
What's new in my Filofax:

A list of fun places to go and things to do on weekends: My husband and I are still getting used to being empty-nesters and not having our weekends taken up with kid-related activities. Often we spend Saturday morning going back and forth: "What do you want to do this weekend?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" 

So now I capture ideas when we think of them, like going to the big antique shop to look for stained glass hangings, or that nature area where we haven't gone for a walk in a long time. Then when it's the weekend I just look at my list and pick something fun to do!

Stuff I like: I created a tabbed section where I can capture random things I like. I have a page for Quotes, and a page for Random Interest (for example: the word tsundoku in Japanese means buying books and letting them pile up, often unread. Which is something I do a lot!). 

I also have pages for books and shows I enjoyed. Not to be read or to be watched, but what I did read or watch that I liked. 

This section full of Things I Like is really nice to look through, and sparks inspiration about what else I'll like. 

What's new in your Filofax?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/ or discuss anything ring binder organiser related!

06 February 2025

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Plannerverse - Episode 135 - The Bullet Journal

If you have ideas for future episodes, please send them to steve at philofaxy dot com

Show Notes (timings approximate)
00:15 - Introductions.
02:15 - Ryder Carroll first video [1] [2]
04:00 - As detailed as you want it to be. 
05:25 - How to plan your week effectively - Video [3]
07:00 - Adapting your system. 
07:15 - Zen to Done Website. [4]
09:00 - Indexing is key. 
10:30 - The order of tasks
12:30 - The Franklin Covey method of planning. [7]
16:00 - Health recording. 
19:00 - Highs and Lows of weeks/months.
20:30 - Reduce the chaos.
23:00 - Capturing targets and goals.
25:50 - Colour coding and highlighting.
29:30 - Time Blocking

  1. Bullet Journal [Video]
  2. Ryder Carroll on The Bullet Journal Method | EXCLUSIVE | PlannerCon Europe 2019 [Video]
  3. How to Plan Your Week Effectively [Video]
  4. Zen to Done
  5. Bullet Journal [Video Channel]
  6. Latest Bullet Journal Videos on You Tube
  7. Franklin Covey Planner Training Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
  8. Philofaxy Bullet Journal Inserts [Link]
  9. Why are we failing to keep up with our Bullet Journal - Rediscover Analog
A direct download of this episode is available here: Episode135.mp3

Presenters - Steve Morton & Karine Tovmassian
Editing and production - Steve Morton
Gongs - Karine Tovmassian

Our Websites:
Karine: Plannerology, TheAyurvedic , IG: Karine Tovmassian TheAyurvedicInc
Steve: Philofaxy, Travellers Notebook Times,  IG: Mr PhilofaxySteve Morton Book: File of Facts

Naturally we would love to hear your feedback on the podcast. If you use iTunes please gives us your rating or reviews of the podcast.

If you want a quick link to all the podcasts remember: https://philofaxy.com/podcast/

Remember if you have liked this podcast, don't forget to like it, subscribe to it and share the podcast.

Previous Episodes:

134 - The Return

133 - Comfort Zones

132 - Priorities
131 - Wearables
130 - Tasks.
129 - Self-Care, Meditation and Morning Routines
128 - Guest Interview - Lisa Lewis - Procrastination Part 2
127 - Guest Interview - Lisa Lewis - Procrastination Part 1
126 - Planner Fail?
125 - Vintage
124 - The Duelling Debate of Paper vs. Digital
123 - Choosing a planner
122 - How to Get Motivated When There is No Motivation

121 - Tips To Feel Healthier At Home
120 - Analogue Tools in our Digital World
119 - Real Life vs Planner Life?
118 - Guest Interview - Jena Peebles - The Pixel Artist and Her Planner
117 - Habits
116 - How To Turn Any Planner Into A Franklin Covey System Planner
115 - Developing Values for Advance Planning
114 - Habit Tracking
113 - Update and Tasks (short episode)
112 - Turning any planner in to a productivity planner
111 - The Pocket Planner - The most underrated size?
110 - Your Life All in One Place
109 - Project Planning: From Start to Finish
108 - How to Plan for 2021 despite 2020

107 - Questions and Answers Session for Steve and Karine.
106 - Practical ways to get yourself out of a funk while using your planner.
105 - Time Management for those that are being managed by time.
104 - Planning for a medical emergency.
103 - Trust the process.
102 - The Return.
101 - The Mighty Little Checklist: The Unsung Hero of Success
100 - What do we use every day?
99 - Some Day May Be
98 - Transform Your Productivity
97 - Getting out of Stuck


96 - Minimalist Planning.
95 - How to take your planning to the next level.
94 - Mission and Vision Statements
93 - How to plan your year in advance
92 - Workflows
91 - How to plan in a week that is already a busy one.
90 - Avoiding mistakes in planning
89 - Refocus
88 - When Your Plans or Goals Don't Work Out
87 - Decluttering Your Life - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
86 - Accessories for your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
85 - Journaling -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
84 - Workflows - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


83 - Routines - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
82 - Productivity 201 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
81 - Planner Sizes - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
80 - Do you have too many planners? - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
79 - Improving Your Planning Productivity - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
78 - Ten reasons why you have stopped planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
77 - Letting Your Planner Take The Strain - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
76 - The Franken Flex - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
75 - Decluttering - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
74 - Engagement - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
73 - Reflection and Review - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
72 - Organisation - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
71 - Clarification - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
70 - Capture - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
69 - How to do nothing - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
68 - Changes - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
67 - Tones versus Pulses - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


66 - Planning and Execution - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
65 - The Power of Habit - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
64 - Planning for the end of the year - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
63 - Planning For Unexpected Life Events - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
62 - Staying in two sizes of planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
61 - Staying in one size of planner. - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
60 - Functional Planning - Macro and Micro Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
59 - PlannerCon Europe - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
58 - Speeding up by slowing down - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
57 - To Do Lists and Diary Pages -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
56 - Hints and Tips on making planner videos - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
55 - Keeping up to date - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
54 - Interview with Jennifer Powell at PlannerCon - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
53 - Conferences and Meet Ups - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
52 - The Magic of Contextualising Your Life - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
51 - Guest Interview - Rose Orchard - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
50 - Organising your significant other - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
49 - Creating the ultimate planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
48 - Getting past New Years resolutions - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
47 - How to understand being a planner newbie - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
46 - Buying and Selling 101 - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
45 - A5 or A6 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
44 - End of Year - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


43 - Digital Planning vs Analogue Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
42 - Planning vs Organising - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
41 - Short and Long Term Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
40 - Good and Bad Planner Habits - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
39 - Tackling Planner Size Change - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
38 - Self-Improvement or Personal Development - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
37 - What is productivity anyway - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
36 - The Planner Community - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
35 - Wellness Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
34 - Listeners Question - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
33 - Pens and other writing instruments - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
32 - Proper storage, care and shipping of planners, rings etc - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
31 - Guest Interview - Louise Umeki - Plannercon 2017 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
30 - Form Following Function -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
29 - Seasonal To Do Lists - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
28 - Making and keeping annual goals - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
27 - Organising the family - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
26 - Guest interview - Theresa Hall - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
25 - Guest interview - Ray Blake - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
24 - Defining the important things from the urgent things - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
23 - Guest interview with Rita Sedani - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
22 - Printing your own inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
21 - How to derail your planning system by over thinking - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
20 - Digital devices/services and your analogue planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
19 - What To Keep In Your 'Others' Tab - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
18 - Zombie Apocalypse Preparation - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
17 - Managing Finances In Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
16 - Planning for those of us who actually can't live without planning, with guest co-host Carie Harling - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
15 - Automation NirvanaA5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
14 - Work Life Balance and Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
13 - GTD Productivity And Using Your Paper Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
12 - Job Seeking and Keeping - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
11 - Planner Fail -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
10 - Planner Hacks - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
9 - Planner Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
8 - Choosing Inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
7 - How do you carry your planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
6 - Planners on the go - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
5 - Why would you pay more than the price of a Filofax? - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
4 - Using Your Planner To Create Permanent Habit Changes - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
3 - Getting on with two or more planners - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
2 - Where to start your planning journey and why - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
1 - What size and why....  - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


05 February 2025

Video Web Finds - Wednesday 5 February 2025

I hope you have had a good weekend.

Now it is time to enjoy a great collection of videos from around the internet.

Here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. January Flip Through - Personal Rings - Dia Meraz
  2. Managing my Vintage Filofax Insert Collection - Flatability
  3. How's my planner doing? | january in the plotter mini - Arelle Dizon
  4. My Favourite Notebooks of 2025 - Carl Pullein
  5. Hot mom with her Planners - Nadia Jack 
  6. The best multipens for planning - Lethbridge Paper
  7. February Setup VDS JL Porpora - Planner fun and inspiration with Melissa
  8. 2025 A5 Planner Setup Cloth and Paper Contoured Planner - MyLifeReBranded
  9. Mail Time 68 - A vintage filofax and an interesting collection of inserts - Flatability
  10. New Weekly Inserts | Valentine’s Day GIVEAWAY - dr_alvaplans
  11. Plan With Me || Franklin Classic || February 3 - 9, 2025 || Chestnut Vintage Aurora & Cocoa Daisy - Sandra Dahl
  12. Unboxing●pocket size (mini 6) Ashford issue - naokiroku
  13. 8Lotus February 2025 Deluxe Box | Detailed Review | The Planner Aisle - The Planner Aisle
  14. This week's releases & restocks (week of February 3 , 2025) - Gillio Firenze
  15. A whole week in one video. Horizontal layout in a ring planner. - Plan With April
  16. Do You Need Digital Tools To Be Productive? #productivitytalk - Carl Pullein
  17. Week 5 FC Compact | FCC Weekly Reset & PWM | Chat about Rare Genetic Disease - My Moxie Dreams
  18. Plan with me in my personal rings planner - tori hopper plans
  19. Plan With Me || Franklin Classic || February 3 - 9, 2025 || Chestnut Vintage Aurora & Cocoa Daisy - Sandra Dahl 
  20. January Recap and February Goals - Buy Sell Plan Inc.
  21. Daily Planner Alignment Checklist - Alexis aka MissTrenchcoat 
  22. February Productivity Setup | 2025 Functional Planning - PlanTheGrind-SarahWheeler
  23. PLOTTER Update - Bible Size - Pueblo Leather - Real Talk - Stationery Shenanigans
  24. How I Make Planner Inserts - Filofax Personal Rings - Tori on paper
  25. Planner Chat | 5 Ways to Get Back on Track | Planning Restart - Sylvia With A Plan
  26. February Calendar Set-Up | A5 Planner | Filofax Good Vibes - Mariane Cresp
  27. Filofax Wochendeko KW 3 | ein bisschen Matcha und ein bisschen Declutter - plannerandotherthings
  28. Collage Tabs For My Mini Malden - I’ve Kept An Agenda
  29. Do you remember the Filofax - the ultimate 80s accessory? - Lucy McCarraher 
  30. My journaling system (that actually works)  - soggyrice3
  31. Plan with me | Filofax Wochendeko KW 04 2025 | heartsfailing - Heartsfailing
  32. Мои новые pocket-ы от Filofax - Астросплетница
  33. January planner update - journal projectz | personal rings | plotter | Filofax | moterm - Hungrygalstudios
  34. February 2025 plan with me!! - Life with Hope
  35. Filofax Norfolk Taupe personal planner unbox - Olgaplanner
  36. A month in A5 Filofax  | chill vlog | 6 ring binder | asmr vibes - Gloomy Nomad
  37. Plan With Me | February 2025 | A5 Rings - SillSil
  38. February Personal Rings Planner Setup | Gillio Medium Compagna Yale Blue - Randi Sullivan
  39. Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Filofax organisers or similar, please let us know. (steve at philofaxy dot com) Alternatively ensure your video contains 'Filofax' or 'Rings' in the title or description. 
  • Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed and mention you saw a link on Philofaxy. 
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
  • Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
  • Follow Philofaxy on Threads
  • Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky

Follow Philofaxy on Threads   Follow Philofaxy on Facebook   Follow MrPhilofaxy on Instagram Follow Philofaxy on BlueSky Follow Philofaxy on Reddit  Follow Philofaxy on YouTube